Well, this is the last chapter of this story… *sigh* but look at the bright side! I'm still working on talking to the moon and a new chapter of How to save a life is coming up!

Question: Has anyone read the Maximum Ride series, because I have and I love it! I may write some stories for the book also!

Anyways, Keep reviewing, and critiquing my work! Bye!


Finn walked; head downcast as he approached the subway terminal yet again on a dreadful Monday morning. Unfortunately, he couldn't find the questionably beautiful brunette that he met just a week before. Try as he might, Finn found nothing. He visited Deli's, vegan shops and even tapped random strangers shoulders on the street in hopes of finding her.

Trapped in his reverie, the kindergarten teacher was oblivious to the enormous broadway poster planted on the grimy subway walls, as he sat down on the bench nearest to his incoming train.

It was hopeless. There was no way that Finn would find her now especially at this time of day.

As the freckled giant stares into the distance a catchy tune on the subway speakers catches his attention. His feet start tapping to the beat and before he knows it, he's already singing the chorus.

She was covered in leather and gold

21 years old

I lost her in the cold

It's unfair she's out there

Somewhere, somewhere, somewhere in Brooklyn

She's somewhere, somewhere, somewhere in Brooklyn

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

I wonder will we ever meet again

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

I wonder if we ever meet again

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

I hope we do

Somewhere in Brooklyn

Suddenly a faint yet assured clap came from behind Finn. When he turned around, he was again face- to face with the same brunette he's been trying to find for the past few days. It was like a dream.

As the giant remained unresponsive and in awe, the girl took the initiative to start the conversation.

"Wow, that was really good Finn!" An ecstatic smile spread across her face. "I never knew that you could sing." A huge rush of heat spread to the boys cheeks.

"U-Um… W-Well i'm n-not that good. I-I mean-

"No you were! I was on my way to play rehearsal when I heard the most beautiful voice coming from this area and I had to find out who it was. I can't believe it was you. As finn's looking at the brunettes face, he can see awe and another expression on her face that he can't quite put a finger on.

"Wait, rehearsal?" Finn said taken aback.

"Yeah i'm in the new broadway play "Funny Girl". She said as she pointed at something behind him. When he turned around he was face to face with a slightly stained broadway poster that had the brunettes beautiful face on the center of it.

"Oh…" he said rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. He's pretty sure he's passed that poster at least four times. The good news is that he now has the opportunity to get her name, and hopefully her number. Nervousness once again took over him, and he ended up stuttering his question.

"U-Um c-can I perhaps have y-yo-"

"My number?" she said with an adorable smile.

"Y-Yeah." Finn exclaimed.

"So I didn't quite get your name. What is it again?" He asked softly as she pulls out what looks like a post-it note and a gold ink pen.

"Oh it's -" Suddenly a screech interrupted her answer as a train came to a slow stop in front of them.

"I'm sorry, i've got to go." She said as she finished scribbling down her number on the piece of paper. As she handed it to him, she grabbed her bags and dashed toward the train; not before give him a smile and a gentle peck on the cheek. As Finn's blush subsided, he groaned at frustration at the feeling that this day is deja vu.

He didn't get her name. after all of this time he still didn't get her name.

"Well at least I have her number." he muttered as he finally took a look at the now crumpled paper. As he's reading the note, a huge smile spreads on his face when he realises that his assumptions were wrong.

Hey! Here's my number:


I'd really like to get to know you Finn.

P.S my name is Rachel Berry :)

Yep that's right. Right here in big gold letters is the girls name. Finn grinned. And to think this girl was just Somewhere in Brooklyn…

Well THat's it! stay tuned for Talking to the Moon and How to save a life! Bye! :)
