Barry had been avoiding Star Labs. First the excuses had been work, then time with Iris, and eventually it had turned into ignored calls and curt text messages. It wasn't until a run in with a criminal that left Barry starved and exhausted that he finally showed up.

He was lying on the wheeled in bed, drinking his third bottle of water, when Cisco finally came back with the energy bars in hand.

"Eat two," he said, "And take the rest." He pressed a bag into his hands, "And this time, don't wait two weeks to come get more."

Barry bit off a piece immediately. "Will do," he said between bites.

Dr. Wells wheeled over. "Since you're here, Barry, I thought we'd take some blood samples, and we should get that physical done. You've been awfully busy lately.

"I want to see how your body fights off disease," Caitlin said, wheeling over a tray of medical supplies, "I've got a flu shot here with a live form of the virus."

"You could be the cure to the common cold," Cisco said.

"Uh," Barry said, looking up at them, "I actually really have to go. Joe'll kill me if –"

"Barry," Caitlin said, putting down the syringe she was getting ready, "I think Joe can wait, you just got here."

"I um," Barry said, "I just, I've been late and, uh-"

Cisco looked from Barry to Caitlin, the first floundering and fidgeting and the second with her jaw clenched and an expectant look on her face. He looked at Barry to find his eyes flitting back and forth from down at his hands to the point of the needle that Caitlin held. "Uh, dude," he said, "It's not the needles is it?"

Barry's head shot up. "Needles? No, of course not, I'm just – I've been really busy, I mean work and everything and being the Flash and-"

"And the needles?"

"Alright, so it's not really my favorite thing in the world," Barry said, holding his hands up defensively.

"Over ten percent of adults have a phobia of needles," Caitlin said, still readying the supplies, "It's perfectly normal. And also perfectly possible to work around."

"It's not just needles," Barry said.

"Medical phobia is also very common," Dr. Wells said.

"Yeah well, that's great, but I really do have to go, so," Barry said, starting to get up.

"You're not leaving until we're done," Caitlin said, "We need to check your blood levels anyway after that attack."

"I'm fine, really."

"Then the blood levels will come back normal."

Barry cringed, watching Caitlin move the equipment. "I don't think it's really necessary."

"It'll be fine, Barry, it'll only take a minute," Dr. Wells said.

"You didn't have problems before," Cisco said.

"Yeah, I mean I stabbed you in the chest with a needle after you breathed in the Mist."

"I couldn't breathe," Barry said, cringing, "And the rest of the time it was just adrenaline."

Barry could feel his chest tightening, looking at the needle. He tried to take deep breaths but the normal calming technique wasn't working, in fact it seemed like he was just fueling the panic.

"Whoa, Barry," Cisco said as an alarm started to beep, "Calm down, man, you're heart rate just spiked. It's way too high, even for you."

Dr. Wells looked over at the monitor, concerned, before turning his attention back to Barry. "Barry, I need you to breathe, calm down."

"I am breathing."


"Isn't that kind of impossible for me?"

"Slower than you are right now, everything's alright."

Barry started to shake, and then he was essentially vibrating. And then, he wasn't there at all.

Cisco, Dr. Wells, and Caitlin stared at the empty bed. "He ran," Caitlin said.

"This may be a little more difficult than we thought," Dr. Wells said.

Cisco threw up his hands. "Great – the next medical miracle – afraid of shots."

Hey so let me know, comments, suggestions, critiques – please review! Hopefully not too OOC, but you know, only a few episodes out – will continue soon but I'll probably update faster if I know people want to read it – so review please! Let me know what you think! I'll be back shortly with more!