Character bio

Yatogami Asuka, Code name : Valkyrie 6

Hair colour : Dark Red (Under sunlight or strong emotion will turn Blood red colour)

Skin colour : Very White (Like snow)

Eye colour : One eye is Very Dark Red (Turn blood red under sunlight or strong emotion also and she covers her dark red eyes) while the other eye is Sky Blue

Hair Style : A high ponytail (Her hair reaches her waist, her fringe covers her right "Dark Red" eye while her blue eyes is not), She clips her fringe up later on of the story with a red and blue hair clip which is the same as her eye colour

Age : 16

Birthday : July 16 (same as me haha)

Height : 165 Cm+*(might grow a bit taller in the future, she is still growing)

Nationality : Japanese

Like : Animals, books, her God Arc, her hair style (she likes quiet places but is near impossible due to the various "interesting" people in The Den but she don't hate noisy people strangely) and she likes to sleep

Dislike : Loud Noise, Heat (weather) and hate being disturbed when she is doing something or trying to sleep

Personal Info:

She is typically a beautiful quiet young girl who mostly talk when only needed (she smiles time to time to respond to a person talking to her) and can be quite talkative if the correct topic is say. She likes her God Arc which is a long blade, Katana, she had learned from her father some self defence techniques and have a general idea on how to fight with a katana (her father is kind of like a samurai) plus she learns quickly which surprise some people and she is quick minded. She can cut her emotions for awhile but when she is alone she freaks out and even faint on her bed after Eric dies when she get back to her room. She is quite a charismatic person as despite her not talking to others that much, people still trusts her and befriend her quite easily and they listen to her orders obediently. She is a children of a normal family, her father works as a mechanic at The Den while her mother sew clothes to sell to others in a small shop in front of their house, she have several childhood friends and out of them only Asuka get selected as a God Eater. *Hint* People in The Den and her home street thinks that she looks beautiful when she hair band and hair clip is given to her by her first childhood friend as her birthday present as he say that her eyes are beautiful so she shouldn't cover her beautiful eyes.