This was never meant to have a second chapter. I was done with it. That was until a friend asked for a part 2 for her birthday gift. Now I'm a day late SophiaCharlotte but I hope this does make you happy and it's what you wanted darlin'. Happy Birthday!

Carol swallowed around the gag in her mouth her heart a beat that could match that of a drum roll. The man looking at her didn't seem to be bothered by the surroundings but she found them sickening. There was blood in spots everywhere. Dried and crusted flaking at her as if reaching for her to tell her this would be her fate.

The man shifted and scowled seconds before the door opened and another man walked in. He had a smug look on his face as he waved a hand dismissively at the other. They talked but she didn't catch anything that was said. Her blood was roaring in her ears drowning out all hope of getting out of here.

Men were monsters before the turn and even worse now. She felt dread settle in her stomach as the steel clanging sounded of the door shutting and sealing her in with the man. The scrape of the chair in front of her had her eyes lifting and finally looking him over. He was large and burly as he adjusted himself in his seat to be comfortable. He seemed all business but his eyes weren't on her and she swallowed as she watched him do the same.

When his eyes snapped over to hers suddenly and he gave her a smug smile she recoiled instantly. It was like the world was trying to taunt her before killing her. Sharp bright blue eyes and that knowing smug that she seen every day when looking at the brother's were there in front of her. It was all wrong though because this wasn't Daryl or Mac. It wasn't the men she loved but instead someone who was likely going to hurt her in ways she thought she escaped when Ed died and then kill her.

"You're friend down the hall had a bad cut along his shoulder." His voice was to the point, "Doctor looked him over - stitched him up."

Carol just stared at him not sure what he expected from her. Steeling herself she pushed everything she was feeling down. Channeling Daryl and Mac she put a face on that had him raising a brow at her and then smiling.

"Shit you got spirit." He chuckled.

He stood up and cocked his head to the side, "Man that runs this place wants to know if you got more people." He made face but it was gone as soon as it came but it was enough. He didn't like this man. "He wanted to talk to you personally...thought you'd be more receptive to him" That face was matched by venom in his voice but his face was clear, "But figured I'd ask first no reason for things to get nasty."

Carol made a noise around her gag and he walked closer to her. He untied and then walked around behind her. "Fuck." He muttered and cut away her restraints. "Dumbasses."

Carol rubbed her wrist when she pulled them around in front of her. He made no other moves to touch her and something about what he said let her know that it was a courtesy she wasn't going to get from the man that ran the place.

Carol studied him and cleared her throat trying to get moisture into her mouth. She knew she'd been gone for a awhile the least a day maybe more. Daryl and Mac would find her, they'd know she was missing and not give up. Rick wouldn't either he was like a brother to her.

A bottle of water appeared in front of her and he stepped back. He was being nice but it was clear he could change in a second. She was trapped with someone who held the volatile air about him that Mac himself carried. The thought again was like a slap and she pushed it away.

"We do." Her voice was soft, "Why are you being nice?"

"Why do you want me to be a bastard?" His southern drawl taunted, "I can be a real bastard but I ain't the type to lay hands on a woman."

He was quiet and swore under his breath again. He walked forward slicing the ropes around her ankles and she was free. She made no attempt to move as he wielded the large hunting knife still squatting in front of her. He was speaking but Carol couldn't look away from the knife and sheath in his hands and attached at his hip. She felt something niggling at the back of her mind and decided to chance it.

"Merle?" Carol looked up at his face away from the sheath.

Sharp eyes turned on to her. The blue so vibrant and the very same ones she looked into every morning when she woke up with Daryl and Mac. He was studying her his grip white knuckle on the knife as he stood towering over her.

"The one and only darlin', I know you from somewhere?" He leered eyeing her as if she was a memory he couldn't recall.

Carol wanted to smile at that moment seeing the brother Mac and Daryl had both talked about. She shook her head and nodded to the sheath and his eyes dropped to as he slid the knife into place. He leaned against the wall and eyed her like she was something to be learned and studied. It was the same thing Daryl had done before he'd let her really close to him. He didn't trust her.

