Here we go, over two thousand this time. Went from over a year to update to less than a day for the next chapter. Consistency, I have none.

Seemingly relieved of their opponents for the moment, the Shinigami still standing began making their way back to Yamamoto's side. As the Soutaicho watched the Arrancar square off, Kyoraku stretched and groaned.

"Guess we got lucky, huh? None of ours are down for good and it looks like they're gonna finish each other off now."

"Don't be so certain," his elder grumbled. "These…rebels may bring down Aizen's loyal Arrancar, but they're still no match for the traitor himself. That much we know for certain."

"Sir" Soi Fon said, "should we work to make sure none of them leave alive?"

A few of the captains looked appalled.

"Soi Fon-taicho," Ukitake began, "that's hardly… If anything we should be at least somewhat grateful to this Roder-san and his allies for lifting this burden from our shoulders."

"No, she's right," Yamamoto said with finality.

"Jii-sama," Kyoraku pleaded.

"Whether they are fighting against Aizen's forces or not, these are still Hollow before us. Who is to say they will not try to restore themselves and build their forces back enough to fight us again. Next time we might not be so lucky." He went quiet for a minute while looking at the flames that still imprisoned Aizen, Tosen, and Gin. "If an opening presents itself, and only then, will we strike them down. For now, let them destroy each other."

Barragan stared across at the woman and her four followers. Her mask appeared as an upside down tiara upon her brow and her dress was plated with white armor over purple cloth. She observed him in turn then looked across at his 'allies'.

"The Cazador Hermanas are to be held in reserve. Velka, go assist against the Tercera."

The giant woman bowed, "Yes, your highness." She sonidoed away.

"Harn, the big one is yours. Micha, you should be more than a match for the smaller one."

The club wielder and arm bladesman gave their confirmations then stared at their opponents before dashing a short distance away to fight.

"And me, your highness?" the man with a shield asked.

"Just be prepared to assist anyone in need. Remember, I care nothing for anyone's pride, not even my own. It'll do me no good if one of my subjects dies."

"One of your subjects?!"

Barragan stood, bringing his axe around and upon his shoulder. "Who are you to claim Hollows as your subjects?"

"Truly, your arrogance knows no bounds, Louisenbarn. Have you really forgotten the greatest of your old rivals? Then again, despite claiming control over it, old age hasn't been kind to you. Does Dama ring any bells?"

"Dama?" The old Hollow looked towards the four sisters some distance away. "Cazador? Dama Urda Cazador?!"

"The same."

He chuckled to himself. "The Great Dama Cazador has finally reappeared after all this time. And those four? They're yours?"

"It wasn't easy, but yes. Quite possibly the largest natural family to exist in Hueco Mundo."

Barragan smiled a moment more before returning to a serious expression. "As fun as it is to reminisce, if you stand with that little upstart, then I'll have no choice but to reduce you to dust."

Dama just smiled and held herself into a battle stance. "Just like old times then."

One second they were apart and in the next their weapons had clashed. Dama's sword came back again for another swing, but she began to slow. Barragan swung his axe, but ut too began slowing down. His face held surprise, then shifted back as they both became untrackable for another moment and separated.

"So, you still have it. Reflejo Exacto. You can use any ability your enemy uses upon them, but only on them, and only as they use it."

"Remember how frustrated you would get when we'd both slow down to nearly standing still in our fights?"

"It was probably the only ability from another Hollow that ever gave me pause. But so long as I use my common abilities, you will be no match." With that, the two disappeared and clashed several times in the span of one second.

Gulcasa sonidoed in front of Harribel and sent a slash at her that forced her to back away.

"Harribel-sama!" her Fraccion yelled as they tried to assist her, only to have Inu appear in front of them.

"Viento Cortante!" he screamed as a powerful blast of wind and energy launched towards them. They successfully dodged, but just barely. As Mila-Rose pulled out of the blast zone, Inu appeared behind her. She brought her sword up in time to block a strike at her back and turned to deliver one of her own. The two went into a deadlock as Appacci and Sunsung sonidoed to the other side of Inu and began charging their ceros at him. Inu was about to break free when Mila-Rose took a risky move and grabbed him by the front of his kimono and held on tightly.

Before the other two could fire though, a woman twice the size of Harribel with enough muscle mass to make Yammy feel small appeared and batted them both away with a lance she held like a dagger.

"I'll handle those two if you take care of her."

"Deal," Inu shouted as his knee came up into Mila-Rose's gut.

Harribel blocked another strike from Gulcasa's scythe and stabbed forward. The man dodged aside and spun his weapon in a circle before bringing it back down in another powerful blow that the Espada found hard to block. She had heard that a scythe was one of the most impractical weapons one could wield, but it wasn't true. What was impractical was the amount of skill or practice needed to use it correctly. But when mastered, it was a deadly tool of reaping. Gulcasa was a master of scythe wielding. The only thing keeping her alive right now was her speed and strength. Any less opponent would have been cut open several times by now.

He was getting closer to landing a successful blow upon her. She flashed away a few meters and pointed her sword at him.

"Cero!" The low charged beam hit him dead on, not doing much but scorching his clothes, but it was enough of a distraction.

"Destroy, Tiburón!"

By the time Gulcasa had decided to give up on salvaging his vest and just ripped it away, the heart-shaped water surrounding Tia had dispersed, revealing her Resurrección form.

"Oh, that's what your face looks like."

"At least your first comment was respectable."

"Just an everyday gentleman."

