A.N: Hello guuuuys! I'm so sorry this update came very late, life just KO'd me really hard. Anyway hope you enjoy this last chapter! Yey it finally ends!

Now a Santa in Disguise

"My girlfriend and I would like to avail your special limited edition sale."

"Certainly lovely costumers, right away." A male waiter dressed in the black and white butler uniform gestured the new costumers over a table two meters away from Drew and May's table.

Solidad then came back from what it seemed to be the kitchen of the store.

"Why can't you just let us avail your limited edition sale immediately just like those two?" Drew asked as Solidad came over their table. "You know, like we don't have to do this ludicrous idea that only you out of the other waiters and waitress here seemed to have knowledge of."

Solidad then grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the table. Drew looked back thinking that May would hopefully protest that this 'unknown' lady was somehow flirting with her 'boyfriend', but she was just too busy looking at the different flavored cakes on the menu she was holding.


"Come on just play along will you." Solidad whispered, making sure it was out of May's earshot. "I'm doing you an unregrettable favor of a lifetime here." She winked.

Drew wasn't sure if 'unregrettable' was the correct and proper word for it, heck he didn't even know if 'unregrettable' was even an actual word.

"You're not really going to make us.." Drew gulped silently. An embarrassment slowly bulldozed past his cheeks.

Solidad winked for the second time.

"Oh god…"

Then Solidad pushed him back to his seat.

Just as Drew was about to say something about leaving the store and making up a perfect and well-thought excuse about forgetting to feed his twelve hungry pet chameleons or that his stomach just ached for no goddamn and logical reason, May grabbed his wrist this time.

"You're not gonna leave are you?" She harshly whispered, making sure it was out of Solidad's earshot. "We have already come this far! I'm not gonna let you ruin the chance! Get it Grasshead?!"

"You actually don't know anything about what couples do, do you?" He asked.

"Of course! You know I haven't had any boyfriend before." She answered casually. "As if that highly matters right now." She rolled her eyes.

"Oh god…"

"Just stay cool okay." May lightly pushed him back to his seat. "I'll take care of this." She winked. "Sweetheart."

At the words May just said, Drew's knees started to buckle. He had never been this thankful before to a chair in his ungrateful-to-chairs life.

"This is so not good for my heart." He whispered to himself. He no longer have any idea what to decide anymore, to flee from this heart-bursting situation or just let himself be slain by the strong urge of love strangling him. And there's only so much he could take.

This was certainly, without a doubt, unhealthy for his heart.

"Okay then." Solidad took out a piece of paper from the pocket of her skirt. And Drew's eyes enlarged at the length of the thing. It must have been five to six inches long.

"Oops, wrong paper." Solidad put it back inside her pocket. "There we go." She pulled out another paper about three inches longer than the first.


"First of all." Solidad started as she unfolded the paper. "What kind of romantic thing does this man do to you?" She adoringly eyed May.

"Well, uhm," May stuttered, darting her eyes towards the floor in embarrassment. "He gives me roses almost everyday." She chuckled, a definite blush visible on her face.

"That is so cute!" Solidad squealed. "I am now twenty percent convinced!"

May find it romantic all along? For real? So I've been successful all along trying to hint her that I like her? That she knew all along that my purpose was something romantic and passionate even with those retarded and poorly-prepared reasoning?

Then May stole a glance at him and winked, giving him a thumbs-up "Told you I could take care of it." She mouthed silently.

Oh darn it.

"How about you? You do seem to like this fine, young and beautiful lady. How much do you like her?" Solidad asked Drew this time.

"I, uh, I, eh, uhh, err, I,"

The world around Drew spun like a tornado on steroid. How would he answer that question? It was as if he was already confessing to May. He fully knew that he wasn't prepared for this, what was supposed to happen again? Just him and May, eating a cake peacefully, a one-sided romance on his part.

If he was to answer, he might as well tell her everything he liked about her. No lies, no sugar-coating of words.

"I like-"

"Oops no need to answer after all sir." Solidad interrupted him. "I could literally feel your overflowing, strong, ageless, undying, unwavering and boundless love for this beautiful young lady." She added, gesturing her hands to make it sound all majestic as she said each word.

