(Okay, this is my third attempt at this story and hopefully my successful one :)
Changed a little bit about it so... the first three chapters will be very familiar but after that... wait. I think that's as far as I got last time =D
I hope you enjoy! Laterz!)
Seven year old Ashton Jacobs was sitting in the parlor of his large Victorian home.
The doctors were visiting his mother right now, so he was waiting.
He blew a lock of black hair off of his forehead and sighed. The doctors always took so long!
But there had been something different about this visit.
Instead of just the doctor and the nurse, which was also his wife, the town's Preacher and a lawyer had come along. And so had the widowed Duke Gerard Hamilton.
They had been in the bedroom for nearly two hours now. Some of the house's maids were in there too.
Occasionally, Ashton could hear quiet talking and someone crying, but he didn't know why.
His mother had been bedridden for nearly a year now and his father had died in war before Ashton was even born.
"Everything's alright." Colleen, the house's cook said, putting on her best smile "I've known your mama since she was a little girl. She'll be alright."
Ashton nodded slowly "Okay."
About that time, the bedroom door opened and the doctor, nurse, preacher and maids stepped out.
"You can see her now." The doctor said with a slight nod "I... must be going."
Ashton jumped up from his seat and ran into his mother's bedroom "Mama?" he whispered as he stepped up to the bed "Mama?"
Daisy Jacobs opened her eyes and smiled at her son "Hop up here, Sweetie." As soon as he had obeyed she motioned across the room "I want you to meet someone. This is Duke Gerard Hamilton. He's going to be your father now."
Ashton stared at the man for a moment then looked down at his mother "My father? Why do I need a father? I have you."
"Yes you do. And I will always be with you." Daisy laid her hand on his shoulder "Even if I'm not here."
"Where do you mean?"
"I have to go now." Daisy said gently "I have to leave you, Ashton. But I'll always be in your heart."
"What?" the young boy gasped then he shook his head defiantly "But... Mama! Why do you have to go? Why can't you stay?"
"Everyone has a time when they must leave this world. And it's my turn." she took a deep breath "Just promise me something. You will always be my sweet little boy who loves to help people. And you'll stay true to your heart even when everyone tries to turn you around."
tears began welling up in his powder blue eyes "Why do you have to go?"
"Duke Gerard will take care of you, Honey. I promise." Daisy's voice became strained as she gently touched his cheek "He even has some boys for you to play with."
"That''s right, Son." Duke Gerard said "You'll be a part of the family."
Ashton simply threw his arms around his mother's neck and began to cry "I love you, Mommy."
"I love you too, Sweetheart." Daisy ran her hand over his hair, tears coursing down her cheeks "I always will. Never forget."
It was a very few short moments later that Daisy took her last breath and died.
Ashton slowly raised himself and looked down at his mother's pale face "I promise, Mama." he whispered then he kissed her cheek "I promise."