The red-head jumped forward, throwing himself into a spinning slash that was parried by Harribel before she gave him a slash across his abdomen. He grunted in pain and smashed his elbow into her ribcage. The two backed off each other for a moment. Harribel recovered slightly faster and aimed her blade at Gulcasa.

"La Gota!" The high impact water smashed into him before he knew what was happening. Harribel fired two more at him before flashing in towards him and slamming him against the nearest false building. As the dust cleared, Gulcasa stood, gasping and bleeding.

"Damn," he said before laughing from his adrenaline. "You're really tough, oh water empress." He looked up at her, a spark of insanity gleaming within his eyes. "How much will it hold up to a real Emperor of Fire!?"

He began to spin his scythe rapidly before swinging it over his own head and impaling himself upon its blade.

"Return everything to ashes," his voice carried across the town, "Dragón del Purgatorio!"

His scythe's handle split down the middle and bent in such a way as to vaguely resemble wings. Flames leaked out from the self-inflicted wound and coated the Hollow and weapon before blasting straight up into the sky and spreading out to incinerate several false structures. Harribel had to sonido away several times to escape the unbearable heat that his release alone was creating. The Tercera gasped and looked back at the raging inferno the Gulcasa was currently at the center of.

"What… is this?"

Yamamoto's eyes opened wide as the Arrancar's voice rang out.

"Return everything to ashes, Dragón del Purgatorio!"

"Well, if that wasn't a familiar sounding release command," Kyoraku said.

"It can't be," the old man muttered.

"Hm, what is it, sir?" Ukitake asked.

"You youngsters wouldn't know anything about it, but there were legends from my childhood, legends of humans and creatures that had brought about the end of the world once upon a time. One of these legends was of a man descended from an evil dragon, who many believed I might have been the reincarnation of when I first began showing my powers. Now though… I don't think he ever did come to Soul Society."

They all looked out to where a column of flame was growing wide. The only thing any one of them could compare it to was Ryujiin Jakka's own flames.

"That command phrase was the same one they said he would shout before taking down his enemies, often unintentionally taking out many of his own men from his power."

"What could have taken down such power?" Komamura asked.

"Entire armies," the ancient man said without any hesitation. "Having so many swords swing at him that at least one would make a mark somewhere, and doing it over and over until someone finally struck him down. They say it was a princess with the power of a hundred Shinigami that finally brought him down, but I don't believe such foolish tales."

"So, how do we fight him?" Kyoraku asked.

"Hope there is another lucky soldier amongst us."

"Stark, why aren't we fighting?"

"Don't need to."

"Stark, Roder's men outnumber Aizen's!"

"You wanna fight Roder?"

"Me? Roder? I- No, we-"

"Want me to fight him?"

"No, it's just… This is so unfair!" She kicked the corner of a building inwards. "We finally get people strong enough to survive around us and they try to kill each other anyways!"

Stark continued to watch the different battles going on. Barragan was pretty even with his though his Fraccion were getting thrashed about. Gulcasa and Harribel were causing huge clouds of steam to rise from their two clashing of elements. Inu seemed to be trying to not kill Mila-Rose and that huge woman was practically playing with the much smaller girls. There was still that group of four girls and that one man who hadn't started fighting anyone yet.

"If you really insist, we can go over there and see about those not fighting."

"What, you mean you're actually taking an interest in girls now?"

"I'm just trying to find something to make you hush."

The two disappeared into sonido and reappeared near the four girls, who had all been mostly focused on the fight between the woman and Barragan. They all looked at the Primera and each one made a different expression.

"Hey, look, it's numero uno!"

"Huh, he's actually kinda hot!"

"Ew, no! He's scruffy and looks greasy!"

"Uh, guys, isn't this bad? Can't he kill us with his bare hands?"

Lilinette groaned. She wasn't known for getting along well with other females outside of Cirrucci. Nevertheless, Coyote looked towards the approaching man with a shield.

"Coyote Stark," he said.

"Uh, hi. Don't think we've met."

"Hoss Nailer, second-in-command of Dama Urda Cazador's forces. These are her daughters, Azul, Charlie, Dalila, and Estela. I trust you aren't going to make trouble?"

"Just finding a way to make Lilinette here quiet."


"So, you said these are…Dama Cazador's daughters? I wasn't-"

"Aware that Hollows could reproduce? Normally they wouldn't, but a very stable Adjucha or Vasto Lorde can. It's just difficult, as there are few who meet the requirement, and fewer still who have enough companionship with someone of the opposite gender. Out of Aizen's near hundred Arrancar, Lord Roder confirmed only three Trueborn Hollow amongst you. And only one was Vasto Lorde."

"I see. How can you tell?"

"Lack of a hole is usually a good indicator."

Lilinette began looking over the other Arrancar females. After a few moments, she gave up and shook her head.

"Don't see any."

A suddenly close clash caused a wave of air to sweep over them all. Lilinette felt herself almost get blown away, but then the green-haired sister grabbed her and steadied her.

"Thanks, uh…?"

"Dalila. Don't mention it."

"Man, mom's about to release and kick his ass," the blue haired girl cheered.

"I don't know, Azul. This is the former king of Hueco Mundo we're talking about here," the blond argued.

"Oh shut up, Charlie! Mom's the greatest ever! Ain't no old fart gonna beat her that easily!"

Coyote looked back at the battle and saw Dama Cazador holding her blade out in front of her in a way that indicated she was about to release.

"We'll see," he muttered.

Well, what do I put here?

Please follow? Review? Yeah, reviews would be nice.