Trigger Warning: This story contains depictions of crime scenes and violent actions at the hands of a serial killer. While not incredibly graphic, this may be a trigger for some people. I mean no harm to anyone with this story.

This is my first ongoing story. Please let me know what you think. I would really like to hear your thoughts. :)

Lauren, Bo, and all other Lost Girl characters belong to the incredible people over at Prodigy Pictures. I just borrowed them for a bit.

Hope you enjoy! :)


So much blood. How was there this much blood?

Detective Bo Dennis had seen her fair share of murders. Five years in homicide will do that to you. But she never got used to seeing this much blood. "What happened here, Doc?"

"Cause of death appears to be exsanguination, but I won't know for sure until I get the body back to the lab. Based on body temp and rigor, I'd put time of death between 3 and 5 this morning." He bled out. Well, that explains the blood. Not exactly a pleasant way to go... Medical Examiner Lauren Lewis was leaned in, examining the body. Bo couldn't help but take this opportunity to gaze at the beautiful blonde doctor. The way the light was striking her face made Bo's heart flutter, and she longed to feel the doctor's soft lips against her own. She really needed to figure out what was going on with herself lately. She shouldn't be thinking these things about her best friend at a crime scene. This was getting serious. She thought she had it under control, but she clearly didn't.

Bo turned to her partner. "What have we got on the vic, Hale?" He flipped open his notebook, taking a look at his scribbled notes. "Victim is a 35 year old male. ID gives his name as Rainer O'Reilly. The apartment is rented in his name. Lives alone. No pets. No family pictures around. I've got Dyson working on locating next of kin." Bo took another look at the victim lying in a pool of his own blood. "Did we get anything that might help find out who would want to do this to him?" Hale pulled a piece of paper out of his jacket pocket. "I did find a pay stub for a restaurant around the corner. Maybe they'll know of someone who had it in for this guy. It's the only lead we've got right now."

This was the second crime scene in as many weeks with a similar signature. Victims were bound and gagged in a pool of blood. Their bodies were covered with bruises and small cuts, the final one being a slice across the neck. The amount of blood spatter on the walls and cabinets indicated that the victim was still very much alive when that last cut was made. Each victim had also had their ring finger cut off post mortem. Detectives had found little evidence at each crime scene and had no solid leads. Bo was hoping this one would be different. CSU was all over it.

As Bo turned around, Lauren was standing to leave as well. "There are visible signs of a struggle. The victim fought back at least. We'll know more when toxicology comes back." Lauren smiled at Bo as she started to walk away. "Are we still on for dinner and Star Trek tonight?" Bo laughed. She had almost forgotten she had agreed to spend her Friday night watching sci-fi with Lauren. "Of course. I'll bring the wine. Cabernet or Pinot tonight?" Lauren shrugged. "Whichever. You know what I like, Bo." She smiled again and walked out the front door of the apartment. Bo felt flushed as she thought of all the things she wanted to find out if her best friend liked. Shaking her head slightly, she gestured to Hale that it was time to go. The lab techs could handle it from here. "Tamsin, will you let me know when toxicology comes back?" Bo didn't know the blonde well, but she knew that she was one of Lauren's best techs. She nodded at Bo as she kept cataloging evidence.


Hale and Bo stopped in at Churchill's to see if they could get anything useful. It seemed like a strange location, but they were pleasantly surprised by the smells filling the air. They asked for the manager, and continued to look around the cozy restaurant. Shortly, they were greeted by a small, mousy looking woman whose name tag read Lucille. "Hello ma'am. I'm Detective Dennis with the Toronto PD, and this is my partner, Detective Santiago." Bo gestured to a table so they could have a seat. "We'd like to talk to you about Rainer O'Reilly. He was found dead in his apartment this morning." Lucille audibly gasped at this information. "He's dead? How? Who would do this to him?" Bo looked at Hale, and back to the woman who was now very visibly upset. "How well did you know Mr. O'Reilly? Had he worked here long?" She took a deep breath before answering the detectives. "Rainer was the head chef here. He had been with the restaurant for three years or so. He's been one of the best employees I've ever had. A few months ago, he asked me on a date. I was worried about dating an employee, but he was so sweet. I couldn't say no. We've been seeing each other off and on since then." She wiped at a tear running down her cheek.

"Did he have any enemies? Do you know of anyone who would want to hurt him?" She sniffles. "No one. He's one of the kindest people I've ever known. Everyone loves him." Bo finished making notes and looked back to the distraught woman. "When was the last time you saw him? Did he work last night?" "He got off work at midnight two nights ago. I had some paperwork to finish up, so I had to stay here. He offered to stay with me, but I knew he was tired. I told him I'd be fine, so he should just go home. We were going to have lunch yesterday. When he didn't call, I thought maybe he was upset with me or something. I was just going to ask him tonight. It's not that strange for us to not talk for a day or two if he's scheduled off. Oh no! I have to find someone to cook tonight!" She got a panicked look as she realized she would be short in the kitchen. Bo and Hale rose to leave. "Thank you for your help, ma'am. We'll be in touch. If you think of anything at all, let me know." Bo handed her a business card. "For what it's worth, I'm very sorry for your loss." The detectives left the restaurant with no more leads than they had when they got there.


