Disclaimer: I do not own Love Live

It's my first time being a bodyguard. My name Ayase Eri and I'm currently heading to the Heart's Mansion. My job is to protect an important person, their only daughter. As I enter the mansion a tall man wearing a tuxedo came to me and blocked my way.

"Who are you?" he said with an intimidating voice.

"I'm Ayase Eri, I'm here to see Mr. Tojou. I'm assigned for a important mission." I said proudly.

"So you are the hired body guard for My Lady.." he said as he examined me.

"You may now enter." he continued as he made a way for me to enter.

"Thank you" I said as I bowed

As I enter the mansion I can't help but stare at it in awe. It was so big from what you see outside. I was so amazed that I didn't notice someone called me.

"You must be Ayase Eri, please come with me." said a girl with a brown hair.

We head to a big door and she suddenly opened it. I could see a man with a black hair and a turquoise eyes looking at me. (He must be the one who hired me)

"Ayase Eri, I've been waiting for you." he said

"I want you to head straight to my daughter's room. There will be no need for formality greetings." he continued with a very cold voice.

"Yes sir" I nodded and bow to show my respect

"Koizumi, please take Ayase-san to Nozomi's room."

"Yes sir" the brown haired girl bowed and gestured me to follow her.(Hmmm…Nozomi? what a beautiful name.) I thought as I followed the brown haired girl.

We continued to walk in this big house. I glanced at the surrounding and everything I see look really expensive. I glanced at the girl infront.

"You will be Nozomi-sama's bodyguard right? By the way I'm Koizumi Hanayo" she said shyly. I was a bit surprised because she suddenly turned to me.

"ummm…yes I am, I'm Ayase Eri it's nice to meet you Koizumi-san." I smiled at her

"please take good care of My Lady.." she said and I could only nod at her.

"Here we are" she stop and I did too. I stood infront of the door a liitle nervous.(is this really it?) I thought

"I should go now, sorry but I have something else to do" she said as she walks away. I tried to stop her but she really looks in hurry.(I wanted to ask her what I should do) Well I tried to knock but no one answered. I tried again but still no response. I tried again this time with a little force, it opened.

"wait its already open? What about Nozomi-sama?" I opened the door a little bit to see what's going on.(I guess she forgot to close the door?) I scanned the area and I suddenly saw someone sleeping. I walked closer only to see a beautiful lady with beautiful violet hair. I stared at her.

"she's so beautiful." I said unconsciously. I quickly covered my mouth as I realized my mistake. I heard her mumbled something and slowly opened her eyes. She blinks a few times and directed her eyes to me. I quickly blush.

"who...who are you?" she asked groggily.

"umm…umm..I'm A..Ayase Eri I'm-" but was cut off as she quickly got out off bed.

"I'm sorry, I must have overslept" she said and bowed.

"My Lady you shouldn't do that." I said and stop her from bowing. She then looked up to me and our eyes suddenly met. My heart started to beat faster as I stare at those beautiful turquoise eye's of her. I could feel my cheeks feel hot. I quickly turn away.(what was that just now) I thought as I blush.

"sorry" she stand and giggled a little bit. I can feel myself blush even more.

"I'm Toujo Nozomi its nice to meet you."

To be continued