Sitting on the train back to Hogwarts Hermione had the very sudden urge to sleep. She couldn't tell why but knew she would need to sleep and right now as well. Pinning her head girl badge to her chest she leant against the head rest of her seat and fell asleep. While Harry and Ron played chess they noticed how as soon as she had fallen asleep she was snoring loudly. "Hmm she must have been exhausted poor Hermione" said Ron as he watched her snoring. As they continued to play they failed to notice how Hermione's hair had now grown two inches in length, was now poker straight and sandy blonde in colour. She had grown in height to five ft eight inches and had a much shapelier body with a larger chest. Her clothes had however grown with her to accommodate the changes. Her shoes were now a pair of chunky heeled Mary Jane's. Waking up suddenly and feeling totally refreshed she glanced around frowning.
Why had she felt so tired before and why did she now feel so different. Maybe I've gotten my period! She thought to herself blushing a lot. Looking around she saw them playing and realised they had yet to notice her. Guys! She said but because they were now shouting at each other they hadn't heard her. She clamped her mouth shut in shock. Why the hell did she sound different? She was now terrified. Ron glanced over at her and screamed which made Harry whip his head to the right to look at her. "I um…. I can't explain why I sound so different. I'm really sorry guys I don't know what's wrong with me!" she said sounding genuinely worried as tears pooled in her eyes without falling but blurring her vision slightly. "Wrong with you? Have you even seen yourself?" Ron said huskily which made her blush profusely. "I can't imagine why I would need to see myself!" she barked back totally mortified by the way in which he had previously spoken to her. "Trust me it's necessary that you do Hermione!" said Harry conjuring a full length mirror on the chair opposite her which made her scream when she saw herself. Her hair was straight and blonde with a green hair band on it. Her eyes which had always been chocolate brown were now blue and her face was more defined then ever. She stood up to admire herself further gasping at how tall she suddenly was.
McGonagall entered the compartment gasping. "Miss Granger you have changed haven't you!" waving her wand over Hermione she turned blue and a page landed in McGonagall's hands. "Right ok Hermione this is telling me that your name is still Hermione but your surname is now Larson. You are five ft eight inches in height. Your status is pureblood and your parents have passed away leaving their entire 5.3 billion galleon fortune plus their manor for you to inherit upon your changes. We have received intelligence that in order to not be captured by Voldermort or his followers your real parents erased both of their own memories of you after changing their will to leave everything to you and gave you up for adoption but not before altering your appearance severely. We know now that they did this for your own protection and it literally saved your life. We have no idea why your adoptive parents failed to tell you this before they were killed in the war and for this we can only say we are sorry. Harry and Ron I hope you understand that they only did this for her own protection as they were then caught and killed by Voldermort who knew nothing of Hermione. Now come along Miss Larson we must go to the Heads compartment. I should warn you now that Mr Malfoy is the head boy. He will not know of your changes but I must tell him of them straight away. I will of course be telling the rest of the students at the great feast." "I'll see you later guys" she said hugging them both and following after McGonagall.
They reached a golden coloured compartment which had one way glass that could see out but not in. They were required to sit here for the duration of the journey to Hogwarts. Arriving McGonagall opened the compartment to find Draco inside reading a book. "Mr Malfoy I need your attention. I have here with me the head girl Hermione Larson who was formerly Hermione Granger. All I will tell you for the moment is a glamour charm placed upon her by her parents was removed earlier today and she is in fact pureblood one of the richest in our society actually. In fact that's all you need to know about her. Her looks are obviously different and she will have a very different personality. I will be announcing it at dinner. I also will be announcing a new event commencing with all seventh years this year and for the upcoming four years of education imposed by the ministry. This event is called the secret desires incentive. It is revealed to me on a list what the secret and unkown desires each of you have that you, yourselves will know nothing about because they've either been suppressed or not allowed by someone. You will all be submitted to a resorting. Some of you will of course move house but I imagine most of you will stay in the same house. I must ask you not to tell anyone about this until I announce it during dinner. Thank you and enjoy the rest of your journey" said McGonagall aparating back to Hogwarts.
They both sat down and Hermione looked at Draco who was looking at her in fascination and awe. "You can stop looking so shocked Draco! I'm the same as I always was only I'm pureblood now" she said smiling at him innocently. "I know that Hermione but you look wonderful. Yes I know big shock I complimented you but if this war has taught me anything it's that we can never be as we once were even if there was security in that" he said as he continued to read. Glancing up from her book every so often she really allowed herself to look properly at him. He now looked a lot more relaxed then when his father had been alive. His still wore the same clothes only his hair was no longer slicked back and severe as it once had been. "You look nice also Draco. I like your hair like that. I think we should agree to just be amicable now as we must be heads for the next few years. Besides which I know my personality is quite different now. What house do you think you'll be put in this time?" she asked him smiling at his apparent shock.