"What of it Sugar?"

Carol looked again at it and met his eyes, "I've seen one like it before."

Merle shoved off the wall and was in front of her instantly. His voice was came out low and held a warning, "One? Just one?"

Carol took his lead and spoke lowly, "Two."

He let out a breath and eyed her, "My brothers...where are they?"

"Why should I trust that you won't hurt the group?" Carol prompted. "You've made it clear that this place isn't to be trusted."

Merle scowled so deeply that Carol shrank back, "Despite what the fuckwad thinks I ain't his fucking henchman and this town don't depend on him." He sneered, "Tell me where they are. Me, not him not anyone else - me."

"Glenn….will you let us out of here?" Carol studied him for a minute and seen the spark in his eyes burning at the mention of his brothers.

"Woman I'll give you whatever the fuck you want if you tell me where my goddamn brothers are." He spoke his voice holding no doubt for his words.

Carol nodded and he pulled her standing. He shrugged out of his coat and shoved it at her. "Put this on it's raining and we're moving fast."

Carol was pulled from the room and met with a dark haired man with equally dark eyes. He regarded Merle and then her. He didn't even raise his weapon before smiling at Merle. He spoke with clear respect to the eldest Dixon and Carol studied them like he had her.

"Where you going Dixon?"

Merle smirked at him, "Found them."

He perked up and stepped closer and she was suddenly trapped between them and the wall. She was basically invisible for as much as they paid attention to her.

"You shittin' me?"

Merle shook his head, "I'm going to get them. I'll be back."

Carol's heart sank. She knew that the brother's deserved to be together but the thought that Merle would lead them away pained her. She kept her mouth shut as she silently grieved. What time she spent with them already would have to be enough. A few months compared to the years the brother's shared together wasn't enough to hold them to her. SHe loved them but kept it to herself for fear of scaring both man off. Now though she wanted to see them one last time before Merle took them.

"With her group...gonne take her and China back and get them."

"You know he's going to take this out on you..he won't stop looking! We both know what he's capable of."

Merle's eyes darkened, "That man don't know who he's fucking with, Martinez."

Martinez nodded his head, "Get them brother….I'll keep him distracted until you get back. Till then you better think about what you're going to do. You know I'll have your back."

Carol swallowed as her and Glenn were lead around the back of the place. She could hear the laughs and talking close by but didn't look. She didn't want to chance seeing something that would trip her up. This place seemed more normal then she'd seen in the entire time things went belly up with the world. She didn't get it until her eyes landed on the large wall that blockaded the town off. Glenn nudged her his eyes wide and in awe as Merle strided ahead of them with powerful steps.

Anyone who came into contact with him immediately smiled and seemed to give him respect. Carol took that as a good sign after the exchange she heard between Merle and Martinez. She got the feeling he was putting his neck on the line for his brother's and getting her out of here. Though he was in danger he seemed to not give it a thought as he lead them to a truck and opened the door.

Glenn kept giving her side long glances but Merle was silent. She didn't doubt for a minute that he was dangerous. No, she knew better than that. Daryl and Mac talked enough about him to her that she knew he could just as quickly kill them to look at them. This was a courtesy he was giving them and that was only because he would find out where his brothers were.

Carol and Glenn starred as the SUV as Merle raised a brow, "Deal was you tell me where my brothers are and I get you out." He snapped his anger started to show, "Now isn't the time to try me."

Glenn gave her another look and started talking. "You stay here and we'll bring them back here. Let them know where you are...if they want to speak to you they'll come."

The mirth and ire that danced in his eyes was a potent kind of look that shut Glenn up, "Kid you got about two seconds before I put a bullet in your knee and then another two before I drop the other." His hand tightened around the grip on his gun in his jeans and he stared Glenn down, "You don't want to tell me where they are, fuckin' fine then I'll let the Governor suss them out and deal with it then."

