Ch. 28

The conversation with Hange, Gustav and Anka was a tough one. Halfway through Anka had to leave to go inform Pixis's family and then into a meeting with several officials coming down from Sina (no doubt to get her commission as the New High Commander of the Stationary Guard), but before she did Gustav, Hange and she had a brief and straight talk with both of the captains.

"If this- cultist- is who you think it is, you have a serious problem," Hange had said, lips pressed into a firm line as she paced in her office. "You have a theory, and only a theory. You don't know what he looks like, what his plans are, and you don't have a plan yourselves. How in Wall Maria's name are you going to pull this offAl?"

Petra shuffled her feet. "Well, we were hoping with your new-found authority you could per chance double the security detail on the Queen-"

"Double the security detail?" Gustav blurted out from his stance in the corner. All eyes turned to him, and he frowned, unamused. "Queen Historia Reiss has 24/7 surveillance on the castle and a quarter of the Rear Guard detail guarding her every move around the clock. We can't spare anyone else without taking away support from another part of the Garrison, and the Queen will never go for it. She hates her detail as much as we hate having to keep it there."

"I'll talk to her," Levi replied. "She was part of my team; she'll listen to me."

"And if she doesn't, your entire plan will have taken a serious hit," Hange told him. "Captain Ackerman, I'm told that you know this cultist's motives better than anyone. When the Queen refuses a doubled security detail- and she will, make no mistake about that- what will you do? You still have no definitive idea who this terrorist really is."

So the word 'terrorist' is being used now. This just kept on getting better and better, Levi thought bitterly. "Yes, we do. His name is Kenny Ackerman."

"Kenny Ackerman is dead," Gustav countered pointedly. "Anyone using his name will stand out like a sore thumb. He was one of the most ruthless captains the Military Police had, and his name is infamously well known. If anyone were to see someone using his name anywhere near the Queen they'd be on high alert, and probably shoot the person using it if he resisted arrest."

Petra shook her head. "Not necessarily. The last name 'Ackerman' is pretty common, and the universal fear of Kenny Ackerman died down once he died several years ago. Combine that with a couple unaware guards and the terrorist could be in the throne room with the Queen before anyone knows about it."

Hange's eyes widened. "Then we don't have a choice. The Military will take over control of Wall Sina, and the Queen will be moved to a secure safe house."

Gustav frowned. "She will never allow it-"

"She doesn't have a choice!" Levi snapped back irritably. "Historia will just have to go with us on this one. There's too much risk involved and not enough variables." He turned to Anka. "You have to double her security detail now. I don't care where the source of it is coming from, our top priority is keeping the Queen alive."

Anka remained incredibly silent throughout the entire conversation, staring out of her office window and up at Wall Sina towering in the distance. If you squinted really hard you could make out the large canons moving about atop it, all operated by Garrison officers to be sure. Anka was looking specifically at them she didn't say, but anyone could see that she was trying to cope with Pixis's sudden death with the mounting responsibility being thrust upon her. After a time she turned to face all of the officers in her office, and she spoke quietly.

"I'll call up reinforcements from the Middle Guard," she said, her face solemn and voice full of caution. "As the armies are currently suspended in animation due to lack of activity it shouldn't be too hard to take a regiment up to Sina as backup-"

"Why not the Rear Guard?" Levi demanded. "They're the most qualified-"

"They are also the last defense we have against the Titans should a wall breach happen during this series of unfortunate events," Anka replied coldly. "Captain Ackerman, you have a lot to learn about how we operate behind the Walls. We are Humanity's guardians, and if we mobilize all our forces to protect one we have failed in our mission to protect our fellow man. Now, I do not expect that Titans will breach the wall, but if I need to know that I still have my Branch's top officers ready to fight if necessary."

She sighed. "No, the Middle Guard will be fine. They are capable soldiers. I will give the order immediately, and they should be at the royal palace within two hours hour." She looked at Petra and Levi. "That should give you two enough time to get up there and alert the Queen."

"How?" Hange asked. "Jumping a passenger train to Sina will take forever, and the terrorist already has a head start."

"He should still be on one, considering that's the only way to get there," Gustav calculated in his head for her. "The trains go 50 miles an hour to save fuel, and the distance between here and Sina's wall is 80 kilometers. He might be ahead of us, but if Captains Ackerman and Ral here can commandeer one of the military transports and push 80 mph he should be able to get there before the passenger train does, provided he take the more direct route."

Anka nodded. "That will give you enough time to make it to the outer wall and me to send a telegram to the Queen's palace in inform them of the development." She walked over to her desk and picked up a pen to write down her message, but looked back up at Levi and Petra as she did so. "Captains, let me be clear: This mission is off the record. You will not tell your team, Ackerman, nor anyone else besides the Middle and Rear Guards I will be sending along to protect the Queen. Any whisper of this gets out and we're going to have riots on our hands."

"My team is the best assets we have!" Levi protested, practically shouting at Anka. "They're friends of Hisoria, they can help-"

"No, Levi, she's right," Hange cut him off abruptly, nodding with Anka and Gustav. "However elite your team is, their relationship with you and the Queen will only pose risk of exposure, which is what we're trying to minimize." She looked over at Petra. "Captain Ral is the only backup you need."

Petra nodded quietly, and Levi resisted the urge to snap Hange's neck. He set his jaw and accepted the order, and then looked back at Petra. "We should get going if we want to commandeer a train before the terrorist reaches the Ehrmich District."


The captains departed at once, with Hange following after them once she said her goodbyes to Gustav and Anka. Once all three of them were gone Anka sat down wearily in her desk and looked over at Gustav. "I can't do this. I'm not ready to be a Commander, not now. I could have just sent two of Humanity's Finest out to their deaths."

Her comrade sat down across from her and gripped her hand tightly. "No one is ever ready to take the mantle of a leader, especially not ever one so great passes so soon. You'll do fine, Anka; Pixis had faith you would surpass him, and so do I."

The young woman nodded numbly and stared out into the distance, towards Wall Sina.

"The question is not whether I can surpass him, but surpass the danger that lies ahead if we fail."

So, off to Wall Sina! TBH, never thought I'd make it this far. Thank you to all who reviewed (like, 1 of you, but that's cool) and please pray that I can wrap this story up nicely!

Thanks everyone.