"Slytherin obviously! I was born to be in that house but not born to do all of the bad things I did. At least everyone knows that now. Honestly woman!" he joked laughing at her expression of indignation. She could tell it was the first time is in ages that he'd really laughed as the mirth floated through his eyes. He seemed much warmer now but she couldn't be sure if it was because of her new appearance or not. Soon enough they arrived and as they entered the great hall all seventh years were told to line up at the front of the hall for a moment.
"Ok I have a few announcements to make. Mr Filch has asked me to remind you all that the forbidden forest is just that forbidden. Next we're starting a programme this year to promote house unity called the secret desire incentive. On the scroll before me I have a list of unkown secret desires of everyone in the seventh year here. I must tell you all that no one not even the people themselves know what these are as they've either not been allowed to feel them or they have been repressed by someone else unknowingly. Now to the fun part all seventh years will submit to a re-housing and not moan about it. I should tell you now that as a way of relaxing and mainly for fun reasons a dance studio has been installed in each house. Once entered these rooms will change your clothing into to dance attire appropriate with the type of dance you wish to do and the music will automatically play depending on which type you want to play. Our head boy is Draco Malfoy and our head girl is Hermione Larson formerly Hermione Granger. Earlier today an unknown glamour charm that had been on Hermione was removed and she now looks different and knows she is pureblood. No one is to question her about it. Let's move on shall we. Now this list will be called as follows:
Dean Thomas! As the hat was placed on his head it jumped "Ok Mr Thomas a change of scene is definitely required for you to grow as a person and I feel the best way in which you can do this is to be placed in HUFFLEPUFF!" He looked quite surprised but sauntered over to the Hufflepuff house table smiling at the opportunity to meet and make some new friends and besides it had always been his secret wish to see what the Hufflepuff common room looked like.
Seamus Finnegan. "Hmm Mr Finnegan you are actually difficult to place again because you need a change of scenery as well. You are a very different person then who you were in first year that's one sure thing. Ok I'll place you in RAVENCLAW!" Everyone gasped at this including him but he went to the table anyway just glad to be a part of any house really.
Luna Lovegood. "Miss Lovegood you're not who I saw in first year for sure. You have changed and learned so much that it is only fair that I place you in SLYTHERIN!" She looked like she was very excited and walked demurely over to the table. She had definitely changed. Her hair now hung in neat waves and she had finally stopped talking nonsense after the war. It seemed some people really could change after war.
Vincent Crabbe. "Ah Mr Crabbe I recall seeing you for the first time in first year and my have you changed since then. You definitely no longer belong in Slytherin for sure. The war changes all people Mr Crabbe so do not worry about a thing. There are friends to be made everywhere even in the most unlikely places. I will therefore be placing you in HUFFLEPUFF!"
Adrian Pucey. "Mr Pucey you need to grow and learn and be with people more like you. This war has changed everyone including you. GRYFFINDOR!"
Daphne Greengrass. "Miss Greengrass you need to be where your heart desires and your dreams can be fully achieved and recognised. You will do well in your new house and I see a bright and wonderful future for you. GRYFFINDOR!"
Astoria Greengrass. "Such intelligence Miss Greengrass you really can be an asset to your family. You will be with equals where your intelligence is seen as an asset and not a liability. Friends can be found anywhere at Hogwarts if one only remembers to look. RAVENCLAW!"
Theodore Nott. "Mr Nott even the most vile people change. That does include you although your cunningness and thirst to prove yourself outweigh most anything else. Never fear as there is retribution to be found in every place. It is never a good quality to judge the son by the actions of the father a lesson you and others would do well to learn. Therefore you shall be in SLYTHERIN!"
Blaise Zabini. "I see no reason why you should be anywhere else then your current house but I would advise you to be careful and never to judge the book by the cover as this can be very misleading and the outcomes can be disastrous. Heed this warning and I assure you that you shall have a happy and wonderful life. SLYTHERIN!"
Harry Potter! There was an audible gasp as he rose to his feet. "As I said before you have the ability to be in any house you choose. I should warn you that any house would be lucky to have you. In order to grown and insert changes where you can I feel you would be best suited to SLYTHERIN!" As he walked over to the table he sat beside Luna who blushed and looked anywhere but at him.