Glenn shot her another look and swallowed, "Carol say something." He whispered, "He's like you're almost brother in law or something isn't he"

His voice was so low she knew Merle didn't hear but still she shot Glenn a look silencing him. His mouth snapped shut and she looked right at Merle not messing around. "We'll take you. If you cross us understand your on our grounds then and I will not hesitate to cut your throat if you threaten the ones I love."

Merle stared at her hard before a brilliant smile bloomed across his face, "Remind me of someone." Merle commented as he nodded, "Deal."

Glenn raised a brow, "Her threatening to cut your throat reminds you of someone? Is getting your throat cut a often threat?"

Merle's amusement only grew and he shrugged, "When your brother's are like mind, yes." He looked at Carol for a minute, "How did you know?"

Carol felt her body heating up at the thought of Daryl and Mac and shrugged not meeting Merle's eyes. "Like I said I seen the sheath on both of them….I knew they had a brother. Took a chance Merle."

Carol opened the door to the SUV as they pulled in and Merle followed. He didn't want to leave his truck and she didn't really blame him for that. When she stepped out Maggie and Rick were the first ones there. Rick pulled her into a strong hug as Maggie crashed into Glenn knocking him back.

Merle cleared his throat, "This is all well and fine but I think we got some shit to handle."

Rick's eyes flashed and glared at Merle pushing Carol behind him. She side stepped him and grabbed Rick's arm getting his attention. Mac and Daryl neither one had showed up when they got there….it was already putting her on edge.

"They're okay….mostly." Rick winced at his own words, "They might have broke out into a fight and it took me and T to pull them apart."

Carol's eyes widened and she motioned to Merle, "Come on."

Rick huffed, "Carol who is this and why is he here?"

"Its their brother Rick." Carol's voice had an edge both Merle and Rick felt.

Stepping into the cell block Rick shook his head and nudged her on to the other. "When they started arguing we got them here to keep it away from the rest of the group. You've seen those fights you know how they go."

Merle snorted behind them and Carol stepped in first. There was no sign of either one but there was a constant and rhythmic clang that had all of their attention. Both Merle and Rick tensed and it took her a second to figure out why. Why they'd both pause at the threshold of the doorway as she walked forward. The thought made her want to laugh but she stowed it and walked on in.

"Would you fucking quit!" Daryl barked suddenly.

"Suck my dick." Mac snarled, "This is your goddamn fault."

"Fuck you." Daryl replied.

The sounds started again and then Daryl groaned. A sharp metallic clang sounded and she seen something metal sail across the cell block and hit the wall. Moving quick she stepped into the doorway seeing Daryl on his back staring up at the bunk above him. Mac was nowhere in sight and she snorted.

Daryl lifted his head and then was up before she could speak. She was jerked through the door and into the solid wall of his chest. His face buried in her neck and he breathed deeply as the sounds picked up of the metal meeting metal. Mac was trying to piss him off and it had been working until he seen her.

"You finally give up and stop your crying, you big baby." Mac snapped.

She felt him before she seen him and then Mac had her in his arms lifting her off the ground looking her over. "Your shirts ripped, lips busted, and your wrist are bruised what in the fuck happened to you?"

Carol swallowed only letting herself enjoy these moments a little longer before she stepped back. Both looked confused and slightly hurt. Mac crossed his arms over his chest and Daryl mirrored him as he shrank into himself. They sensed she was going to say something and she swallowed.

"I found your brother...well I didn't but we kind of found each other but then I got taken and then-" Her words were coming out to fast and both of them stiffened at once.

Mac was the first to recover his face neutral as Daryl looked at the ground. "Where is he?"

The sounds of boots had both mens eyes shooting outside the cell. Daryl's breathing changed and Mac grabbed for his wrist but Daryl was already moving. Carol raised a brow at him but a growl rumbled through his chest silencing her. Carol followed Mac as Daryl finally got to Merle. Rick shot her a look and then was gone. His one look told her to watch the man but to be careful.