Back at the lab, Lauren was waiting on the toxicology report and going over evidence. There were knife wounds all over the body, none of which would have caused him to die. Combined, however, they could have caused him to bleed to death. Lauren was still looking into whether the slash to the carotid artery came before or after the other cuts. This was such a violent murder. There was trauma to nearly every part of the victim's body. Broken bones, bruises, and small burns nearly covered his skin. Judging by the wounds and how some of them were healing, Lauren was able to determine that he had likely been tortured for at least 24 hours before death finally occurred. "You poor man. Who did this to you? I'm going to find this person so they can pay for what they've done." Lauren sighed and walked to her desk.

Looking over her notes on the case, her mind drifted to the sexy brunette that was coming over later. Bo had been her best friend for a long time now, and they were incredibly close. Lately, however, Lauren had been looking at her in a different light. She knew that Bo was beautiful. She'd seen all of the people that flirted with her and tried to get dates. But she had never looked at Bo that way. She wasn't sure when it had changed, but she had started to see why others reacted the way they did. The brunette was simply stunning. She wore these perfectly tailored pantsuits that hugged every sensual curve. Thinking of the way she left just the right number of buttons undone on her blouse made Lauren lick her lips unconsciously. And that ass... She sure knew how to wear a pair of pants. Lauren closed her eyes for a second to try to focus on what she was doing. Just then, Tamsin came through the lab doors.

"Hey Doc. We got the toxicology report back. I brought it straight to you. Bo said to call her when it came in. Do you want to call her or should I?" Lauren shook her head. "I'll call her. Thanks Tamsin." Atropine! These results caused the whole thing to make a little more sense. Lauren was starting to piece together what had happened, even if she didn't have any leads on the killer. She grabbed the phone to call the detectives.

Lauren's heart skipped a beat when she heard the voice on the other end of the phone. "Hey Bo. Toxicology is back. Somebody tortured him and then administered atropine and epinephrine. His heart must have stopped before they were done, so they woke him back up." Bo shook her head slightly. "Why would someone do that? And how? That can't be easy to get a hold of. I'll see what we can dig up." Lauren smiled to herself. "Ok. See you tonight."


Bo arrived at Lauren's house promptly at 7, as requested. She checked her hair in the mirror and made sure she looked ok. Then she laughed at herself. It was just movie night with Lauren. She grabbed the wine and headed for the door.

Meanwhile, Lauren was inside double checking the table settings and making sure the pasta was done. She kept telling herself there was no need to be so nervous. Just then, she heard the knock at the door. She smiled at Bo as she walked in carrying two bottles of wine. "I couldn't decide which one to get, so I brought both. Hope you don't mind." Lauren chuckled. "I am always good with wine, Bo. You know this." They shared a laugh and sat down to eat.

The conversation flowed as freely as the wine did throughout dinner and cleanup. Soon, they were settling in on the couch for a night of Star Trek. Bo tucked her feet underneath her at one end of the couch and waited for Lauren. She wanted to talk to her about what she was feeling. Maybe being honest was the right thing. She didn't know if Lauren would feel the same, but it was weighing too heavily on her mind. She could at least feel it out and see if Lauren felt the same way.

After a couple hours of sci-fi fun, Lauren turned to Bo with a worried look on her face. "Bo, is everything ok? You look so deep in thought..." Lauren scooted closer to Bo and laid her hand on the brunette's knee. "Do you want to talk about it?" Bo closed her eyes briefly, just feeling the warmth of Lauren's hand. She decided it was as good a time as any. "I'm sorry, Laur. I don't mean to space out on you. Maybe we should talk about it." Bo shifted to face her best friend and took a deep breath. "I... Well, lately... Uhm..." Lauren smiled at her warmly. "It's ok Bo. What's going on?" She held the brunette's eyes and waited for her answer. "I've been thinking a lot. Uhm... About how I'm feeling..."

Just then, Lauren's phone rang. Bo closed her eyes and took another deep breath. Perfect timing. Somebody better be dead. Lauren spoke quickly into the phone. "No. She's here. I'll let her know. Give us fifteen or twenty minutes." As she hung up, Bo noticed that After Hours Lauren was gone, and the ME was back. "I'm so sorry Bo. There's another body. We have to go... Can we talk later?" "Yeah, absolutely." Bo forced a smile. "Duty calls."


Lauren and Bo talked about the killer on the way to the crime scene. The fact that there were two bodies in one day seemed bad. Maybe this one wasn't connected to the other murder. Maybe they just caught two homicides on the same day. It could happen. Neither of them wanted to think about having a serial killer in the city and what that could mean.

The first thing they noticed was the smell. It stopped them both in their tracks. Bo noticed a powdery substance near the front door and had CSU check it out. As she walked in, she noticed the scene looked very similar to the one from this morning. The victim was lying face down in the middle of the living room floor. There seemed to be more cuts than with the other victim, but the cause of death appeared to be the same. Lauren immediately went to work examining the body.

