Monday comes around a lot faster than we want it to. "See you soon" he whispers, kissing me softly before disappearing into the locker room. I nod and start walking to meet with Hunter. I'm under strict instructions to go alone. Whatever we decide about the contract, Jon isn't to know. He meets me in catering and leads me to his office. "Shut the door" he says gruffly, making his way to his desk. I close the door and turn around. "Hunter, I..." I start. "I'm giving you what you want Lora" he says, surprising me. "You've been through a lot, and I know what this means to you. But, on one condition." I nod, sitting down. "Name it" I say. He smiles. "We do it tonight" he says simply. I smile back at him. "No time like the present" I say. "Yeah" he says. "So, how is this going to happen?"

I walk back to Jon slowly, grabbing my ring gear out of the bag as soon as I get in the room. I smile at him weakly before going into the bathroom to get changed. I don't bother locking the door, he knows I want him in here so it's just wasting time. Sure enough, just as I pull my top over my head the door opens. "My my, Mrs Good" he says closing the door quickly behind him. "I do seem to catch you in these situations often. I must have impeccable timing." I smile, pulling my jeans down and stepping out of them. "Indeed you do, Jonathan" I say, walking to him slowly and lifting his shirt up, kissing his chest before pulling his shirt back down. "Woah wait!" he complains, locking the door quickly. "You seriously think a kiss on the chest is gonna make up for you leaving me alone for..." "Half an hour Jon!" I laugh, pulling on my ring shorts. "Half an hour too long Lora" he growls, pulling me to him. I moan as he attacks my neck, moving my hair to one side to give him easier access.

"Mmmmm Jonathan" I tease. "Is that a phone in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?" "Kinda both" he groans, reaching into his pocket and pulling an object out. I freeze when I see it, stepping away from him and reaching for my shirt. "Lora?" he whispers. I shake my head. "Get rid of it Jon" I say quietly. He nods and unlocks the door, heading back out to his bag. I shiver as I lock the door behind him. I thought he'd got rid of that bloody charging stick. I know it's what saved me, but I haven't been able to look at it. I pull on a cropped Shield shirt and then quickly pull on my Authority shirt over the top. This is it. This is happening.

I step out of the bathroom and he's beside me straight away. "I'm sorry" he whispers. "I just didn't think. But it was that charger that got you brought back to me Lor. I can't throw it away..." "I'm not asking you to, Jon" I say as the door opens and Joe walks in. "Just keep it out of my sight." Jon nods at Joe as Colby walks in. "It's time guys" he says. "Lora, Hunter is waiting for you at gorilla." I nod and start to walk out of the room. "Shit" I whisper, hunting through my bag. I find the piece of paper I'm looking for and throw my bag back on the floor. "See you out there" I whisper, kissing Jon on the cheek before heading to gorilla to meet Hunter.

"Ready for this?" he asks as I hug Randy. I nod. I'm more than ready. I listen as the Raw theme blasts through the arena and Lillian is introduced to the crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen" she says finally. "Please welcome, The Authority." Hunter's music starts and we all step out together to phenomenal boos. We all smirk at each other and make our way slowly down to the ring. Randy and Hunter sit on the ropes and gesture for me to get in. Lillian hands me a microphone as soon as I'm in the ring and I hand it straight to Hunter.

"Isn't this nice?" he asks, looking around. "Nice cosy get together here in the ring, now that Lora is back with us, the Authority is back on top..." That's as far as he gets before "Sierra Hotel Indigo Echo Lima Delta the Shield" blasts around the arena. I pretend to looked pissed off as I look up into the stands. Jon waves sweetly before speaking into the microphone he has already. "Cute, Hunter, real cute" he says, starting to walk down the steps. "Sorry to ruin your little get together, but you know, business calls. This whole Authority is back on top thing, can you, like, not say that and include my wife? The idea of her on top of anyone or anything except me is kinda stomach churning." I smirk as he pauses to climb over the barrier. Randy nudges me and I look at him quickly, frowning when he hands me a chair. Ah. I get how this is going down. Hunter nods at me slightly and I nod back. This is happening.

"You really think your wife cares about you as much as you care about her?" Hunter asks cruelly. Jon looks at me then back at Hunter. "Yeah" he says simply. "Ok" Hunter says. "What about Rollins and Reigns? Think she cares about them too? I mean, look what happened when she joined us. She beat Rollins to a pulp with a steel chair. Pretty much like the one she holds right now." Jon's gaze drops to my hands, he hadn't realised. He looks up at me slowly the back to Hunter. "Get to the point Hunter" he spits. Hunter grins. "Ambrose" he says simply. "Lora is part of the Authority now. What I tell her to do, she does. Lora, show your husband how good you are with that chair." I look at Hunter then at Jon before slowly unfolding the chair and sitting on it. "I'm awesome with a chair" I say as the crowd cheers. "I can sit on one all day." "Get up Lora" Hunter growls. "You know what I meant." I nod and fold the chair up again. I look at it before swinging it at Jon, stopping inches from his head and throwing the chair on the floor. The crowd cheers like crazy. "What are you doing Lora?" Randy spits. "You were paid to be in the Authority and follow instructions. Do as you're told!" "Oh yeah" I say, holding up a finger. "Give me a sec." I reach into the waistband of my shorts and pull out the piece of paper. "This?" I ask, showing them and the camera the cheque for a million dollars that is supposed to bind me to the Authority. I smirk and slowly tear it up, throwing the tiny pieces into the air like confetti. "I guess you didn't pay me enough" I say, waving at Hunter and Randy before standing with Jon. "Doll" Jon says, kissing me quickly. "As much as I love you, your dress sense kinda sucks." I nod and pull the Authority shirt over my head, revealing the cropped Shield shirt. The crowd pops like crazy as Joe and Colby hug me quickly.

"You really think it's that easy?" Hunter spits. "You really think you can go back to them this easily?" I shake my head. "Nope" I say. "I don't want to be back with them. Not like before. You don't get it, do you Hunter? I quit." I kiss Jon, drop and roll out of the ring and walk slowly back up the entrance ramp as the crowd chants my name.