Dammit Solidad!

Drew then saw May stealing another glance at him. "We totally own this!" She mouthed this time.

If Drew wasn't blushing so much he would have facepalmed, really hard.

"Now I'm forty percent convinced!" Solidad continued. "Since you two have been dating, you two must have known the favorite or preferred cake of each other." She eyed May. "What is his favorite cake?"

Drew immediately knew it was a dead-end question, he never talked with May anything about the food he likes and dislikes. More especially about his favorite cake. Even he himself didn't know if he had a favorite cake. The only time he recalled talking with May was how badly he stuttered giving a pathetic excuse about the roses he gave.

Or how much he forgot to feed Dog again and again and again.

"Oh I know, it's Strawberry Cake." She answered confidently.

Drew's eye twitched as if what May said was something he would have never thought of. He certainly loved strawberry but he wasn't aware that such a flavor existed.

May suddenly glared sharp, pointed and poisoned-tipped daggers at him.

He gulped silently, realizing what he was supposed to do.

"Of course it's Strawberry Honey! I, I m-mean just Strawberry, Strawberry cake, Honey is you, because you're very sweet, a-and a-as if there such a flavor as strawberry honey, right?" He laughed awkwardly. "You certainly know a lot about me Darling!" He faked-squealed.

Too bad there's actually a Strawberry Honey Cake. But that doesn't matter to Solidad, she was having fun after all.

"Of course I do! We've been dating with years of experience!" May chuckled and playfully smacked Drew's shoulder. "That was close Grasshead! There's only so much I could handle you know!" She harshly mouthed.

Of course Solidad didn't care whatever lie the two of them would come up with, everything was going exactly according to her plan smoothly.

"Awwe that is so sweet! And what about her? What is her favorite cake?"

Then Drew's nervous laughing came to a halt. How would he answer that? Would he just come up with whatever flavor and let May confirm it for him just like what he did earlier?

He thought hard, he was very afraid of messing things up. He could let May confirm a flavor he would say and it'll be all over as if nothing ever happened, well not exactly like that but there was a problem about that idea –the more he thought of cake flavors the less he seemed to know anything about them.

Panic and its miraculous and enigmatic works.

Chocolate cake? But that's too plain, it should have an additional classy name or whatever. Dammit, and was there ever a Bavarian Mint flavor? I'm sure I've heard of it. Wait what if it wasn't a cake flavor? Oh no, even 'Bavarian' sounds too weird to be an actual word. Oh my god why didn't I take a look at the menu earlier?!

"M-my d-da-darling doesn't have a favorite. She likes all flavors of cake."

May looked at him with bewildered eyes, as if what he said just raised the difficulty bar of their dire situation by a hundred.

But May just breathed in deeply before answering. No matter how dire the situation would get, there was no way of stopping her from getting those cakes.

"Ye-yes! I do! Really!" May responded quickly after regaining her posture. "I mean they are all the same kind of cake. Why should we label them to lesser categories and pick out favorites? As a lover of such aesthetic nourishment, I find it my deepest virtue to not choose a favorite but have them all as the same one beneficial and fulfilling diet everyone should enjoy."

Then there was a minute of silence.

"I, I, uh, never thought of it that way." Solidad replied thoughtfully. "Anyway." She continued as she folded back the piece of paper and placed it inside her pocket. "Time for the main trial!"

For several minutes after that profound statement from May, Drew finally closed his gaping mouth.

"Main trial?" Drew and May said in unison.

"Oh no." Drew pressed his temples. "I'm not ready for this."

"Oh yes!" May fist bump the air. "I'm so ready for this!"

A lot of things ran through Drew's mind, main trials meant a lot of things. In some video games he played, main trials were where you fight difficult boss battles. So he concluded that the situation was getting to its most absurd stage which was most probably Drew's worst yet most beautiful dream –kissing May.

Of course what else could be more embarrassingly worse than kissing?

Solidad had really outdone herself this time, she really was rooting for Drew that she had to do stuffs her way than wait it out knowing how much Drew was unbearably a wimp towards the girl he loved.

