The gap

Hey guys I had a rough day today and had this good idea for a SasuSaku so I decided to jot it down and post it since writing makes me feel happy. Again I'm sorry for those of you waiting for the SaiSaku I haven't updated in a while. I kinda hit a wall and need a lot of time to gather my thoughts with that one. I have the ending planned out but not the middle. During Christmas break I promise to Kami I'll update an extremely long chapter for you guys. But for now enjoy the SasuSaku.

I do not own le Naruto.

"You are so much trouble… stupid." Sakura said as tears fell down her cheeks. She tried her best to choke them back but all the emotions she was feeling after Sasuke's sincere apology broke through a barrier she created to try and trap them back. Sasuke and Naruto smiled at her. Kakashi looked down at his students and admired the heartwarming moment that was being held by his students.

Their finally back. After different paths of life mislead one, he is back and Naruto and Sakura can rest easy that they have the one person they held dear in their lives back. He had a flashback on when they were kids and Naruto pulled a prank on him. He felt this warm feeling in his chest. He knew that the scene in front of him was going to hit a nerve. He pulled his mask to cover the eye that used to have his sharingan.

"They finally returned" he said in a volume only he could hear.

Once Sakura finished healing Sasuke and Naruto's hands they both knew what to do next. They released the genjustu to free everyone.

Since the war was one by Naruto and the rest of team 7 the rest of the shinobi that were involved in the war went home to celebrate life and love. All of the shinobi from Konoha gathered up to leave altogether as a convoy. A few hundred people walked behind the leaders of the convoy which was Tsunade, Kakashi which had Gai on his back, Sai, Gai's two students, and the rookie nine including the Uchiha who was practically glued to Naruto. They traveled a long way an finally they saw what they all wanted to see. Those gates that made everyone say "I'm finally home." They walked through the village and everyone dispersed in search of their families to show them that they were alive and that everything will be okay from now on. The ones that stuck together were Tsunade and Team 7. Gai was carried off by lee to be taken to the Konoha hospital. Tsunade and the other four walked up the tower and she opened the door to her office room. A sense of relief flowed through her.

"It's good to be back home." She said as she sat in her chair.

"I'm pretty sure you all are tired but we have some things to discuss." She said in a serious tone.

They all nodded in agreement.

"Okay, so…" She tapped her finger on the desk. She couldn't concentrate. She reached under her desk and pulled out a Sake bottle and began to drink from it.

They all had sweat drop from their faces seeing that she was already drinking.

She put the Sake bottle down. "Ohhhhh, that feels great!"

"Uchiha, I'll give you grace because Kakashi told me what happened. Don't mess anything up. My name will be on the line if you do. And I'll tell that little knucklehead to knock some sense into you again. Got it?"

Sasuke nodded in agreement.

"Good." She reached into her desk drawer and pulled out a keyring with a key and a piece of paper attach to it.

"Here." She tossed the key at Sasuke.

Sasuke with cat-like reflexes caught the key.

"That's an apartment for you to live in be it temporary or permanent. Whatever." She took another swig of sake.

"Sakura. Do you know where the Green Leaf apartments are right?"

"Yes mam!" She answered as if her name was called out by a colonel.

"Take Uchiha around. Naruto, join if you want to. I need to talk to Kakashi alone."

The three walked out of the office and into the streets. They walked for several minutes talking well, Naruto and Sakura were talking. Sasuke was in between them having a small smirk on his face. Naruto then stopped talking when a certain scent met his nose. He took in a big wiff. He knew that smell anywhere. It was Ichiraku's.

"Uh guys, I would stick around but I have something important to attend to." He rubbed his neck.

"Go to your Ramen, you deserve to engorge yourself on it." Sakura said with a smile on her face.

"Thank you! Bye guys!"

"He disappeared pretty fast."

"Hn." Was all Sasuke said.

They continued to walk in silence. Until they reached their destination.

"Well, here you go." The apartment number should be on the paper latched onto the keyring."

She turned around to walk away "I'll see you la-" she stopped mid-sentence when she felt a hand slightly grab her wrist. She turned around to see Sasuke.

"Don't go" he said in a soft tone.

Sakura's heart skipped a beat at the phrase that came out of his mouth.

Don't go?

So there is chapter one. Pretty short I know. Gomenasai. :c I'll update this one in a few days. I want to start another one tomorrow before the idea flows out of my head forever. Thanks for reading! Oh and if you read my other SasuSaku story Souvenirs you see how Sakura calls Sasuke stupid. I made her use it as a cute nickname for him which goes bcak to chapter 699 so it has meaning when she calls him that. Okay enough with the blabbering. Goooodbye!