He didn't know what to do now; Clarke was missing and unlike what Raven had initially assumed, her and Finn hadn't run off for some alone time together. Part of him was relieved, he had not wanted to own up to his feelings in regard to Clarke, but after what had happened with Raven he had to face the truth; he cared about her a lot more than he was supposed to. He had been unable to sleep with her, no matter the amount of jealousy he was also feeling at the time. All he could think about was how Clarke and him had been exchanging more smiles lately; they were fighting less and agreeing on how to take care of the 100 and now she was missing.
'Bellamy, are you ready to head out?' Jasper, gun in hand was already at the gate ready to go look after their missing people.
'Ya, just give me a second I need to get more bullets.' He was trying to stay strong, show that he wasn't afraid, but the truth was he was terrified of the possibility that they would not find them. He had to bring her back; he needed her just as much as she needed him. They were a team and he refused to do this without her.
They had picked up their trail about a mile from camp; their was a clear sign of struggle.
'Did you hear that, it's coming from the bushes?' Bellamy had is gun ready for action, as Jasper was approaching the bush where the sound was coming from. They were shocked by what they found, the boy that had left camp with Clarke and Finn unconscious, gun still in hand.
'Jasper grab his feet, we have to bring him back to camp, and maybe when he wakes up he can tell us where Clarke is.' Something bad happened to them, but they had to still be alive or they would have found them right next to Miles. What did the grounders want with his princess, and how was he going to get her back. The walk back to camp was quiet, no one wanted to say out loud what they were thinking; that they might never see their friends again. Once they arrived, he gathered all his gunners, he needed them to be aware that the grounders had made a move on their people and they might be heading for their camp next. He needed the camp to be secured; he needed all of them to be safe, because he was going after Clarke.
'Miller can you stay behind for a second, I'm going after Clarke and Finn on my own. I need you to be in charge while I'm gone, the grounders could be coming any moment now, and we need to be prepared when they do. Raven will continue working on making us more bullets, you get everyone set up in defence position.'
'Bellamy you can't just leave your our leader, you have no idea where they are, you could be running in circles for days.'
'I know, you think I don't know that you need me here, but she needs me too, she's been here for all of us since the start I own it to her to at least try.' Miller was surprised by Bellamy's sudden outburst. It had been clear to him for days now that him and Clarke had developed a new kind of friendship, but what he was seeing now in his leaders eyes was more than friendship, he had fallen for Clarke and he sure as hell didn't want to be the one to stand in the way of him finding his girl.
'Ok, I'll make sure the camp is safe, but come back as soon as you can.' Bellamy nodded and headed towards the drop ship. Hopefully Miles was awake now and would be able to give him some information on who took Clarke, it would at least give him a head start.
'Hey O, has he come around.'
'He has, but he's still a little confused, all I could get out of him was that five grounders had attacked them, one of them was a girl.'
'It's probably the grounder princess; if she hurts one hair on Clarke head she's going to pay. Keep taking care of him, stay in the drop ship it's the safest place.'
'Why, where are you going? Are you thinking of going after them?'
'Look I've had this talk with Miller already, I need to get her back, we need her here, she'll know what to do. O, just please stay safe I can only worry about one girl at a time.' Octavia gave him a look, but she didn't say anything, their was no convincing him to change his mind once he was set on an idea and nothing was going to stop him from brining Clarke home.
He walked out the gate, gun on his left shoulder, took a last glance at what he and Clarke had accomplish since they had landed on earth. The only way he was walking through that gate again was with Clarke next to him.