And Drew wanted to kiss May, if he could kiss her freely he would do it as often as he would flick his hair. And that is a lot. But in real life? He wasn't sure, he didn't know if his heart could take it. He felt that his heart might stop beating when they would kiss as if it was taking a deep breath with him.

But seeing it the other way around, this was the perfect chance for him to put into good use the kiss-practice he'd been doing every other night with his May-pillow.

He promised himself that he would stop the habit but he never did, placing a goodnight kiss on the pillow already had a sentimental value in his heart.

He took a quick glance at May, she still has that determined face.

Why can't I just be as determined as she is?!

"All you have to do is stick close to each other as I would take a commemorative photo of you both." Solidad answered as she held up a camera.

"Wait, that's it?!" They both answered in unison, heavily appalled.

"Yep! It's for our store." She answered gleefully. "What did you guys think?"

"N-no, no-nothing!" Drew stammered, fanning his face in poor attempt at cooling down his warming cheeks. "Nothing romantic such as kissing or hugging."

"Or kissing while hugging!" May inserted.

"WHAT?!" Drew looked at her, greatly surprised.

"You didn't think of that?" She asked.

"Well, I, uh, I could have, I think? I mean-" Drew stuttered harder.

"No doubt about it! You two really are such a cute couple!" Solidad squealed. "Now please stay close to each other as I'll take a picture."

Despite Drew's protest and blushing madly, he was able to stick close with May. May smiled happily as Solidad took their picture.

"I shall now take your order." Solidad happily took out a small scratchpad.

And for the first time in Drew's life, he had never seen May so happy before that he felt his heart floated somewhere around his esophagus.

All is well that ends well.


"Today was so satisfying!" May answered in a sing-sang voice. "Today sure is the best day ever!"

"Of course it would be." Drew replied as they walked out of the store. "With all those cakes, you could be happy non-stop for a couple of weeks."

Drew was right about that, with all those cakes, Drew couldn't think of anything happier than the girl right beside him. He may never admit it verbally, but inwardly Drew could say the same thing for him. Even though it was just pretend, a date is a date.

"It's not just that silly." May stopped walking and immediately held his hand. "It's because I get to spend this special day with you."

Drew swore he felt his gut do a multiple backflip.

It's because she was able to spend this special day with him?

"What are you saying April?" Drew looked away even though May had already seen him blush multiple times today.

She tightened her grip on his hand one last time before letting go.

"Thank you for agreeing to come with me today." She smiled as the light early afternoon breeze danced her caramel hair like falling leaves in mid-autumn.

Drew suddenly had that overwhelming urge to hug her, like on some random frequent occasions. She seemed to have become more beautiful as the days passed. Her sapphire orbs reminded him of the sky without clouds –warm and clear.

"You look pitiful begging me for it so I thought-" He was then interrupted with a pair of warm and moist lips that suddenly pressed against his right cheek.

So much for his crude and cool-act remark.

Realizing her mistake, May instantly pulled herself away and cupped her mouth. "Sorry Drew!" She apologized right away, her face red with embarrassment. "I knew we were just pretending but I got carried away! I'm really sorry!"

May bowed her head repeatedly.

Drew just had that dumbfounded look however. After a minute he turned his back against her and started to walk away.

"It's fine June." He answered without looking back.

May gazed at his retreating figure. "There he goes again walking away suddenly with no apparent logical reason."

He waved his hand back at her while walking. It didn't matter where he was going for the moment, as long as he could hide his face from May. It was the very first time he felt that elated in his life –he couldn't stop smiling.

It was as if someone glued a smile on his face. He even feared that it would become permanent.

Dammit I'm so happy right now I could die!

Then he suddenly felt his mobile rang.

One Image Received

He clicked a button and an image popped out, it was the picture Solidad took of them earlier.

Advance Merry Christmas Drew! ;) Please tell me how awesome I am!

"Solidad!" Drew jumped happily. "You're the best!"

And thus Drew Hayden wasn't able to sleep for a couple of days.

Or weeks.

A.N: And thus the story ends haha thank you to those who read and reviewed this story! It was of very great help :D And also to Rach, yeah I hope you like the story ahaha it's been crazy and I hope it was your kind of crazy,xD

Stay cool and awesome everyone!