Mac shoved Daryl behind him and Merle's eyes darkened, "Good fucking seeing you to Mac."

"Fuck you." He snapped. His voice was livid, "We waited for you! Where the fuck did you go? Forget you had family? Forget all that talk about what blood meant?"

Merle's look turned thunderous, "I made mistakes but so have you." He warned.

Carol shifted and Mac's attention snapped on to her so heated she swallowed. He grabbed her and pulled her in front of him. His hand closed around her arm and lifted it as he pulled her flush against him.

"You put these on her Merle? This one of your mistakes?" Mac growled his voice dropping.

Something flickered in Merle's eyes and she realized it was more than Mac showing her bruised wrist. It was the way his arm banded around her, the way she was flush against his brother. The way Mac reacted in general was speaking volumes. She watched his eyes go to Daryl and study the younger of the two of them. Daryl was standing quietly watching things between his two brothers.

"I didn't touch her." Merle replied.

Mac sneered but Carol interrupted him. "He's telling the truth-"

Merle interrupted her but it was Daryl's voice that silenced them all. "Let her speak Merle."

His voice was clipped and she twisted to look at him. He looked at her and she spoke to him even as Mac adjusted his arm around her keeping her against him. His heart was hammering against her side and she let her hand slip under his shirt against his side. He relaxed slightly but his eyes kept shooting to Daryl and the distance there.

How bad had their fight been? He needed his brother and Daryl was ignoring him.

"Merle never hurt me, he never touched Glenn. He got us out of there." Carol gave the short version knowing a storm was brewing.

Daryl nodded and Mac scoffed, "Don't explain where the fuck you went? Why the fuck you abandoned both your brothers in the end of the fucking world."

Merle rounded on Mac and Mac pushed Carol away. Daryl grabbed her pulling her further away from the two of them. Carol tried to speak but Daryl's breath on her throat and his words telling her that they needed to work this out themselves silenced her. She relaxed into Daryl and he let her.

"You're wearing his coat." His voice was amused.

"It was raining."

He snorted and his nose slid up her neck making her pressing into him more. Mac swung suddenly and Daryl's arm tightened around her as he stepped further away.

"Why did you two fight? Why do they need to?" Carol pleaded.

"We fought because I wanted to leave without planning to get you. Mac and Rick wanted to give you more time….make a plan." Daryl's lips were at her ear as he watched his brothers, "They're fighting cause they'll never see eye to eye and this is how they work things out."

True to his word Mac and Merle were more relaxed after Daryl broke them apart. She left them alone after that to talk with their brother. She never asked them how Merle reacted or thought about how they were together but something told her that Merle knew. There was a closeness between the two men that was more than brothers. It was there if you looked and there was no way Merle missed it with his hawk eyes.

Carol slipped into the cell and changed cleaning up as much as she could without going to the showers. She needed a moment to handle the waves of emotions crashing into her and this was her chance. She knew that Daryl had a loyalty to his brother that would make him want to follow him. Mac had scowled and bitched about it enough to know he didn't share it. All the times Merle had burned and hurt them had severed that loyalty for him but not for Daryl. Mac would follow Daryl though.

Daryl slipped into the cell his face set and started pulling his weapons off. She knew Mac wasn't far behind. He never was. Daryl's eyes fixed on her and she swallowed at the heat there. He tossed the last sheath on the top bunk and shrugged out of his leather jacket and tossed it. He was still watching her and it was making her nervous. She hadn't expected them to come to the cell now that their brother was here.

"What's the look for Carol?" Daryl's voice was low as he stepped closer to her. Shaking her head only caused him to scowl, "You've been looking for a chance to run since he showed up earlier."

Frowning, "That's not true."

"Really cause you've been hiding for the last few hours." He growled, "Me and Mac both looked for you and Rick didn't know where you were either." His voice came out lower just a breath, "You went missing on us...and come back and just hide."

