"I need eyes. Sam you have anything?" the super solider talked into his ear piece as he ran across several streets, narrowly avoiding a collision with a blue pick up.

Sam, known as his codename Falcon, was flying over head, "Scanning," he muttered under his breath. He looked about the are before his eyes fell on a running figure, "Got him, three blocks ahead of you. Right."

The blonde nodded and took off in a sprint.

Steve's target panted under his mask as he made a left. Apparently he'd chosen the direction for mini missiles and was nearly blasted. With a grunt he rolled over from his back and began running the opposite way.

"What was that?"

"Just steering him the proper way," a fimilar voice of a brat genius replied.

"With artilary Tony?! Thats dangerous!" the solider shouted.

"Well you wanted me here to help so I'm helping things move a little faster. I'm ready to get home," the suit flew after the Winter solider.

Steve just shook his head and decided on an alternate route.

Bucky ran as fast as his feet would take him. He didn't want to face Steve yet, not with the sovietic arm still attached to his body. Tainting him and reminding him of his past. He needed it off first, then maybe he would feel better about remeeting his former friend.

Whilest the Winter Solider was deep in thought, climbing a gate to escape the trio into a park, he suddenly had the wind knocked out of him.

He blinked and looked about as he realised he was on his stomach and could feel the weight of someone at his back, fastening his hands to his small. Instantly he started struggling and pulling.

"Thats enough," Steve panted, making sure the cuffs were tight but not too tight.

"Get off of me, solider!" the brunette growled and attempted to buck the man off like a wild horse.

The man grunted and gave Bucky's rear three smacks, "You stop that!" he fasted the other cuff a little more tightly on the metal arm.

The action stunned him for a moment, making him stare in a bit of disbelief, which just made Steve's job all that easier.

"I got him," Steve told the other two before turning his attention back to the brunetter, "You're coming with me. We're going home."

Bucky stood and turned his powder blue eyes to the man, "Home?" the confusion was clear even in the single syllable word, "We're going home?"

"Yes, we're going to my home. Where I'm going to help you," the man nodded, escorting him away from the area before they got too much unwanted attention.

Steve looked about the penthouse, making sure he didn't see Rhodes. Hopefully he was still at work and wouldn't be back for a while. If nothing other than to buy him some thinking time.

When he saw that no one was there he quickly pulled the rogue in, "Alright Bucky, I'll get you settled in and then I'll tend to Tony."

Surprisingly Bucky wasn't fighting the pull. He was busying himself by looking around the building. It was likeable, and large. Was this Steve's home? Well obviously, he had a key to it.

"This is your home?" he asked, looking at the taller man.

"Well, my home is condemned at the moment," Due to it being shot up in an assassination attempt, but no need to add that, "So I'm staying with some friends at the moment."

"Who's place is this?"

As if on cue Tony walked up and called to Steve, "I need assistance."

"His," the solider rolled his eyes, "OK, let me get Bucky settled then I'll come help you out Tony," he hurried his friend toward the bedroom, leaving the genius in the hall, whining.

"You need a bath," he told Bucky, taking him to the bathroom.

The former weapon looked about the bathroom. It was bigger than any he'd ever seen, "A bath."

"You know what a bath is, surely." he ran warm water for him.

The man scoffed quietly, remembering the hosing he would recieve and the rough, quick scrub from his captors.

Steve looked to him and made a split decision to pour in some auromatherapy bubbles. They were Rhodes' but he wouldn't mind sharing, at least not in a situation like this.

After the tub was half full Steve looked to the man, "I'm going to take the restraints off. If you fight me you will regret it," he warned. Bucky just looked to him and nodded, turning to be uncuffed. The solider gave him a second look before removing the metal cuffs.

Soon as the cuffs were off the clothes were. The blond just watched as the former solider sat on the floor in the nude.

"I'm ready," was the only thing that passed his lips.

"You want me to wash you?" It was a bit surprising for Steve to hear that from him, but he didn't think much of it as he knew Bucky had been in captivity a long time, "Well I can't wash you over there, the tub is here," he pointed.

James wasn't sure how he felt about being submerged in water but slowly made his way over. When he finally came close he quickly climbed in. To his amazement the water felt nice. It was warm and smelled good. Nothing like the freezing water from the hoses he was use to.