Draco Malfoy. "I don't understand you well head boy. All I can tell you is that you will learn a lot of lessons this year outside of the academic ones of course. A word to the wise not everyone is always as they appear and you would do well to remember this. Always remember that things do happen for a reason even if we are not happy about that reason. Learn to accept your mistakes, improve yourself and move on. Nothing is gained from dwelling in the past and now that your bad influences are gone you may be free to do and say as you would always have done had you not been inhibited so long ago. Enjoy your life to the full Mr Malfoy. SLYTHERIN!" Everyone looked at him wondering what the hat had said to him that had taken that length of time.
Ronald Weasley. "Mr Weasley you have learned all that Gryffindor can teach you. Your loyalty is so unwavering that it truly astounds me. You really are one of the best forces for good. Everything happens for a reason but it is our own choice whether we allow these to bog us down or move on. You will never loose your friends Ron although I must warn you against disliking people for things they may now need to do which really are beyond their control. You can offer great things to anyone wherever you go and are an asset as a person. I am honoured to get to sort someone as lovely as lovely as you once again. HUFFLEPUFF!"
Neville Longbottom. "I think if this war has shown us anything it is who we should be and what we have learned in our lives. I feel that you have learned the lesson that Gryffindor was sent to teach you. Everything happens for a reason and because of your courage, knowledge and loyalty you really could be in any house. However I think we all know where you belong Neville. HUFFLEPUFF!" Neville Joined Ron at the Hufflepuff table smiling.
Lavender Brown. "Miss Brown we are so happy here that you made it. This war has taught us many lessons including the fact not that everyone is as they appear. We have all had to grow up long before our time because of this war and your courage throughout has been astounding. GRYFFINDOR!" She joined Parvati who had been resorted. On and on the list went until finally Hermione Larson. She stood up and everyone gasped at her stunning new appearance.
"Miss Larson quite the difference I see. Remember people are not always as they appear and you need to learn important lessons this year which may not be solely academic. Friends will be lost others will be gained but this is the way your life must go. Never ever judge the book by the cover as unless you have personally walked in someone else's shoes you cannot possibly understand them or why they may have been forced to believe certain things. Forgiveness is one of the hardest lessons we learn throughout our lives but it is one we must learn none the less. Dwelling on the past or resenting it will not bring back those we lost so look ahead to the future which as I see it for you will be bright and wonderful. Although everyone in your year quite frankly needs to learn that lesson. SLYTHERIN!" She gasped joining Harry and Luna.
After the meal they were told that inside the Slytherin common room was a portrait of yin and yang and the password to get in was speramus in fide! These words were Latin and translated to mean "In fate we trust". The Slytherin common room was tall and lofty despite being in the basement. The only windows in the round shaped room looked out underneath the lake which gave the room a light greenish bluish tinge in colour. There were round green glassed chandeliers all over the ceiling and huge round table in the centre of the room with chairs all around it. This was for chilling out with friends. By the fireplace in the room were some wing backed chairs and a few couches scattered around the room. Along one wall were a few tables with shelving for studying. Another few wizard's chess tables littered the room. To the far left of the room were the doors leading to the boys and girls dorms. Just inside the turning to the dorm doors was the new dance studio. Against the wall facing the entrance to the dorm doors was the Heads house portrait.
After wishing Harry goodnight Hermione went over to the portrait with Draco in tow after he said goodbye to his own best friend Blaise. Saying the password they entered their new living quarters. Hermione and Draco both gasped as stood before them was a huge common room with one set of wizard's chess tables and two wing backed chairs at either side of the fireplace. The couch facing the fireplace was cream in colour and made of plush fabric with a wrought Iron coffee table in front if it on a faux fur rug. Against the wall near the stairs were two study desks. The room had a small kitchenette which had been fully stocked. They had their own personal house elf Winky who was to see to any of the needs they would ever have as well as making sure the rooms were clean and the kitchenette well stocked. There was a small dinning room in which they were expected to dine each time they wanted to if they did not feel like dining in the main hall with everyone else. Under the solid spiral staircase was a guest bathroom.
Up the stairs were two rooms for each of them. As they both climbed the stairs a note appeared at the top which Hermione read aloud. "Dear students. Congratulations on making head boy and girl. Think of what you would like your rooms to look like before you enter them and they will look as you so desire. Note they really can look anyway you desire so be careful what you wish for as we did have someone with a marsh mallow room years ago. You will be expected to promote house unity at any turn and any prefect rounds scheduling will be left up to you. Let me know if you require any further assistance. Professor McGonagall.
