"just read your doing great." Vanessa said. Perry rolled his eyes.
"As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky; So up to the house-top the coursers they flew, With the sleigh full of Toys, and St. Nicholas too. And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof, The prancing and pawing of each little hoof- again I'd say to call the police but now they sound drunk! seeing things, hearing things, letting strange men hold their kids." Perry said.
"just read!" Heinz and Vanessa laughed.
"As I drew in my head, and was turning around, Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound. He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot, And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot; A bundle of Toys he had flung on his back, And he looked like a pedler just opening his pack. His eyes—how they twinkled! his dimples how merry! His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry! His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow; The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth, And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath; He had a broad face and a little round belly, That shook when he laughed, like a bowlful of jelly. He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf, And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself; A wink of his eye and a twist of his head, Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread- nothing to dread my foot! there's a big fat stranger smoking his pipe in your living room!" Perry exclaimed. Heinz fell over off the couch laughed.
"Perry come on this is a good book!" Vanessa exclaimed.
"He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work, And filled all the stockings; then turned with a jerk, And laying his finger aside of his nose, And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose; He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle, And away they all flew like the down of a thistle, But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight, 'Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night.'" Perry finished. "of all the things! he broke into your house and you let him get away!" Perry exclaimed. the other two were laughing so hard they couldn't breath.
"man I thought the story was good before but that was just amazing!" Vanessa laughed holding her sides.
"this is rubbish!" Perry exclaimed tossing the book at Heinz.
"it's not rubbish! it's a classic!" Heinz argued.
"classic trash." Perry replied. Heinz frowned at him but Perry seemed to lost in thought to notice.
"Perry?" Heinz ask. Perry jumped and shook his head.
"sorry, what?" Perry ask. Vanessa and Heinz both looked worried. "what?" Perry ask again.
"you ok?" Heinz ask. Perry nodded.
"yeah was just thinking sorry." Perry said. Heinz wasn't sure but shrugged.
"hows your shoulder?" Heinz ask.
"sore but I can move my fingers." Perry replied showing him. he put his hat on and grabed his wallet, phone, and inhaler.
'going somewhere?" Vanessa ask. Perry shrugged.
"figured I go hang out with Phineas and Ferb, see what crazy thing they are inventing today." Perry shrugged. "well actually they are probably on the couch watching movies. Phineas gets pretty moody when it dosen't snow this close to Christmas." Perry added. Heinz got an evil grin.
"we shold fix that! it's not Christmas without snow." Heinz said. Perry frowned.
"what part of no evil schemes did you not understand?" Perry ask.
"hey it's not evil. I'm doing this for the tri-state area not against it." Heinz said. Perry weighed his options and almost said no but decided he wanted to see a white Christmas too.
"alright i'm down." Perry agreed.
"you two can build all you want. we will be up here watching Christmas movies." Vanessa said putting in another for her and the twins.
"have you ever seen snow?" Heinz ask. Perry thought.
"well the boys fied up a snow cone machine and made S'Winter, but thats about all the snow i've seen." Perry said. Heinz raised an eye brow.
"did you live in a house with no windows?" Heinz ask. Perry huffed at him.
"i am- er was a semi aquatic mammel. Linda made sure I stayed in side when it snowed I think she was afraid I'd migrate or something." Perry shrugged.
"oh hey you should take your arm out of the sling for a little while, docs orders." Heinz said. Perry shook his head. "9 3/8." Heinz said. Perry handed him the wrench. "hammer." Heinz said.
"you know you could say please." Perry sighed handing him the hammer.
"thank you." Heinz said. Perry smiled and sat down on this work table. he sat indian style and watched the scientist work. "why are you sitting on my work bench?" Heinz ask. Perry shrugged.
"dunno." Perry replied. Heinz shook his head.
"blow torch, please" Heinz said sarcastically. Perry brought it to him.
"so how long does it normally take you to make these things?" Perry ask.
"three or four days, never done it in two but I'm going to try." Heinz replied. Perry gasped.
