Wow I've got to stop with these short one shots. My mission was accomplished and I got this up before the episode aired. Also I apologize if these two are out of character a bit but I believe I found a new favorite pair to ship that replaced my old one.

Anyways tell me what you think!

Any mistakes are my own and I apologize of them and the choppiness, I'll edit it better and make it a little better.

A blonde girl was standing in the distance watching her mother argue with a man she thought she got along with for the most part. They were so intertwined in their augment, they didn't notice her watching or so that is what she thought..

"You're not listening again."

"Wait you're saying I never listen? Fine I can do that."

"And now your taking it out of proportion as always"

"Taking it out of proportion, I'll tell you what taking it out of proportion is. It's when you decide to go on one of your damn suicide missions."

"Don't talk to me about suicide missions when you're out there more then I am"

"But that's the point Abby. I'm trained-"

"Your just a bit more trained Kane. You've got to remember you were in space with the rest of us. It only makes you a little bit more qualified."

"What are they doing Clarke?" The blonde girl was sooo wrapped up in her mothers argument that she didn't hear Bellamy come up behind her.

She took a glance at the guy and then when back to her mother. "They're arguing again"

He sighed and crossed his arms "how did it start this time?"

"They were talking about food supplies. I think... Wait Is this a constant thing?"

"More or less. After they found Finn and me, again. It seems a bit more constant this time."

"I remember on the ark that they got under each other's skins bur they argued about useful things at least."

Bellamy smirked "you know it could be now they're tryin to find away to see each other"

"Nooo my mother absolutely hates the man. She always said that." Her attention was now on Bellamy. She figured that it would not matter much at this point if she was paying attention to her mother.

"She might not" he points to them and they both saw her mother became more gentle with Kane. She tilted Kanes' head and noticed something. At this point Clark listens and she is ready to run if need be.

"What did our conversation start about?"

"You call that a conversation Abby?" Kane raised an eyebrow.

"I guess your-" she glanced up at him and before she could finished she noticed he had a start of an black eye or an ending of one. She reached her hand up to see what was exactly wrong. "Marcus how did you manage this?"

He wanted to move his head away but he figured it would result in more arguing and possibly getting hurt. "A blonde girl that happens to be your daughter has a nasty right hook"

"When did this happen?"

"When we all meet up at the grounders camp. She decided that before she got rescued it'd be nice to hit me"

Abby dropped her hand and smirked "Well the last time she saw you was when you arrested her, so you kind-"

"I Deserved it, I know."

"Good" she gave a quick glance over her shoulder and then looked back at Kane "What do you want to do about those two"

He took a second and answered him "I could think of a few things"

The next time she looked over her shoulder she saw her daughter and the boy Blake running the opposite direction