usual disclaimers apply

Bad Blood

Bad blood

(4 months ago)

"What happened Iris? 5 years ago, you would have jumped in joy, now you're sitting there all miserable!" Eddie Thawne reached for her cup of coffee. She smiled inwardly.

"It's not that I'm not happy with the offer, it's just that my relationship with Barry is a little off lately, he has to work extra hours because the department hasn't been able to replace the old forensic." She grabbed the cup from his hands as he was about to take another sip of her coffee. "And get your own damn coffee!"

"Have you told Barry about the offer?"


"Iris" he sounded disappointed.

"I'm not going to tell him, because I'm not planning to accept the job."

"So? You're going to be gone for three months. That's no big deal!"

"I said no, Eddie !" She snapped. And Eddie just chuckled at her, taunting her even more.

That's the difference between Barry and Eddie, whereas Barry would keep his trap shut, Eddie would push her to the limits even more.

She loved Barry, god know how much she did. But she wasn't in love with him.

They grew up together, everyone expecting them to end up together, and it felt as if they owe it to themselves to give it a try. 5 years is no joke, she'd given them five years. Barry was the perfect guy, but not just for her. He deserves someone who'll love him as unconditional as he can love.

And everyone could see, even her and Barry, not that they'd admit it out loud how good she and Eddie were together.

Iris met Eddie long time ago, she was 16 and he was 20. Everyone could see how Eddie loved Iris, he would always bring her gifts, small things, tokens, whenever he would come by their house. By the time Iris was 18, Eddie was her dad's partner.

Barry asked Iris out, and they together for five long years.

(3 months and 1 week ago)

Now, here is where the story varies. But I'm here to tell you what really happened that faithful night, 3 and a quarter month ago.

Iris, accept the training offer in starling city. It was an opportunity of a lifetime and she knew she had to at-least try.

As usual she and Barry where having an argument about time was not answering his phone, she called him a billion times this week, and she was pissed at him for not picking up. That's when she realised how strange the situation was, here she was arguing with her boyfriend and she was worried and hurt about another guy not returning her calls. and that's When stress and disappointment got the best out of her, she decided to hit the verdant, a club Owned by Oliver queen.

She was having the time of her life, but then Eddie showed up, dragged her ass from the club to the basement bedroom, she did not know existed.

"What the hell are you doing Iris!" Eddie snapped at her.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, the room spinning. "I called you like a hundred times!"

"I was already on my way, expecting you curled up in bed, with your research and here I find You, all fucked up and drunk!"

"Fucked up? Yeah! That's what I am! I don't even know what's happening with my life anymore." She started sobbing into his chest. She just broke down and cry. "I'm confused! I'm shit!"

"Hey hey, now baby. Shh it's gonna be okay, I'm sure Barry will come around." He whispered.

She looked up at him. And in that moment of weakness she pressed her lips on his.

"Fuck Iris!" He shoved her off gently. "You're drunk let's get you home."

"I wish I was drunk. I wish I could blame this on the alcohol! Fuck how can I do this to Barry?" She sat on a chair , and Eddie was kneeling infront of her.

"Iris, babe. Look at me, were are not going to have this conversation down here, not the place and not the time. I know you're probably not gonna remember this tomorrow so I'll lay it all here" he grabbed her hands and played with it. "I waited 2 years before you got legal, another 5 while dating Barry,. I waited 7 years for this, and I am not going to have my chance with you, and compete with Barry at the same time. I'm not one for sharing. I can wait a few years more, if that's what it's going to take for you to fix your life up. But I'm going to be here."

"Eddie, I'm -"

"Now, that was incredulously dramatic of me. Let's get you home."

And the rest was history, she broke up with Barry, a week later. She knew she had to tell him the truth. About on how she fell inlove with another man, or how she was inlove with that man since the beginning.

Barry was the good guy. He never did lash out, but when She returned to the city a week ago, she saw the damaged she had done to their friendship, sad thing is, in the midst of this bad blood between them. If asked if she'd changed anything , she'd answer no.

Because Barry Allen deserves someone a lot better than her.


okay! So! I know this one one chapter of the flashbacks. But can we just appreciate the fact that I updated! Yey! I'm so disappointed by the number of silent readers this Fic has. How hard is it to press the button? Please review and write "cookies" if you want me to update faster! :)) thank you!.