"you put all that work in to these!" Perry ask.
"yep. flat head screw driver." Heinz replied.
"and I just destroyed them?!" Perry ask handing him the screw driver.
"mmhmm." Heinz replied. Perry deflated.
"no wonder you always seemed so angry with me. if somebody destroyed something I spent days building I be pretty ticked too." Perry said.
"dont be rediculous! ratchet." Heinz said. Perry handed him the tool. "I wasn't always angry at you. some times I built things just so I wouldn't be alone. other times I was bored. besides you were just doing you job and as long as you at least try not to destroy them, pin and hammer," Heinz said. Perry handed them to him. "thanks." Heinz said.
"welcome." Perry replied.
"where was I... of right! as long as you at least try not to destroy them, it's ok." Heinz said. "wow this is going fast with help." Heinz said. Perry chuckled. "oh! scrap heap!" Heinz exclaimed. Perry's eye brows went up and his eyes widened.
"excuse me?" Perry ask.
"dropped the stupid hammer and I can't get to it." Heinz said. Perry leaned over and laughed.
"thats easy I've had bigger challenges when you weren't even trying." Perry laughed. he leaned over the machine and pulled the hammer out.
"thank you." Heinz said taking the hammer. Perry just nodded and sat back. he was sudden tossed a mask.
"whats this for?" Perry ask.
"I'm going to start welding. put that on to sheild your eye's." Heinz said flipping down his mask. Perry shrugged and put it on. after a few moments of welind Heinz shouted and Perry jumped. "ouch! damn it! damn it! damn it!" Heinz cursed jumping around.
"what did you do?" Perry ask running over to him.
"I burnt my hand!" Heinz shouted. Perry grabed Heinz hand and drug him upstairs quickly. he pulled him to the kitchean and stopped.
"this is going to feel weird but trust me I know what I'm doing." Perry said. he didn't wait he reached in to the fridge and pulled out the Mustard.
"what the hell are you doing?!" Heinz shouted.
"just trust me." Perry replied. "this will sting." Perry said before appling the Mustard.
"aw!" Heinz shouted.
"I warned you." Perry shrugged. "you should be more careful." Perry said. "where's your first air kit?" Perry ask.
"I don't need a first aid kit." Heinz argued.
"would you just trust me please?" Perry ask. Vanessa ,who'd walked into the room to see what was the matter, turned and quietly left. Heinz stared in to Perry's eye's and sighed.
"hallway closet." Heinz mumbled. Perry went for it. he came back and got out the gauze and some burn cream. with out a word Perry carefully grabed the burnt hand and washed the Mustard off, then bandaged it up.
"there. and thanks to the Mustard it won't even leave a scar." Perry said. Heinz's eye brows furrowed.
"how do you know that?" Heinz ask.
"remember that nurse at the hospital talking about home rememidies?" Perry ask.
"the one in Flordia, yea." Heinz replied.
"well she told me to try it on my seat belt burns. it takes the sting away. so I did and it worked." Perry shrugged. Heinz looked down at his hands.
"alright thanks." Heinz said. he sounded like he was brushing Perry off, but he really didn't know what else to say.
"you should really invest in some safety gear. what would you have done if I weren't here?" Perry ask.
"hopped around for a bit untill it stopped or tied an ice pack to it and continued working." Heinz said. Perry shook his head.
"do you ever take care of your self?" Perry ask. Heinz huffed.
"i've been doing that since I was born." Heinz said. Perry gave him a smile.
"what about your health?" Perry ask. Heinz's face lit up bright red. "mmmhmmm." Perry said. Heinz shot him a dirty look.
"cone on Perry!" Vanessa exclaimed walking into the room and placing Isabelle in his arms. she squealed at the sight of her uncle and he smiled slightly.
"I forgot we were shoping tonight!" Perry exclaimed. Heinz chuckled.
"go on i'm far enough into the machine it's an easy finish." Heinz said. Perry bit his lip.
"but-" Perry tried.
