A/N: It seems like I can never run out of ideas, because this just turned up. I was actually planning for it to be just a one-shot in my compilation of Taylor Swift-inspired one-shots, but this one just appealed to me as a long, full story. I love Taylor, and I love the music video for the song Blank Space. Creepy Taylor finally becoming a reality. Sigh. I don't know how long I've waited for that side of Taylor as a swiftie.


"Nice to meet you, where you been? I could show you incredible things."

The office was buzzing all around, and it was obvious about what everyone was talking about.

I came into the office in the early morning, donned in a silver sleeveless Gucci shift dress and a pair of black Louboutin high-heeled boots. My brown hair was pulled back into a high ponytail as I heard the latest gossip that everyone was whispering about. Every week or every day, if we're lucky, we'd always get the latest updates on some of the editors' lives, whether it'd be a matter at work or in Bloomingdale's, everyone would know.

Unfortunately, today's topic was about me and my breakup with my newest ex, Jacob Black.

"I heard that Bella broke up with her ex because he said she was being overbearing. He landed in the hospital because she apparently stabbed his arm with a knife."

"No, that's not what I heard! I heard that she cut his balls in the middle of the night when they broke up. The doctors said that they couldn't be sewn back together."

"Bella whacked his fingers with a huge hammer— I'm not kidding!"

I approached the office cubicles and stood over the short walls that separated everyone. Someone caught sight of me as I stared at every single one of them and the hushed sounds of whispers turned into complete silence with everyone's eyes on me.

"Hey guys, I have a secret and I'd like to share it with you all. Would that be okay?" I said out loud so that everyone could hear. Nobody replied, fear evident on their faces. "I can predict the future, and I see that in tonight's news, the office cubicles of Marie Claire will be vacated for a few weeks. Why? Because everyone working there will be hanging upside down on the Empire State Building. If you all could zip your mouths about me until your next wave of gossip comes, I think that I can prevent that from happening. I'll see you all at the next meeting in three hours. Make your hours productive, please."

I then continued my walk to my corner office where there was a nameplate on my door; Isabella Swan, Columnist & Editor.

I was 25 years old with a budding career ahead of me. Being an editor at my age was already an accomplishment many couldn't get, but it also gave me an extra load of work that I had to involve it with my personal life. Like anything that couldn't have been worse, I was in charge of the Love, Sex & Relationships column. It was time to write about my recent breakup and what I had learnt from it.

Our relationship was never really a real one, to say the least. Nowadays, when it came to dating, it'd be more of a social experiment to me. So far, I had dated different types of men— the ones that really couldn't be bothered at all & the ones that were utterly invested in the relationship. Jacob fell into the latter.

He said that he was looking to settle down but he didn't feel like we weren't compatible. I was surprised that he'd made it this far— I had a sort of game to see how men would react; I'd be their perfect girl then after a month, I'd show my true personality. It was an experience that would have helped me a lot if I hadn't invested so much of my work into my love life. Without the 'social experiment' relationships, I'd say that I'd only had two actual boyfriends, and they were all back in high school.

The fact that Jacob did land in hospital after we broke up was true, but it wasn't really all weird as my coworkers had put it. The night after we broke up, I thought that I heard a burglar in my living room. I just took a cooking pan and saw a figure there then whacked it in the head. When I heard a familiar groan, I flicked on the lights and saw that it was— surprise, surprise— Jacob.

He just came in the middle of the night to grab some of his things that he had left over at my house and didn't really want to wake me up. Too bad his plan failed. I called an ambulance since his head started bleeding.

I entered my office and placed my Valentino bag on my desk, taking a seat into my leather chair. I sighed and booted up my laptop. Opening a new document on my the Microsoft Word page, I wrote over the heading;

Social Experiment 2: The Very-Much Involved Boyfriend.


"Bella, you are probably the weirdest person I know." Alice, my best friend ever since college, said as she handed me the cocktail that I asked her to bring to me. "I can't ever go to you for dating advice."

We were at a club and we were having one of our weekly girls' night outs, but I wasn't just here because of that.

I frowned at her statement. "Why? You can always come to me for that. I'm in charge of the relationship column of the magazine, for Christ's sake—"

"No, I can't!" She exclaimed. "You treat everything like a game, including your relationships. They're actually quite shallow."