Bo walked over to Hale, who was looking through the victim's purse. He forced a small smile at Bo. "Sorry to interrupt your evening. I figured you'd want in on this since it looks like the same perp. We've got one sick fuck on our hands here." "You've got that right. What have you found so far?" Bo glanced at Lauren leaning over the body. She could see the tops of Lauren's breasts peeking out of the top of her shirt due to the angle, and it made her brain go fuzzy. Focus, Bo. She turned back to Hale, positioning herself so that she had her back to Lauren and the techs. "Victim is Evony Fleurette Marquise. Age 31. The neighbor called it in. He said that he sees Ms. Marquise every morning on her way to work. He hasn't seen her since Monday, so he knocked. When he didn't get an answer, he called the police to come check it out."

Lauren walked over to the detectives and pulled a hospital mask from her face. "That smell can sure get to you! Ugh! I'm going to take the body back to the lab and make sure it's ready for autopsy in the morning. TOD appears to be approximately three days ago. That explains the smell. Her ring finger is missing. Looks like we may be looking for a serial killer after all. I'll know more tomorrow though. Call me if you need anything." She smiled at the pair and turned to leave. "Oh, Bo! Can you pick me up in a bit? I almost forgot I rode with you. If not, I can take a cab." Bo laughed. "Of course I'll take you home. We're headed to talk to the neighbor. I'll see you in an hour or so?" "Great! See you then!" Lauren headed off with the techs to transport the body to the lab. Bo loved to watch that woman walk away. The sway of her hips was hypnotizing. The way those jeans fit her ass made Bo almost forget where she was. She was going to have to get this under control, and fast.


The detectives didn't get much from the neighbor. He didn't know where she worked, but they could find that out easily enough tomorrow. He said that he hadn't seen anyone coming or going from the apartment, but he did point out the cameras in the hallway. Bo asked the guard to send the tapes for the last week to their office by the morning. At this point, she might as well go pick up Lauren and go home.

Meanwhile, Lauren had the body checked in, and all the paperwork was filed. She would do the autopsy first thing tomorrow. Now she just had to wait for Bo to come and get her. As she waited, her mind drifted. Earlier tonight Bo had seemed so serious. Lauren wondered what she hadn't wanted to talk to her about. Hopefully it wasn't something bad. Lauren hated to see Bo upset. It broke her heart. She wanted to just pull her in close and tell her everything would be ok. When she looked into Bo's eyes, the rest of the world melted away. Lauren felt like she could take on the world if she was by her side. But did Bo feel the same way? She was so scared to talk to her about it because she didn't want to ruin their friendship. She just had to figure her feelings out.

Just then, a night shift officer named Crystal came in with an envelope. "Hey, Doc. This came for you earlier today, but they just now brought it down. I told them I'd make sure you got it." Lauren took the envelope from her, noticing that it hadn't been mailed. Crystal shuffled her feet a little before speaking up. "So I was wondering if you had plans this weekend... Uhm, I have tickets to see this comedian tomorrow. I thought maybe we could grab dinner first, maybe a drink..." Lauren looked up to see that Crystal was blushing and seemed very nervous. She thought of the best way to let her down gently. "I'm sorry, Crystal. We caught a case this weekend, so I'll likely be working tomorrow. I'm not sure when I will be done with things here at the lab. I'm flattered though." She smiled at the girl. Crystal offered a small smile in return. "It's ok. Maybe some other time. It was worth a shot, right?" She shrugged and turned to leave. "Have a good weekend." "You too, Crystal." Lauren turned back to her desk. Crystal was nice enough. Why couldn't she just say yes? Was she so hung up on Bo that she couldn't go on a simple date with the girl? She really needed to figure out what to do about this.

Her eyes fell on the envelope sitting on her desk. It simply said "Dr Lauren Lewis" on the front in black pen. Lauren wondered what she could possibly be getting at work. As she opened one end, several pictures fell out. She gasped when she saw them. The first was a photo of Rainer O'Reilly, bound and gagged, sitting on a chair. The second, a photo of him terrified as he bled onto the floor. There were many small cuts, but not nearly as many as his body contained now. These photos had to have come from the killer. There was no other explanation. Lauren immediately put on a pair of gloves before she touched anything else. She took a deep breath and moved the picture. The next photo was Evony Marquise. She also was bound and gagged, this time on a bed. There were no visible signs of trauma yet. Following this up was a photo of her body lying in a pool of blood, much like Rainer's. There were photos included of one other victim whose case Lauren was not familiar with. The first case had been worked by a different agency before the killer headed to Toronto. Police were just now starting to connect the dots. Lauren sighed deeply as she laid the last photo down. Why would the killer send these to her? What was the agenda? She picked up the enclosed letter and started reading.

My dear Doctor Lewis, I hope this finds you well. I was watching you as you worked on the scene this morning. You look so stunning in your lab coat. I think I will keep it when I leave your body for the police. xo

Lauren dropped the letter and gasped as she looked around the empty lab.



There you have it! What do you think? :)