"no go hang out. besides, once i'm finished i've got presents to wrap." Heinz smiled with a shrug. Perry nodded and went to change clothes, since his were cover in oil and grease. Heinz walked into the room. "if your trying a new hair gel your failing." Heinz laughed walking up to Perry.
"huh?" Perry ask. Heinz rubbed his hand on Perry head and showed him. "ew gross thats in my hair? how'd it get there?" Perry ask. Heinz shrugged.
"must have been on one of the tools in the pile of tools when you stuck your head in." Heinz said. Perry stuck his tongue out.
"you sure your alright with me leaving in the middle of a project? you used to get upset when I left in the middle of a scheme." Perry said. Heinz waived him off.
"yes yes I'm sure at least now I know your not just blowing me off but your going shopping." Heinz said. Perry shook his head, flinging water every where, and put his shirt on. "come here rude boy?" Heinz ask. Perry's eyebrows furrowed and took the shirt off.
"ok off with the weird shirt on with a different." Perry mumbled.
"what the heck is that thing?" Heinz ask. Perry shrugged.
"dunno but it's cute." Perry said. Heinz rolled his eyes. "need anything?" Perry ask.
"hooks. we need more hooks the Christmas decorations are falling." Heinz said. Perry nodded. "thats it. enjoy the trip." Heinz added. Pery nodded.
"oh, and if you finish the machine while we are gone, please wait untill we are back to activate it. I have never driven in snow and I don't want to experiment with your daughter and her children in the vehicle." Perry said.
"consider it done." Heinz smiled. Perry nodded and gave him a kiss before leaving the room.
"hey Vaness do you know what this thing is?" Perry ask.
"oh thats Pikachu. James' little brother loves that show." Vanessa replied. Heinz couldn't hold back the chuckle as he realized that Perry's shirt said : I Pikachu while you sleep.
"weird." Perry shrugged and they left.
"what do you get a man that builds almost everything he needs?" Perry ask having gotten everyone a gift except Heinz. Vanessa was quiet.
"you know he's in need of a toolbox." Vanessa said.
"nah he's unorganized." Perry said.
"hmm... your right. he'd never use it." Vanessa said. then she lit up like a Christmas tree. "I know what to get him!" Vanessa exclaimed. she grabed the other end of the shopping cart and drug it, along with Perry, behind her. Perry followed silently. "you get him something he can build! he loves building!" Vanessa said. Perry looked up when they suddenly stopped and noticed they were on the crafting isle.
"hey this is cool." Perry said picking it up. it was a NASCAR speed tracks set.
"oh hey I had one of those race tracks when I was younger, but mom sold it after the divorce." Vanessa sighed. Perry shrugged and put it into the cart.
"cool a father daughter project sounds nice." Perry smiled. Vanessa laughed. they left to get the things Vanessa needed for the twins, who giggled at all the attention strangers were giving them. "hey Vanessa, how do you think your dad would react to taking a cat in?" Perry ask. Vanessa paused.
"why?" Vanessa ask.
"because I know this cat, he's a little mangy, but he's still lovable and he needs a home." Perry said.
"whats his name?" Vanessa ask.
"Felix I think." Perry replied.
"how old is he?" Vanessa ask.
"he's just a kit. he's not more then a year old." Perry said. Vanessa smiled.
"I'm sure dad wouldn't mind, after all it's for a good cause." Vanessa said. Perry practically glowed with happiness.
"good! cause no one should be alone on Christmas! everyone should always have a family." Perry smiled. Vanessa found the smile contagious and shared it.
"shh! I don't see any lights on. he must be sleeping, or he's in the lab." Vanessa said.
"or worse he's sleeping in the lab." Perry said. Vanessa laughed.
"alright so you go get the surprize while I put these presents under the tree." Vanessa said.
"ok." Perry said and left.
"hey where's Perry I finished the machine and wanted to show him." Heinz ask.
"oh he said he had one more Christmas present to pick up and then he'd be back." Vanessa said. Heinz shrugged and they waited for him to get back.
