I don't regret this little Drarry shot. I hope you enjoy! If you ship Wolfstar look out for a one-shot of the same prompt. I'll be writing that soon.

Harry looked at the cauldron in front of him that was billowing mist. He glanced at Professor Slughorn then back at the cauldron, the intoxicating smell of mint and pine needles swirling around his head, making him feel dizzy. Funny enough, he couldn't remember where he'd smelled it before.

He glanced at Hermione, she was blushing profusely. She kept casting glances at Ron which forced Harry to question what she had smelled. He shook his head and looked around the room.

The harsh gaze of silver-grey orbs caught Harry's attention and he stared back. He quickly made a face at Malfoy and turned back to the billowing cauldron.

Mint and pine needles.

It wasn't a bad smell, yes it was intoxicating but it was comforting all the same. He took a deep breathe and smiled. Professor Slughorn covered the cauldron and Harry wandered over to his table. He didn't even notice when someone stepped behind him, not until they spoke that is.

"What do you smell, Potter?" The voice wasn't as harsh as it normally was, in fact it was softer, almost curious.

"Why should I tell you, Malfoy?" Harry bristled slightly, squaring his shoulders and standing straighter.

"Alright," Malfoy sighed. "I'll tell you what I smelled in the Amortentia." He looked Harry over with an unreadable expression. "I smelled the bitter scent of broom polish and I'm certain I don't know anyone else who smells so strongly of it." Malfoy scowled and leaned closer to whisper in Harry's ear. "I want to know what you smelled and if you don't indulge me I won't hesitate to hex you right here."

Harry's nostrils flared and he glared evenly into Malfoy's eyes. Then he caught it, the faint scent of peppermint on the other's breath. His eyes widened and he took a small step backwards.

He bit his tongue at the other's slightly disappointed look before it was covered by a mask of indifference. Finding his voice again Harry spoke. "I smelled pine needles and peppermint." He evened his gaze. "And I know the annoying prat who owns the smell."

Draco shifted slightly, feigning interest in his fingernails. "Who's that?"

Without warning Harry pulled Draco into a short kiss. Silence filled the room before the shattering of glass broke through. Harry pulled back and glanced toward the sound.

Ron fumbled with his wand, pointing it at Draco with a disgusted expression. "What the bloody hell did you do to Harry?"

"Ron-" Hermione's argument was cut short.

"What did you do to him?"

"He didn't do anything, Ron." Harry said, moving to stand in front of Draco. "I'm doing this of my own accord."

Ron seemed unwilling to accept that but he lowered his wand nonetheless. "What about Ginny?"

Harry blinked. "We aren't even dating so why should it matter?"

Someone's fingers brushed against his hand and Harry looked down. Draco had grabbed his sleeve and was staring at him impatiently. Harry, for some odd reason, understood what he wanted.

Grinning the dark haired boy turned back to his friends. "Sorry mates but my schedule's a bit crammed." Without looking back he walked out of the classroom, Draco Malfoy close behind.

They could later be found curled up in the restricted section of the library, talking about nonsense and silly subjects. If you'd told them earlier that morning that they'd be in the same room cuddling they'd have called you insane. But maybe its not so insane after all.

And now I leave you lovely folks to make up your own fantasies of what happens. ~Cat.