Scott watched as they, those people, shoved Derek into the room with them. Startled, no one even noticed when they grabbed Stiles before it was too late. The door swung shut, the clicking sound indicating no escape.

Scott threw himself forward slamming his fists on the door with all his strength. He groaned aloud at his unsuccessful attempt. What was he going to do? What are they going to do? Why do they want Stiles? How did NO! Scott needed to calm himself down. Scott inhaled, then decided to take one thing at a time. With that in mind Scott turn to look at Derek.

"What's going on Derek?" He tried to keep his breathing even. Scott don't want everyone to start freaking out.

"I not really sure," he replied. Scott gave him a look, "Can you try?"

Derek thought for a moment before speaking, "I was taken by Kate." Everyone gave him a confused face. "Kate Argent."

Lydia and Scott gasped, and they received more confused faces from Kira and Malia.

"How is that possible?!" Lydia stuttered with absolute shock and horror drenching her words.

"Peter must have accidentally turned her the night he tried to kill her. His scratch was deep enough to turn her, but she's not a werewolf. She's something else."

Scott thought about that for a moment, trying to absorb all the new information. Then a thought came to mind. "Jackson." He mutter in realization.

Lydia instantly looked upset, "What? What does he have to do with this?" Scott looked towards her, "The shape you take reflects yourself, like the time with Jackson."

Derek nodded, "Yes, it happens rarely and happens for a reason. Sometimes the shape you take reflects the person that you are."

They all fell silent for a moment, until Lydia asks Derek the question tickling at the back of everyone's head. "What is Kate?"

Derek looked at her, then moves to look at everyone else in the room that surrounded him. "She was mean and vicious. She didn't care about what got in her way, ruthless. . . a werejaguar."

Lydia frowned at Derek, "Was ruthless? As in arose from the dead, to end up being dead again?" Derek nodded.

"What happened to her?" Derek scrunched up his big eyebrows, "Those people showed up and killed her before either of us knew what was going on. After that they took me straight here. I do know that they killed all the Calavera, or at least the ones here. Other than that I don't know what's going on."

Derek leaned against the wall on the far side of the room, clearly frustrated with the lack of explanations to all the questions the group so desperately wanted answered.

Scared for his friend, Scott tried to find a new way out, but it was pointless. He didn't like it, not one bit. His best friend, his brother, was with those people. Scott knew there was something strange about them. He couldn't let those people be left alone with Stiles.

They only got a moment to look at these people, before they shoved Derek in and pulled Stiles out. In that time Scott saw the effect they had on Stiles. He had never seen Stiles act like that. Stiles stood tall, but Scott saw the fear in his eyes. Stiles fights alongside werewolves, but now he's scared of these people. That has to mean something. Scott's just not sure what.

Scott was pulled from his thoughts, as Malia jumped up and headed towards the door. "Do you guys hear that?" Everyone looked at her, then started to adjust their enhanced hearing.

Scott listened, but he couldn't hear anything from outside the room. "What are you talking about, I can't . . ." He froze hearing an agonizing cry of pain come from the room where he knew Stiles was dragged to.

Everyone froze because of the fear flowing through them, except for Lydia. "What is it, what do you hear?" She looked around at all of them. Scott saw Kira flinch out of the corner of his eye, at another scream that belonged to Stiles. Lydia seemed to have notice as well, "What's happening?" She started to panic.

Scott wanted to answer her, but he could bring himself to speak. Scott didn't want to say the words aloud, because maybe if he kept them to himself the words wouldn't be true.

"What the hell is going on?! You're scaring me!" Still silence, Scott don't think anyone wanted this to be real. He heard another sound, worse than the one from before.

It was Derek who spoke up, "They're torturing him… for information." He paused looking at the door, as if looking for something. Or listening for something. "I'm not sure, but it sounds like they're looking for someone… someone only Stiles knows where." We all listened a bit longer.

Derek was the only one who spoke aloud, narrating what was happening to Lydia. After a bit, they couldn't take it anymore. Everyone started talking about all the stupid things Stiles had done as the pack human. They were trying their best to laugh at all the ridiculous stories from over the years. Anytime the conversation died and they could hear the cries of pain coming from behind the door, Derek would start a new story. He was trying to help everyone, but he was also trying to help himself as well. Derek wanted to do all he could to help Stiles, but there was nothing anyone could do to stop what was happening outside that room. So another story it was.

"Ok, we can't keep doing this. We need to figure out what's happening, what do we know so far?" Lydia wasn't so good with the feeling of not knowing what to do, how to help, while our friend - their human friend…

No one liked the feeling. "These people are looking for someone." Kira started. "And Stiles is the only one who knows where they are." Malia interjected. "Why would Stiles know?" Everyone turns to look at Scott. "What?"

"You're his best friend! Shouldn't you know something?" Scott thought about that.

Stiles has secrets kept from Scott? He was his best friend, his only brother, doesn't he trust him? Scott felt upset at first, but slowly it turned to anger and irritation. What secret is worse than: my friends are werewolves?!

My siblings are the original vampire everyone fears; my parents are hunting us all down, to kill us.