*skipping ahead to Christmas morning*
"you got them ride in cars?" Vanessa laughed.
"what I know they are only about five months old, but they'll grow, besides the boys built them." Perry said. the babies stared at the plastic cars, being too small to be able to get in and move around.
"looks like the Flintstones car." Heinz said.
"I think thats where the idea came from." Perry said.
"alright dad this one is yours from Perry." Vanessa said. Perry smiled brightly and Heinz raised an eye brow.
"alright why do I feel like somethings going to jump out and eat me?" Heinz ask.
"oh! it shouldn't! I think..." Perry said. Heinz snorted and opened the box. he smiled.
"Vanessa used to have one of these." Heinz said.
"I thought you two should spend more time together." Perry said. Heinz shook his head and rolled his eyes.
"we can put this together when we get back from Phineas and Ferbs house." Heinz said. Vanessa nodded.
Vanessa this one is all yours and believe me, you were the second hardest person to find something for." Perry said handing her a box. "be careful." Perry added. Vanessa took the warning and opened the box.
"a set of keys?" Vanessa ask. Heinz suddenly glared at him.
"you didn't." Heinz glared. Perry smiled sheepishly.
"look out the window Vanessa." Perry said. she did and screamed. she ran over to hug Perry.
"oh my gosh! that is the coolest ever! thank you!" Vanessa shouted. Perry laughed.
"I think you'll find it amazing, not only is it fire proof but it also has heated seat, portable tv screens, a cd player that holds eight cds, plenty of room for the carseats, and is about as sturdy as a tank. you can crash it and it wont dent or scratch the paint, won't even set the airbags off unless your hit by military grade explosives." Perry replied. one look from Heinz wypes the smile off his face and he twittled his fingers nervously.
"you bought my baby girl a car?!" Heinz shreaked.
"surprize?" Perry ask nervously rubbing the back of his neck. "don't worry it's completely safe. did every test I could think of on it. its completely safe." Perry added. Heinz thought.
"it had better be safe." Heinz said. Perry gave him a get real look.
"yeah like I'd risk your wrath because I gave your child an unsafe vehicle." Perry said sarcastically. Vanessa shoved a box into Perry's hand and he raised an eyebrow.
"just open it." Vanessa said. Perry shrugged and did.
"a watch comunicator?" Perry ask.
"you see I forgot to tell you, when we got shot at, they kinda shot your watch. so I rebuilt it." Heinz said. Perry smiled with a nod.
"thank you." Perry said. he put it on and was surprized. "ok not even the agency got my wrist size right, how did you?" Perry ask.
"simple I measureed your wrist." Heinz shrugged. Perry nodded.
"alright let's head over to Phineas and Ferbs house!" Perry exclaimed. he and Vanessa were both excited, but for different reasons. Perry loved to see his family and Candace was usually nice to him on Christmas and he'd be giving Felix the cat. Vanessa was excited beccause the boys said they'd built something cool.
*Phineas and Ferbs house*
"it just doesn't feel like Christmas without snow." Phineas said.
"hey Phineas, Heinz has a surprize!" Perry giggled. Heinz ducked down when he realized everyone was now looking at him, but he cleared his throat.
"if everyone would please look out the window." Heinz said. they did and he pulled out his remote. they watched a a lazor was fired into the sky and a few minutes later snow began to fall.
"woah!" Phineas cried.
"Perry said you didn't like Christmas without snow." Heinz said. Phineas nodded and presents were givin out.
"well thats all of them." Linda said. Perry stood.
"actually, I have a surprize." Perry said with a smile. he and Vanessa shared like grins as Perry handed a box to him. "be careful this one may actually jump at you." Perry said. Heinz raised an eyebrow but opened the box none the less. he was surprized when the item in the box did actually jump him, but then he laughed and pulled the kitten off him. "his name is Felix and Vanessa said you liked cats and no one not even kittens should be alone on Christmas." Perry said with a smile. Heinz laughed and hugged him. loving Perry wasn't always this easy, but then again loving Heinz wasn't easy either.