Hermione laughed at the idea of having a marsh mallow room but proceeded with caution looking worried. "Hermione are you alright it's just you look worried about something?" asked Malfoy. "Well I'm now pureblood and rich and to be honest I have no idea what my style will now be or what kind of clothes I now own because I was told that my clothes would change with me to suit my personality more. Oh well here goes" she said moving over to her door. Opening her door she gasped. It was round in shape and very large indeed. In the centre of the room against the wall was a huge four poster king sized bed. It was the biggest bed she'd ever seen and was covered in lush silk materials with light golden coloured drapes. The silk bedclothes and headboard were a stunning shade of teal.
The room she'd noticed was a deep purple in colour with a cream trim. The bed had a bedside locker on either side of it and the floor had a thick fluffy cream carpet. To one side of the bed was a luxurious vanity table covered with many different potions and beauty products. At the foot of the bed was an ornate looking chaise lounge and a huge crystal chandelier hung in the centre of the ceiling. On each side of the wall were small speakers which would emit any kind of music you told it to. Over by a bay window looking out on to the grounds was a small sofa and a book shelf for lazy springtime reading.
Directly to the front of her bed was what initially looked like wardrobe doors but opened up to reveal a large en suit bathroom. The bathroom was covered in golden coloured marble and had some opulent wall candelabras that would automatically light up once it was night time. For during the day there was a simple set of ceiling lights that when lit up looked like a varying constellation depending on your mood. The main part of the bathroom was a huge square with two equal alcoves jutting off at the end of the room one to the right and one to left hand side. In the right hand side alcove was a huge two person shower. In the centre of the room was a huge square prefect sized bath which had been covered in black marble which made it look like it was a four post bed. It had two steps leading up into it upon the raised platform on which it had been placed. On the right had side wall was a double sink over which was a mirror which had recessed lighting behind it. In all four corners of the room were the same small speakers that were in her room. On the left hand wall facing the sinks was the toilet.
Down the left alcove was her huge walk in wardrobe which consisted of many special shelves and places just to put her jewellery, heels and bags. There were many places to hang her various dresses, school uniforms, outfits and of course she had special shelves for her shoes and perfume. The room had a huge sofa in the centre of it with a crystal chandelier on the ceiling. The carpets in here were royal blue in colour and there was a full length mirror on the one wall. After she had fully explored her room she decided to chill out and do some dancing. Putting on some RnB music she changed into some leggings and a t shirt with a simple pair of flats on. Her hair had been pulled into a high ponytail and swayed at either side of her as she moved and danced around her large room. Finally feeling free she turned up the volume a bit.
Draco looked around his own room which looked different to Hermione's. His room was just as large as hers but instead of being round in shape was square. The walls were painted a beautiful teal shade and his carpet was cream in colour. On his ceiling he had a large crystal chandelier and a large floor lamp stood next to a large end table that sat facing his bed. On the end table were various photos of him and his friends or family. In the centre of the room was a huge king sized four poster bed which was covered in deep purple silk sheets and had a gorgeous deep purple coloured head board which had diamonds on it in various places. He had the same speakers she did in every corner of his own room. On either side of his bedside lockers he had cream coloured opulent lamps. Off to the side at angle facing his bed he had cushy large chaise lounge that was covered in cushions and looked very inviting. At the foot of the bed he had another chaise lounge only this one resembled a large ornate stool more then anything.
To one side of his room he had an ornate wooden desk and chair which was surrounded by different books which he could of course read in his spare time. One side of his room was covered in a group of shiny wooden panels which covered the entirety of that wall. Behind the first of the two golden doors in the panelled walls was his en suite. He too had the speakers in here. The ceiling was covered in a simple crystal light with a few shell wall sconces. The main feature in here was his huge round bath which stood quite high on a marble four posted platform with five or so steps leading up to it. Against the back wall facing the bath was a large glass two person shower that had a built in seat and shelving. His sink sat alongside his toilet on the walls opposite it. Underneath the sink was built in storage for his many different accessories.
Through the second door was his walk in wardrobe which looked identical to Hermione's except instead of a place for handbags he had a place for his quidditch gear. He loved how it looked and was curious to see how Hermione's looked. He left his room after looking around it and went down to the common room to chill out. From there he could hear the music from Hermione's room and guessed she was dancing. She was currently listening to the way you make me feel a personal favourite of his. I mean Michael Jackson might have been a muggle but he sure knew how to sing. Stopping Hermione realised she was thoroughly relaxed and changed into a pair of deep green ballet flats and a casual red dress. Her hair still in the high ponytail she grabbed her wand shoving it into her dress pocket and went down to the common room where Malfoy was now sitting reading. He looked up as she entered the room his face paling as he saw her. She looked stunning and would be the death of him, even in casual clothing. Why did women have to look and smell so good he wondered aloud this was going to be one hell of a tough year!