Hello everyone! I know it has been a long time since the last update but I promised to finish this story and I plan on keeping my promise! If you're interested in why I haven't updated and when I hope to finish this story, be sure to read the author's note at the end of this chapter!

Jace's Point of View

The sun has never looked so bright, the trees have never looks so green, and the cup of coffee Clary made me this morning tastes so good it seems like I've been drinking crappy coffee my whole life.

Life could not be more bright.

I can't help to think back to this past weekend as I sip my coffee and wait for the light to turn green. No weekend compares to this past one with Clary—not even the weekend after Alec and I graduate from the NYC Police Academy. I can't help but smile as I think back to the morning after the Police Ball, how Clary never look more beautiful as she slept, and the fun we had after I kissed her wake.

Beep. Beep.

I look in my review-mirror to see the driver behind me waving at me to drive. Not even this he could ruin my mood—I feel unstoppable.

Once I park and walk through the station, the guys took notice of my "overly happy" mood, most likely assuming that I got lucky, but none of them know how trulylucky I got.

"Herondale, in the conference room now." Captain said to me as he walked past me, headed toward the room. I make a u-turn and took a seat beside Alec. "Where's MacKay?" Captain asked the room full of men and women, all of who fell silent when asked, no one knew where he was. "Christ, of all damn days to miss. Fine, we'll have to continue without him. As you all know, we have two weeks before the next attack on the bank. Herondale, Lightwood, I'm assuming that all preparations have been completed?"

"Yes, Sir." Alec replies.

"I want you to stay back on this one Alec, Jace and MacKay—assuming he'll show up unlike today—will be going undercover at the bank."

"But Si—"

"No, Lightwood, you'll blow our cover, I don't want you near that bank, I'm I understood?" Captain asked, a hard look in his eyes which told Alec that the discussion was over.

"Yes Sir." Alec said, leaning back in his chair in defeat.

"Good, now—" Captain begins to speak but stopped as a out-of-breath MacKay entered the room. He slammed the door against the wall, the room seemed to dim and an echoing silence travelled across the room. "Well, so nice for you to join us MacKay."

"Sorry, Sir. I-uh, I slept in." I took notice to the bags under his eyes and his hair, usually styled neatly, was a unclean mess. All together, he looked like he had a hell of a weekend.

"We were all able to set our clocks and make it on time, perhaps you should note. I won't be having this talk with you again, understood?" Captain said. I haven't seen him this pissed off in a while—it was a little scary.

"Yes, Sir. Understood." MacKay says as he takes a seat. The light in the room was dim for the rest of the day.

The meeting took another hour and half before we were dismissed for lunch, only for us to return for the rest of the day, all of us making sure that the next robbery will play out how we want.

As I stepped outside, eager to get home, I noticed that the sun wasn't as bright as it was this morning. Weird.

Walking down the steps I noticed MacKay standing not fair from the front doors of the station, all his focus on his cellphone.

"Hey, MacKay." I said as I walked towards him. He looked up only too look down at his phone again, acting as if his mind was only playing tricks on him.

"Dude,' I said as I stopped right in front of him 'are you okay? You seemed a little out of it during the meeting today."

"Jesus Herondale, I'm fine, now leave me the fuck alone." He said, not taking his eyes off of his phone.

He was always asshole.

As I shrug his off his comment, obviously meant to piss me off, I think back to this morning and how it was a beautiful morning. I better get back to Clary; she'll make the sun look bright again.

Once again, I apologize for the long wait everyone. I started my first year of university in September and didn't have a lot of personal time, let alone time to write this story. I do plan on finishing this story, hopefully this summer!

Let me know what you think of this chapter! I hope you all have been well since the last update; I look forward to reading your thoughts on this chapter!