Carol flinched and shook her head again, "I thought you all would want time with your brother."

"You think we don't want you around?" Mac questioned startling her.

She didn't hear him come in but he was there already half done removing his sheaths and shirt. He didn't give her time to respond before he pulled her to him his mouth claiming hers almost violently. He was backing her up and she moaned feeling her back hit Daryl's chest. His hands slid down her sides continuing to down till he was cupping her ass against Daryl's groin. When he finally broke apart from her he was panting as Daryl worked her shirt up over her head leaving her torso bare along with Mac's.

Carol felt a growl rumble over her back then Mac jerked Daryl forward and she was trapped between the two of them. Carol watched in fascination as they fought for control like always and she smiled watching as Mac backed them further up slamming Daryl into the wall. He grunted his hand gripping her tight and pulling her back into Daryl more. His hips were pressed tightly to her and the feel of his erection digging into her caused her to arch and grind against him. With her distraction Mac took control as Daryl's hand came up cupping her breast and pinching her nipple.

They broke apart seconds before Mac was pushing her into Daryl. She knew what he wanted and turned her head claiming Daryl's mouth. Mac groaned watching them his hand coming up and mirroring Daryl's on her other breast. He was working her jeans open right there and she arched her hips into his hand only for him to press her back into Daryl more.

"You think I can get you to come right here Carol?" Mac licked up the side of her neck and growled in to her ear. "That what you want?"

Carol moaned as Daryl swallowed them down and gripped Mac's bicep tightly. He shoved his hand down into her jeans and didn't waste time. Daryl didn't waste words and Mac didn't waste time when it came to get his dick wet.

Daryl was pushing her jeans down around her hips while Mac helped him never abandoning his assault against her. He was growling against her neck his breath hot and heavy as she rocked her hips into his hand. Jerking when she felt another hand join she spread her legs wider and Mac kicked her pants away. Daryl groaned against her when he felt how wet she was and the sound had her begging.

Mac's next grab was for Daryl's jeans as he started working the belt open leaving Daryl to work on her. With each jerk of his belt and jeans Daryl's hip pressed into her more and she nodded her head against Mac. She was already close and they'd barely touched her so far. Daryl's boots were kicked away and Mac ripped his shirt away as well not caring that it was destroyed. Carol was pressed back into him his erecting trapped against her. She started rocking her body against him and Mac stepped back to watch.

"Shit." he muttered stepped back again, "I could watch you two all day."

Daryl nipped at her neck as she watched Mac. He leaned against the cell doors his hands working his jeans open and letting them fall around his thighs. His stance was wide as he gripped his cock doing just that - watching them. Daryl sunk two fingers into her without warning and Carol moaned louder than anticipated causing Daryl to smile into her neck and Mac to chuckle.

Daryl leaned more into the wall and Carol took advantage of the angle of his body. Mac raised a brow watching her as she leaned forward more and pressed back into Daryl as she gripped his cock. He grunted but silenced when she stroked him from root to tip before lining him up with herself. She didn't warn him but instead angled her hips just right and pushed back on him completely. His entire body tensed and he groaned loudly his arm going around her lower stomach to support her weight as she rolled her hips against him.

Mac swore again his hand picking up speed watching her fuck herself on Daryl. He was panting heavily and she felt her mouth water watching him. Daryl thrust into her hard and Mac nodded his eyes meeting Daryl's and she watched as Mac's eyes took him apart piece by piece. That need for them both shining in his eyes. The distance between them earlier came crashing back into her and she motioned Mac over while letting herself slide off Daryl's cock.

He huffed at the loss of contact but pulled him with her. Carol pushed Daryl down on the bunk and followed him straddling his hips. She seated herself back on him quickly to keep his protest quiet and she smiled at him watching the pulse in his throat jump when Mac neared.

