This oneshot is based on Gintama.

Gintoki Sakata, Katsura Kotarou Gintama

Shion Nariki My OC

*Note : tayuu - the highest ranking of courtesen, used in Edo period

Sighing sadly, Shion looked up at the dark sky, wondering when it would turn clear blue again. She tightened her grip of the sword as she turned around to see Gintoki one last time, who was hurrying a comrade , and then charged towards the Amanto. Shion fought restlessly , like a demon, in her blood-stained coat. She was tired, hungry,…. but she couldn't stop. Everytime she wanted to throw her sword away and rest, the image of her sensei being taken away, her friends and the burning school appeared and kept clinging to her mind. Lost in the train of thought, Shion didn't notice a bull-like amanto running towards her with a huge axe. Try as she might to dodge it, the axe still sliced through her shirt, leaving it open.

"Shit" , Shion mumbled, quickly covering her breast.

"It's a woman" , the Amanto shouted.

But Shion couldn't hide the fact that she was different from the rest. The enemy grabbed her neck and threw her to its people:

"The general of those stupid samurai is a woman. Let's bring her to …. "

"What is going on here? ", came a loud and deep voice. Suddenly, the row of Amanto divided into two to make way for a guy, who appeared to be their general. Looking at Shion in her ruined shirt and the red headband, he knew that he hit the jackpot.

"Bring her with us." , he said,touching her chin, " She worths a lots. I have never seen such exotic eyes before. Crystal clear color is indeed rare.". Then he turned his back, and gave a signal to his army for retreat.

"Don't you dare touch her you filthy monster! " , Gintoki shouted, rushing aggressively to the enemy, but a hand stopped him. It was Katsura, his close friend.

" Calm down ,Gintoki . We will sneak into their camp and rescue her later. Now let's ... " , Katsura assured him.

" Are you crazy? Is she your friend or not? She is captured because of us. She shouldn't have joined this war. Women's job is to stay home,not this. She should have…. "

"ENOUGH", Katsura shouted." Look at our unit, Gintoki. More than two-thirds has died. The rest can't cope with this anymore. If we continue , we will all die. The West unit of Takasugi has lost half of its people already."

Gintoki frowned, not knowing what to say.

"Shion has chosen this path, so she has no choice but to follow it till the end, even if it means death. Got it ? ... I know your feeling for her, but this war is not only about you. Please think for our comrades, and even you too... " , said Katsura.

Dumbfounded by what his friend said, Gintoki couldn't open his mouth to say a word. Then, he turned to look at Shion. She was being tied by the Amanto, with chains around her legs and arms. Shion told herself to be strong so that they, her comrades, wouldn't worry. But when she caught Gintoki's eyes, which were blank and lifeless, tears started running down her face. Before she turned around to leave, she said one last thing to Gintoki. The words just escaped from her red tender lips without behing heard by anybody.

But Gintoki understood it.

As he tightened his fist until it bled, he swore to himself that he would rescue her from those monsters at all costs .

That he would do everything to meet her again.

Not until 5 years later did the war end. Their path crossed again,but each of them belonged to different worlds. Him- a patriot who was poor, dirty and powerless, while her - highest-ranked courtersan, shining beautifully in layers of kimono, known as the Sun of Yoshiwara. One looking up from the dirty ground and one looking down from the luxurious tea house.

Running along the hall towards a room, shouted a young girl as she slided the door aside: " Satsuki-sama! " . It was a gorgeous place , with silky golden curtains around the room and interiors carved from marbles and rare woods. The woman, dressed extravagantly , looking at the young girl with a rather annoyed face.

"What is it ? I'm not taking any customer today Erina. Geez how many times do I have to tell you that I ... "

"You have to come quick ! He is here ." , said the young girl with excitement.

"What... ", her heart sank when hearing every of the words the maid said. Dropping her pipe aside, the woman rushed out of the room to the balcony, just to see a familiar figure there, struggling with a bunch of guards.

" Hey! Are ya the famous Satsuki tayuu that everybody is talking about? I guess I like ya already. Imma earn a lot of money to buy ya out of this cage so wait for me! Only death can do us part " , Gintoki shouted to her before being dragged away by the guards .

Watching the scene, many passers-by kept talking about how another customer of Satsuki-sama's got kicked out of this place. That perm-haired guy was good looking, but too poor and stupid to think that he could reach the hot, burning sun of Yoshiwara – Satsuki tayuu.

One more time, he slipped away from her. But seeing that beautiful face again somehow made him feel relived.

But for her, it was too much. She fell on her knees, crying her eyes out . The woman clinged on tight to her chest, listening to every single hearbeat that she thought she had forgotten a long time ago.

She believed in him
And she always would.

"Until death do us part" , she mumbled.

I've written a few chapters for this fic, just for fun . If people love this, i will turn it into a serie . For now,it's only a one shot

Don't hesitate to tell me what you think of my first fic ever.