So…uh…hi! How's everybody been? So my little hiatus I made for myself went from a couple weeks to a couple of months to six months, but hey I can't say that I am that sorry, I've been working on some projects, I'm in the process of revising my second book, my mafia series is back, and I actually had some time off from the both of them, and since the season premiere was last night I thought I could add something to the celebration.

Of course the whole hiatus they said they would come back lighter and less, how do you say it…tense? Anyways, we have happy Oliver and snuggly Felicity (very weird to get used to if you have seen every episode), a much more livelier big bad in Damien Dahrk which will bring some levity that Rah's Al Ghul didn't, so far so good, and then they transition Felicity getting pinned by Oliver into Oliver at funeral mourning someone…and their goes all that lightness, so now the whole season were going to have to think WHICH ONE IS GONNA DIE! I'm hoping this will be revealed by episode nine right before the winter break (always a good episode) and not linger on the whole season.

Do I make a list? Should I make a list? Fuck it lets make a list!

Top five of people who are in the casket

Thea – call it the curse of the red suit, plus explains her rage, goes too far, dies.

Felicity- everyone's fear of who it is, but remember…Lazarus Pit

Felicity and Oliver's unborn child- explains the transition, perhaps they conceived? Think Felcitiy would be there next to him if this was the case but it could happen.

Laurel- safest pick in terms of whose loss would least effect the show (I like Laurel, but let's be honest once Tommy died her character has never really recovered.)

Diggle- No!...but again Lazarus Pit

So onto the story my last Momento happened after 3x20, so I'm surprised they didn't really spend more time on the road trip, a lot still needed to be said between Oliver and Felicity so I thought this could be the conversation that they used to hash it out.

As always I do not own I just enjoy….


"I'm getting hungry," Felicity remarks as they drive along the coastal highway.

"Then we'll stop and get something to eat," Oliver smiles at the mere obviousness at it all, just a few days ago, stopping and getting something to eat would have been literally impossible, between helping Barry fight Reverse Flash, to pretending to be Al Sahim, to defeating Rah's Al Ghul. He hasn't literally been able to stop for anything.

"Please don't do Italian," Felicity remarks. Oliver looks over at her holding a smirk in the process, "Sorry bad joke." Oliver smiles as they find a small diner on the side of the road. They both order burgers, fries, and milkshakes, much like they used to do at Big Belly Burger.

"So does this count as a second date?" Oliver jokes.

"If that's so than I can't wait until the third," Felicity immediately catches her gaffe, "Not in that way, well maybe in that way, but not just for that, but for all of it, and when I mean all of it…"

Oliver places his hand over Felicity's calming her, and she sighs, "I missed that."

Oliver smiles again, "So did I."

Felicity then lets out an extended exhale, "Than why did you try to kill yourself?"

Oliver slumps in his booth, "Well there goes my happiness."

"Oliver, were running away together, I'm not going to leave you, but if you truly want to be happy than you need to get all the other things from the last six months out of your system."

Oliver inhales, "Fine, I felt that was the only way to defeat Rah's I didn't think I could actually beat him, so trapping him in a plane and sabotaging it felt like the only way I could contain him."

"You realize that you would have killed your new bride in the process?" Felicity reminds him.

"She knew what was taking place, I told her on our wedding night."

Felicity's eyes widen, "You wedding night? You had a wedding night with her, did you consummate?"

Oliver laughed, "No, I told her what was going on once we entered the suite, she loves Sara, and she felt that the only way to get her back was to join her, so she went along with the plan."

"Did you realize what would have happened if we found out that you killed yourself?"

Oliver begins rocking nervously in his booth, "I assumed that your connections with me were severed after what I did in Starling, I thought you would react the same way Diggle is, so I figured you would move on with Ray."

"I love you Oliver," now it's Felicity's turn to hold Oliver's hand, "From now on, I want you to never assume anything about my love for you, it will never waiver, I just want you to realize that I want to help save you, the same way you have saved me."

Oliver smiles, "You've already done that, you're my hero Felicity."

Felicity swallows her emotions to prevent herself from crying, their food arrives shortly after, as Felicity begins spreading ketchup on her toasted burger bun she smiles, "So how official is a Namda Parbat wedding? I mean my mom would be proud of me for going on another woman's honeymoon."

Oliver laughs, "Malcom Merlyn has already annulled it."

Felicity smiles, "Well good that clarifies everything."