I'm back!

Sorry for the delay!


When Danny finally woke up he found himself sitting on a chair in the main party area. What happened? Wondered Danny as he sleepily got up. The fox from earlier then walked in and seemed happy that he was awake. "Avast me matey! Ye be awake now! I bet you is being hungry now, Chicka is making ye some pizza now!" "WHY ARE THE STUPID ROBOTS TALKING TO ME AND WHY DO THEY SEEM TO HAVE A SENSE OF HUMANITY!" Screamed Danny. "We are Bonnie, Foxy, Chicka and Freddy Fazbear and the reason we can talk and have a sense of humanity is because when the pizzeria was first opened, a man led 5 children behind the building and murdered them, stuffing them in the animatronic's suits after dark. These 5 children's spirits took over the animatronics AI system and now we have our human conscience and memories and our robotic bodies." Said the bunny, Bonnie, as she walked into the room. Danny was still freaked out but he figured that since the spirits of dead children now haunted the suits, that it was his responsibility, as the new ghost king, to bring them to the ghost zone to live in a peaceful afterlife instead of being stuck in the robots body's.

"So you're saying that you're ghosts?" Danny asked. By now all of the animatronics were in the room. "Technically" responded the Bear. The chicken then set down a pizza in front of Danny. "I hope you like it." She said timidly. "Thanks" Replied Danny. He took a bite and almost fainted again, it was SO dam GOOD! "Okay, you four need to come with me then, if your ghosts then the law states that unless you have permission you cannot live in the humans world, instead you need to go to the ghost zone." Danny stated. "What Law, and what is this ghost zone?" questioned the Bear. "The law that all ghosts must abide to and the ghost zone is another universe in which ghosts live." Danny replied. "and you would know this because…?" the bunny asked. "Because I am your king." Danny then summoned the two whitish blue rings which he knew would change into his alter ego, Danny Phantom, King of the ghost zone.

As the two rings travelled up and down his body they changed his appearance. Instead of the raven haired, blue eyed and t-shirt and jeans wearing teenager that once stood in front of the animatronics, there now stood a snowy white haired and glowing green eyed teen. He was wearing a black and white hazmat suit along with a white cloak, black crown and ring as well as a green staff. Danny then proceeded to reach into the bear and pulled out a transparent young african american man. He then pulled a blond haired fair skinned girl teen from the chicken, a brown haired tan girl teen from the bunny and a fair skinned teen boy with a shock of bright red hair from the fox.

"Lets go to the ghost zone now so we can sort you out a home." Danny said while opening a swirling green portal to the ghost zone.

yay finished!

Bye for now!

please review!