So this is it! The final chapter per se in my story. This epilogue doesn't reveal too much of the plot, but it should excite you for the next book. At this stage, I would like to thank all those who reviewed my last chapter: IMightWriteAFanfic, Bobb Wells, haha77, HumanicHedgeHog, MythologyBookworm, i am crazy boom, Witwickety, Dferg11 and another guest reader. Thank you to you guys for reviewing my last chapter! It means the world to me. I will do a final round of thanks later at the end of this epilogue. To complete my story has given me wonderful satisfaction, and seeing as I have 97 reviews, I just need 3 more to meet my mark. So I'll assume I got that target and so here's a great round of thanks to everybody!

Enjoy the epilogue.


He sat in the corner of the meeting room, observing what was going on. He didn't need to participate in the conversation. It was just a bunch of scientists arguing. There was really no part for him to play in this discussion. He was hired by Operation Claw to do one thing, and that was to kill whoever they wanted dead.

There were very few mercenaries like him left. Once he was a follower in a group of mercenaries led by Michael "Blade" Harris and Viktor "Shadow" Raz.. But those days were over. Now he was no longer the follower, but was now the leader. Most mercenaries these days fought individually rather than as a group. Gone were the good old days where whole hordes of mercenaries were hired at once to do a devastating job.

But that's exactly what Operation Claw did. Seeing how important and necessary it was to have an army of fighters on their side, no matter how small it was, they had hired his band of mercenaries and fighters almost five years ago. At this point in time they had almost nothing to do, but they were still getting paid big sums every month.

Their first job had been to get rid of Richard Oberton, a rich businessman who had refused to fund Operation Claw, and even tried to leak the information out. He had been sent along with his mercenaries to kill Oberton, and one day finally isolated him and killed him. For some reason, he had felt a wave of respect for Mr Oberton. His actions had been that of a blind and idealistic fool, but he had believed in honour and goodness to the end, something which he saw little in people these days. And that deserved respect.

Ever since then, they hadn't had much to do apart from a bit of espionage here and there, which was really frustrating the younger mercenaries. They were itching for something to do, but he knew they had to be patient. The time to kill was fast coming up, especially with Operation Claw ready to get set in place.

However, him and his mercenaries had nearly been made irrelevant by the foxes, or schemers as they had called themselves. If those foxes had destroyed Regalia, then he wouldn't have to kill anybody anymore. But the foxes blew their plan, and ultimately failed, leaving him with a job yet to do and a constant flow of cash.

The door opened and one of the foxes stepped in. He instantly recognised that fox. It was Flavius, King of the foxes. He had always thought highly of Flavius, because of his sharp, analytical thinking as well as his lethal way of fighting. Flavius had told him that they were very similar in the way they fought, because they were part of a rare group of fighters called ragers.

Ragers were apparently natural killing machines. He had no idea whether being a rager was something good or bad in the Underland, but if Flavius was a rager, then he didn't mind being a rager as well.

He hadn't seen Flavius in months ever since he infiltrated Regalia. Although his infiltration was successful, the final execution of his plan had failed. And he was looking at the price Flavius had paid for it. The whole right side of Flavius' face was covered in a metal mask, and based on the way his mask was shaped, he knew Flavius had lost his right eye as well.

The lead scientist, Dr Schmidt, looked up at Flavius. "King Flavius, it's good to see you again! How's your face? Did our doctors successfully restructure the right side of your face?" he asked.

"Your doctors didn't do anything successful," Flavius spat, "all they did was remove the bullets from my face and give me this stupid mask. They can't even restore the vision in my right eye."

"I'm afraid they don't have the capability to restore vision," Dr Schmidt said apologetically.

He decided to speak up. "The mask looks good on you," he remarked. He paused, suddenly realising something. "Wait, you had two bullets in the right side of your face?"

"Yes, I'm lucky they didn't penetrate my skull completely. I could have died if Calvin Oberton fired one more bullet at my face," Flavius snarled.

"Calvin Oberton? Richard Oberton's son?" he asked in surprise.

"Yes, he's the son of the man you killed. He has become quite popular in Regalia. People are calling him the Gunner. Why don't you show him how to really use a gun?" Flavius asked him.

He smiled in response but didn't answer. Flavius then turned to the other scientists. "I have news for you, and that is the primary reason I am here. I have heard rumours from soldiers in my army that the return of the Warrior is imminent."

Hearing what Flavius said, he frowned. He hadn't heard anything about a warrior, but apparently the scientists had and their reactions were not promising. Most of them had a look of concern and worry on their face, while he could see fear in some of their eyes. "We must stop him at all costs!" Dr Schmidt exclaimed.

He ignored Dr Schmidt. "Who is the Warrior?" he asked Flavius.

"Legend of the Underland," Flavius answered, "like you, he's apparently an Overlander rager."

An Overlander rager? Like him? That sounded exciting. The Underland was really ready for war now.

"You handle Calvin and Ripred. Then you can get your revenge on them," he offered Flavius.

"Alright. But what about the Warrior?" Flavius asked him.

He smiled. "Leave him to me. I will break him."

So that's it! My story is complete. After this, I'll be labelling this story complete, and will do my editing/proof-reading later. It's been a wonderful journey, and I have a lot of people to thank for it.

But before that, I'd like to say that I'll be very busy for the rest of the summer, which means that I can't upload the second story immediately or update chapter after chapter at the same speed as this one. In fact, I'll be gone for a while, so I guess it's bye bye for me, and I hope to see ALL of you again the next time. It is with great sadness that I say it may be a long while before I start the second story, but I really hope to see everybody still here when it comes round.

Here's the name of the second book for all of you to speculate about: The Underland Chronicles II Book 2: Regalian Bloodbath

With that, I'd like to acknowledge the following people for reviewing my story:

-Witwickety, my first reviewer and someone who has followed me right to the end;

-Alpha Death, who originally went by a different name and was a pillar of support for me when I first began;

-4sdvzrh, perhaps my most critical reviewer and someone who has really helped to improve the plot of my story;


-Ares and Lizzie, guest writers;

-haha77, someone who put faith in me despite the absence of Gregor and reappeared this summer to give me the courage to continue;

-Nykolas Rubidoux-Son of Hades, who woke me up from a long hiatus and provided support for me in the middle of my story when no one else offered support;

-The Primordials' Champion, who kindly traded reviews with me;

-IMightWriteAFanfic, perhaps my most dedicated follower/reviewer and someone who has saved me from the depths of despair and gave me hope to continue this story. You were vital to my success, and reviewed every single chapter of mine;


-Thiazzie, passionate Gluxa fan;

-MythologyBookworm, who appeared this summer with her reviews, and added to the final push of encouragement to finish this story;

-Bobb Wells, perhaps my most faithful guest reader;

-5675 gregor and jimmy, guest readers;

-HumanicHedgehog, i am crazy boom and Dferg11, guest readers who offered me reviews at the end of my story;

and last but not least, all other guest readers who reviewed my story whose names I don't know. Thank you to all other readers as well who didn't review my story. Hopefully you can do that for the sequel!

Finally, thank you to BlackWolfUnder, DrGamepixel and randomguy3467 for following my story.

For all those above, I owe the success of this story to YOU. LAdies and Gentleman, I officially conclude The Underland Chronicles II Book 1: The Warrior's Legacy!

Fly you High,
