Hey everybody! I'm really sorry I haven't been updating as much as I probably should be, I just haven't been able to find time to write for a while, but I'm back now and I've got another story for you all! I hope you all enjoy! :D

Chapter 1: Family Ties

I stood on the peak of a mountain, cold, alone, and confused. Why isn't mom back yet? She said she would only be gone for a few minutes! I thought to myself as I tugged my wool shirt more tightly around my body. Thor was furious with someone, the sky dropped torrents of snow on my head as I attempted to make a shelter with the cold white powder that was piling up around me. I looked up into the sky, hoping for a break from the storm when I saw a bright shape emerge from the clouds; as it grew larger I felt fear rising in my chest, it was a dragon. I had heard of them in stories, but I had never dreamed that I would see one up close like this. The beast's body was like that of a snake; its scales gave of a warm golden glow as it glided gently to the ground not twenty feet away. Its eyes were a sunset yellow with black pupils. Those eyes scanned the snowy plain before they fell on me. I froze, unsure of what to do, the dragon moved slowly toward me. I stayed where I was, trying not to look like a threat or a meal. The dragon was at arm's length when I heard a worried male voice resonate in my mind.

"Why are you out here all alone, little one? Have you lost your way?" I just stood there, shocked for a moment before I regained my voice.

"n-no, my mommy told me to wait up here for her, but she hasn't come back yet." I was surprised by how shaky my voice sounded. The dragon's tail wrapped around me and I was pulled against its scaly body, warmth washed over me like a wave, my shivering slowly ceased.

"How long have you been waiting up here?"

"It feels like I've been up here for three days, counting this one." At this the dragon made an angry sound, I curled up and cowered, waiting for the heat of the flames, but it never came.

"Don't worry, little one, I'm not going to hurt you." The voice was comforting, like a father's voice would be.

"Then why did you growl like that? Did I do something wrong?"

"No, you are not the one I have anger towards, it is your mother. It sounds to me like she brought you up here and left you to freeze." I felt disbelief swirling in my stomach along with many other emotions. I felt tears welling up in my eyes, and I let them spill over, sobbing. The only possible reason my mother would leave me here to die would have to be because I did something to disgrace her.

"C-can I go with you, please?" I begged, I didn't want to be alone; I didn't want to feel the pain of being abandoned. The dragon was silent for a moment, thinking.

"I don't see why not, I was hoping for a traveling companion would you be interested?" I threw my arms around my new friends thick neck and hugged him.

"of course!" I felt a pair of wings wrap around me, and I knew that this was going to be the begging of something wonderful . . .