Chapter 5

Marie, Drew and Daryl were sitting around the little camp fire they had set up; Nirvana was relaxing on top of a tree branch watching over them,"Im gonna go catch some game, no need of this fire goin' to waste." Daryl blurted out,"Aye, let me come with you." "Snow, stay where you are, you don't know a damn thing about hunting and we're hungry." Nirvana glared at her,"I can learn." Marie shook her head,"Nah not today." "Bitch i'm grown, i can do whatever the hell I want." Nirvana jumped down from the tree and grabbed her machete and walked further into the woods.

As she was walking she felt a presence behind her; she turned around only to find Marie behind,"Why you following me?" "Cause we're a team." "You just gonna leave ya boy behind?" She wafted her hand towards him,"He's taking watch over our stuff. I'm coming along so when you get lost and fail, I can laugh and help get you back." Snow glared at Marie,"Shut up." Marie laughed and together, they searched around the forest for some kind of nonpoisonous wild fruit, but there was no luck.

Suddenly, there were faint sounds of growling in the distant; thinking that Daryl might be in trouble, they followed the noises until they finally came insight. Instead of Daryl being in the mix with walkers, it was a young boy with light brown skin and short wavy dark brown hair, that looked about 11 years old. Marie turned to face Nirvana who gave her the signal to move in front of the walkers. Nirvana whistled which caught the walkers attention away from the little boy, Marie swiftly sliced through the heads of some walkers in front of her. Nirvana Took out the walkers that had walked towards her; Marie took ahold of the boy,"Snow, you good!?" Nirvana took out the last walker and bent down to catch her breath,"Yeah, let's go man."

They hurried back to their little camp and let the little boy get situated, Marie handed him a bottle of water as he sat down on a log," What's your name kid?" Nirvana questioned. He glanced at Her, Marie then Drew," Adam." "Well Adam, I'm Nirvana Snow but you can call me Snow." She held out her hand and he shook it," I'm Marie," She placed her hand on Drew's shoulder,"And this is Drew." He smiled at them and took small sips of his water," Have you been surviving on your own?" Marie asked shockingly. He nodded his head, Nirvana raised her eyebrows in surprise,"Tough kid man." Nirvana's attention quickly focused on the figure coming out of the woods,"Speaking of surviving on their own, here comes the lone-wolf himself." Everyone glanced at Daryl who had about three squirrels attached around his hip," What you say girl?" Before Nirvana could say anything smart Marie budded in," We're just introducing ourselves to the new kid, Adam." "This kid has been surviving on his own, we've seen people twice his size that couldn't handle this." Drew finished off. Adam looked towards Daryl confidently, Daryl skimmed over Adam trying to be intimidating,"The name's Daryl." Adam reached out his hand, Daryl hesitantly took his little hand in his and shook it firmly. "Welcome to the group kid."

"The sound of walkers just seem normal now. Even if things go back to the way it was, it would never truly be the same. So many lives are gone and walking around looking for the next meal." Marie says as they walk through a neighborhood. Marie and Drew walk up front while Adam, Snow, and Daryl follow behind and watch for any walkers. "What's up lately Drew? Well what's on your mind I should say?" He looked at her,"I was thinking about what you said. It seems normal to have dead people walking around. We should feel something for them but the only people I care about are the ones in our group. I'd take a bullet for anyone of you." Marie was silent with a smile on her face but sorrow filled her eyes. Snow, Daryl and Adam looked at him with respect, " We'd do the same for you." Every one stopped and looked at Daryl especially Nirvana. "Don't be surprised. Uh Drew, we need to talk later." "Sure man."