Archer's POV from Hex Hall

No, sadly I do not own the incredible, amazing wonderful world of hex hall. That would be all Rachel Hawkins doing. And man, oh man, do I wish I owned archer *swoon* first fanfiction, only fifteen years of age, hope you enjoy. Please give me feedback. I am hoping I'll be able to do the whole book.


I was standing, leaning on a tree when I saw her. Her mom pulled up in a beat up rental car and parked just across from me, just far enough so they couldn't see me, but near enough so I could hear them. Perfect.

She came out. Here we go. I thought, not too happily. I remembered what her file had said, she was pretty short, brown curly hair, freckles and brown eyes, but I wasn't prepared for what I had saw. She was pretty, that much I could tell from afar, even though a scowl was clearly shown on her face. I almost laughed out loud; there usually was a scowl on kid's faces when their parents drag them here. Welcome to Hex Hall. I thought.

She had a brochure clutched in one hand, I could just make out the words Hecate Hall on the front and smirked, she put her sunglasses on top of her head and tried patting down the mass of curls on her head.

Her mother came on the other side to stand next to her; she had a grim look on her face. The girl's file had said her mother was supposedly human, but considering what her daughter was, I know something was a little bit off.

I just couldn't imagine this five foot girl being, you know being a demon. Even if it was just less than a-half, it was enough to make The Eye suspicious.

Her mom sighed. "Well?"

"Awesome," she murmured. She patted her hair again, "I always wondered what it would be like to live in someone's mouth." I held back a laugh; this girl's file had also said her second language was practically sarcasm. I guess this assignment wasn't going to be as boring as I thought it would be.

She stared unimpressed at the looming buildings in front of her. Though, I don't blame her. When I first came to Hex hall, I thought it was a prison for us 'Prodigium', just an excuse to lock up us monsters from the world to keep the humans safe.

"I still don't see how helping one girl find a date imperiled other witches." Huh, I wonder if she had done the spell for her, or for a friend. I was guessing the latter, well more like hoping.

But I wondered mostly if she knew what she was? Was she, like her file said, in the dark about what she was? Or was she playing innocent in this whole time?

"It wasn't just that one girl Soph, and you know it. It was that boy with the broken arm in Delaware, and that teacher you tried to make forget about a test in Arizona…." Her mom trailed off. So Soph was it? So it was, I'm guessing short for Sophia. I smirked again, it was almost perfect, like the good girl next door, except, she really wasn't.

"He got his memory back eventually." She said defensive. "Well most of it."

Her mom sighed and pulled out a trunk that I assumed was Sophie's, though it looked like it had been through all the 1800s. "Your father and I both warned you that there were consequences for using your powers. I don't like this any more than you do, but at least you'll be with… with other kids like you."

I almost snorted; what her mom didn't know was that she was practically handing her over to the enemy. To the Eye. To me. She was actually more safer out there, than she was here. The humor wasn't lost on me.

"You mean total screw-ups," Sophie said, putting her bag on her shoulder.

"You're not a screw-up Sophie, you've just made some mistakes." From what I've read, she's made more than just mistakes, and I think she knew that too. "Besides, this is a good school." Her mom said as they approached the building.

"Huh." Her mother looked up at Hecate, looks like Sophie wasn't the only one intimated by its three stories; old renaissance looking built. Though I don't think the large oak trees helped at all since Sophie was currently looking at them like they were going to come alive and drag her and her mom into the building.

She tugged at her Hex Hall skirt, I grinned, she didn't know it, but she made it work, which was quite impressive since I was pretty sure the head mistress, or whatever, made the uniforms look as ugly as possible so there was no fraternizing amongst the students. I looked down at my own hex hall uniform, my collar unbuttoned and ties loose, I hated those things they were like leashes but for guys. I had took off my blazer and hung it on my elbow. No sense in sweating my butt off.

I had a feeling that Sophie was one of those girls who are beautiful, but didn't know it, which made them even more attractive, especially if they didn't flaunt it and act like the world revolved around them.

"It's pretty," her mom said, a little too perky if you ask me.

"Yah it's beautiful. For a prison."