"Why are you two avoiding each other? Its not like you two to be like that." She questioned. When Daryl's eyes cleared losing the edge of his lust and starting to harden she rolled her hips grinding down into him. He clenched his jaw and fought thrusting into her. "Mac misses you Daryl."

Mac came up behind her his chin setting on her shoulder and hands gripping her hips. "Need help brother?"

It took her a second to realize what he was doing but suddenly Mac's hands gripping her hips were lifting her and fucking her down into his brother. Mac was expertly manipulating her body and Daryl bucked up into her growling. Daryl's eyes locked with his brothers as his hands left her hips and one disappeared while the other went to her breast.

"Don't stop Carol." Mac warned.

Daryl jerked and groaned suddenly and she felt Mac's smile against her neck. Leaning forward and planting her hand on Daryl's chest she kept up her pace and looked over her shoulder watching Mac. He grabbed Daryl's legs jerking them over his own and was flush against them both. His hand was working on Daryl though she couldn't see she knew from the noises and the way he reacted to Mac's touch what he was doing.

He was watching her ass and slapped her sharply while gripping her other ass cheek tightly. "Fuckin' beautiful the both of you." He growled, "You're a whore for it, for the way he fills you up."

Carol nodded and Daryl jerked her around claiming her mouth thrusting into her harder. Mac was fucking with him just as much and with each stroke of his fingers Daryl groaned. His thrust were harder and more erratic letting her know Mac was busy working his brother. He was starting to tense against her seconds before pressing deeper into her and burying his face in her neck mumbling nonsensical words and panting.

Carol didn't get a chance to take a breath before Mac lifted her hips letting Daryl slide out of her and slamming into her. The force of his thrust were jarring but Daryl's arms went around her holding her tightly to his body. The sweat between them let her slide just enough that her breast scraped slightly against his sparse chest hair.

"Ours." Mac growled leaning over. His chest pressed into her back with each snap of his hips, "Not leaving you Carol." He growled.

Carol stiffened at his words but Daryl snorted below her and she struggled to move to see his face. Her hand sunk into his hair and he moved his face from her neck.

"Did you think we didn't know why you were upset?" Daryl panted.

Mac bit at her neck, "We told you we would stay with you. You Carol."

His thrust hit deeper as his words sent her over the edge. Both man kissing her and then each other mixing back and forth between the three. Carol moaned dropping her weight completely against Daryl as Mac fucked her through her orgasm. Mac grabbed her hips and Daryl caught her ribs something unspoken happened. Mac flipped her quickly her back hitting on Daryl's chest. He pushed her legs up and over Daryl's spread legs and pushed him to bend his legs forcing hers wider. She was obscenely spread for him and the look he was giving her was enough to have her body heating up even more.

He was inside her just as quickly as his hands hit on either side of Daryl's head. Daryl was keeping her steady on his body again and Mac picked his pace up. The feeling of Daryl gripping her breast and his hand slipping down to tease her was sending her over the edge again and she called out. Mac followed her seconds later. All three a panting sweaty tangled mess.

Mac rested against Daryl his arm going around his waist as he pulled him flush against him. Daryl caught her and pulled her to him his breathing getting slower. Carol smiled watching them as they drifted off to sleep in no time. Leaning down she grabbed the blanket jerking it up and over their hips. Daryl's chest was to hers as she used his arm as a pillow and his other arm wrapped around her tightly.

She was just starting to drift off when a noise had her eyes opening. Mac and Daryl were both sleeping and Carol looked around till Merle cleared his throat. Carol pressed more into Daryl when she couldn't get the blanket further up. She was covered at least.

"This why you threatened to cut my throat?" Merle chuckled, "Gotta say I'm surprised either let you close to the other."

Carol scowled and shook her head, "What do you want?"

Merle raised a brow, "Don't want anything." He was quiet for a while looking out of the cell into the dark of the cell block, "Are they happy?"

Carol smiled and looked down at the pair. Both were more relaxed in their sleep and the hard edges taken away.


Merle looked at her and gave her a rare genuine smile, "They said the same thing."