The Baker's Dozen Challenge

Prompt: Give us your best one sentence stories of a variety of genre's.

1. Angst

At the sound of her voice calling his name, Rick turned, lurching out of the shadows to grab Michonne's arms in a vice-like grip before growling and sinking his teeth deep into her neck.

2. AU

"Hello, Officer," Michonne said innocently as she rolled down her window, putting on her most charming smile.

3. Crack

Centering herself in the Force, Michonne ignited her lightsaber and the weapon hummed as she deftly slashed through battle droids, one after another, until all twenty-four lay in a smoldering heap on the forest floor.

4. Future Fic

"I know, Mom. I love you," Carl said, hugging Michonne tightly.

5. First Time

This was a big step and Rick was trying hard not to let his nerves get the best of him as he adjusted his tie and cufflinks one last time before walking through the door to meet Michonne's parents for the first time.

6. Fluff

Rick snuggled in close behind Michonne, draping his arm over her and, as she wove her fingers through his, he felt himself relax for the first time that day.

7. Humor

Michonne couldn't keep from laughing at the sight of Rick hopelessly chasing the escaped piglets through the muddy field.

8. Hurt / Comfort

"We'll get through this, all of it, together," Michonne said softly, brushing Rick's curls back from his forehead as he sat on the ground, once again shell-shocked, staring at the lifeless body of his closest friend.

9. Romance

Rick was well aware of Michonne's views on the whole institution, but he couldn't help it; he was a romantic at heart, so he saved up his money and bought a little diamond.

10. UST

Michonne refused to back down, staring defiantly into the startling blue of Rick's eyes.

11. Domestic

"Isn't that my toothpaste?" Rick raised an eyebrow, absurdly pleased that he'd finally caught Michonne red handed.

12. Writer's Choice / Freeform

Michonne stood on his doorstep at two in the morning, ready to turn around and forget the whole thing, when Rick closed the space between them and, cupping her face with his hands, kissed her like he'd been waiting his whole life to taste her lips.