Her mom shook her head, "Drop the insolent-teenager thing, Soph. It's hardly a prison."

Man that woman had no idea.

"This really is the best place for you."

"I guess," Sophie mumbled. They looked around the courtyard, and I knew from personal experience it was a lot to take in. there were kids and their parents milling around. I felt a pang of jealousy, but squashed it down. I had a family, and I was here because of them. To help them.

I leaned in further, catching the end of their conversation.

" constantly worrying about you for once." They walked closer to me and I started to come out from behind the tree, I could see Sophie was visibly relieved to be finally out of the sun.

They both jumped when a howl pierced the humid air. Sophie turned slowly, I turned too and found the parents of a werewolf, looking down at him a little irritated. Sophie looked at them with wide eyes and glanced nervously at her mom, who also looked a little concerned.

"Stop it Justin," his dad said, a little irritated.

The woman put a hand on Justin's shoulder, trying to calm him. "Listen to your father. This is just silly."

It almost worked too, Justin's werewolf form started morphing back to a human, but then Sophie did something that surprised me. She laughed.

Justin turned to her, gave out an angry howl, and charged. I sighed, looks like this was my queue, I thought.

The two parents cried out in surprise and in warning. I almost rolled my eyes, because seriously, like that was going to do anything.

"Bad dog!" Sophie yelled, which made me laugh out loud, seriously this girl was hilarious. I held up my hand and did a simple blocking spell. In a flash of blue light, the werewolf smacked into the invisible wall, falling into a pitiful heap, I almost felt bad, but he would've done much worse to Sophie, than what I just did to him.

Sophie's mom ran up to her, breathing hard she asked if she was alright.

"Fine," she said, brushing the invisible grass off her skirt.

I stepped up behind her, "you know," I started, knowing I should make at least a nice intro of myself, since I'd have to get close to her, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to make fun of her for the 'bad dog' thing, so I just thought screw it and did just that. "I usually find a blocking spell to be a lot more effective than yelling 'Bad dog,' but maybe that's just me," I leaned on to the tree next to me and smirked.

"You're a witch, aren't you?" I asked, knowing it would piss her off even more. I pushed off the tree and walked closer, freckles were scattered along her nose and checks, making her look pale, but her checks were red, either from the heat or embarrassment. Or both, that made me grin.

"Maybe in the future, you could endeavor not to suck so badly at it," I finished, then turned and sauntered off.

I glanced behind me and saw Sophie looking at her fingers that were outstretched and pointed at me, like they malfunctioned, but I could guess what had happened, I turned and saw what I had predicted. Mrs. Casnoff was standing on the front porch, looking at Sophie. "That's enough, my dear." She pointed at Sophie, "We do not use our powers against another Prodigium here, no matter how provoked we may be. May I add, Archer," she turned to me, uh-oh. "That while this young lady is new to Hecate, you know better than to attack another student."

I snorted, "So I should have let him eat her?"

"Magic is not the solution for everything," she said, giving me a pointed look. I had a sarcastic remark on the tip of my tongue but then Sophie spoke up.

"Archer?" she asked, her eyebrows raised, I almost laughed, this was the funniest thing ever. Usually girls swooned for me, and yes I know that sounded really cocky and annoying, but it was true. I had a feeling that Sophie was going to be different. And that kind of scared me.

"Is your last name Newport or Vanderbilt? Maybe followed by some numbers? Ooh! Or maybe Esquire!"

My smile didn't waver, and I think that irritated her a bit, "Actually, it's Archer Cross, and I'm the first one." Now it was time to act dumb, "Now what about you," I squinted at her, "Let's see….. brown hair, freckles whole girl-next-door vibe going on… Allie? Lacie? Defiantly something cutesy ending in ie."

She stared at me, eyes wide and mouth opening and closing. She didn't have any witty comeback to throw back at me, and I got some satisfaction in that. Perfect timing too, because her mother had finished talking to Justin's parents and yelled out, "Sophie! Wait up."

"I knew it," I laughed, "See you, Sophie." I turned and walked into the house.

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Next one will be up soon.