"I loved my exes! I loved every single one of them—"

"Then after a month you turn into the actual you, which is when you become the overbearing girlfriend and go berserk." She finished for me. "You and your social experiments— I swear, I can't take it anymore. It's like your life is a job! You let your job take over your life!"

I took a sip of my cosmopolitan. "I know that."

She sighed in exasperation and folded her arms. "What the hell are we even doing here when we could have gone to a bar?"

I looked around the club for something. "I am fishing."

Alice groaned, hiding her face in her hands. "Not again."

"I haven't had that much fun in a while, even with Jacob. If my next guy turns out to be my forever, then I can actually settle down." I shrugged.

"You're twenty-five this year and you're talking about your future lab rat being your husband." She looked at me incredulously.

"It's never too early." I told her. I looked around the place again and my eyes transfixed on the entrance of the club.

A man with messy bronze hair and burning green eyes just walked through the door, with a strong sharp jawline and pale complexion. He looked to be in his late twenties, and I couldn't deny that he was beautiful. He was wearing an Armani suit and he had a Patek Philippe watch on his wrist. He had money, too.

And he was coming our way.

"Oh my god, look at that face," I tugged at Alice's arm as I stared at him.

Target spotted.

"Bella, honestly, please don't ruin yourself over this—"

"Can I get any of you ladies a drink?" A smooth, velvet voice asked, interrupting Alice's sentence. My lips had already spread into a wide smile when I saw that it was him.

"Oh yes, sure." I replied.

Alice rolled her eyes. "I'll see you tomorrow. Text me." She said to me before kissing my cheek and taking off.

The man took her seat and ordered for himself a glass of whiskey and another glass of cosmopolitan for me. I thanked him and finished up my first drink.

"I'm Edward," he introduced himself.

"Bella," I replied.

"Why did your friend go?" He asked.

"Well, it was actually a girls' night out, but she had someplace else to go for the night so she decided to just have a drink and take off." I lied smoothly.

I heard a cellphone beeped and Edward stiffened, then gave me an apologetic look. "I'm sorry. I'll have to check something." He said, then took out his phone. With just one glance, I saw a woman's name on it. I smirked.

I hadn't experimented with players before. It'd be the first time, and I was eager at the thought of that. I'd just have to see how long they could be faithful— and why they couldn't stick to one girl at a time. I knew that my next article was definitely going to be something.

I continued drinking my second glass and he had finally put away his phone. He gave me his full attention and I raised my eyebrows in question.

"It was just my sister." He lied smoothly. "So what do you do for a living?"

"I'm an editor for Marie Claire." I told him. "How about you?"

"I actually also am an editor for a magazine." He said. "I write for Time."

The fact that this guy was also an editor made me a little stunned. I kept my emotions on the inside as I just nodded.

"Oh, a reputable magazine," I smiled.

"I usually have to go wherever the person I'm interviewing is. You know, I've interviewed countless important people, even when I was just starting. I think that you're probably one of the most important people I've ever met." He gave me a charismatic crooked smile that I was sure girls would quickly fall for.

"What?" I laughed. "Why?"

"You sure are something, and I want to take you out some time. Here's my number," he took out his wallet and handed me his business card which had the Time logo at the corner. How slick.

"Alright, then," I kept it in my purse and handed him my business card too.

He smirked when he saw the Marie Claire logo at the corner. "I'll keep this. Let's see who calls first, shall we?"

"Definitely." I said.

"I gotta go now. I have somewhere to be and I never really planned on meeting you here for the first time." He stood up and I did too.

"Sure you didn't." I hid a smug look on my face.

I quickly made a move on him, putting my hand on the back of his neck to pull him closer. He didn't expect me to do that, but he just went along with it, just like what a normal player would do. Too bad he was the one playing my game.

He lowered his face down to mine slowly, but all that I gave him was one swift brush across his lips with mine and pulled back, sitting down again on the stool. I gave him a pleasant smile as he looked at me with a stunned look. That was going to make him remember me throughout the line of girls he's had.

"I'll see you soon." I told him.

"I... I think I will." He gave a short smile after recovering from the almost-kiss before he walked away. I saw him throw seductive smiles at the various girls around the club.

"Oh honey, you have no idea what you've gotten yourself into." I smirked before taking a sip of my drink.

A/N: So what do you guys think? Boring? Exciting? Leave your comments below. The more reviews I get, the faster I'll update. Maybe.
