~Warning: AU~

"W-What are you doing?!" Goku asked as he stood in the doorway of the room he had been sharing with his twin, Sei.

"...What does it look like I'm doing? ...I'm moving into my own room..." Sei spoke as he stuffed more of his personal things into a box so he could carrying it all out easier.

It would be more easier if Goku wasn't standing dead frozen in the center of the doorway. Goku's hurt expression caused Sei to frown and roll his eyes.

"...I'm moving down the hall, not down the street." Sei growled in an annoyed tone.

"But we've... Always shared a room! So what gives?!" Goku yelled, looking more upset by the second.

"...We're older now..." was all Sei said in reply to that.

Goku couldn't believe what he was hearing. First they start highschool and end up in different classes, now Sei was moving out of the bedroom they had shared forever. Sei moved to Goku and expected him to move, though Goku refused. Sei frowned and glared at him alittle. Goku couldn't take staring at Sei for long and so sadly looked to the side. He noticed Sei forgot something and moved out of the way of the door and went to pick it up.

"Hey! You forgot this!" Goku said with a half smile, trying to accept all this so Sei wouldn't call him childish.

Goku held out the small stuffed monkey they had once won at a festival. It was their very first festival prize and it was part of a set.

"Keep it..." Sei said nonchalantly as he walked out of the room.

Goku felt his heart fall from the fragile pedestal it had been sitting on. As his heart shattered, he gripped the tiny monkey and tried not to cry. Sei wouldn't even give him a reason for moving out of the room and it hurt. Now Sei was throwing away this monkey like he was throwing away his twin.

"FINE THEN!" Goku cried out as he ran into the hall and screamed at Sei.

Sei had stopped and turned to look at Goku with wide eyes. Goku stared back as the rest of what he had wanted to scream just wouldn't come out past the tears that were now falling. Sei must have seen the tears, because he frowned more and disappeared into the room he was taking over with the box he had been carrying. Goku watched as his twin left him alone crying in the hallway and couldn't handle it. He turned around and ran down the stairs and out of the house.

If Sei didn't even want him, noone would.

Goku ran much farther than he wanted and he never noticed just how far. By the time he had slowed down and started to walk, he had no real clue where he was. His brown hair shaggy blew gently in the cool spring air as his golden eyes found nothing very familar about this place. It was a small children's playground it seemed. Goku sniffled as he wipped his nose on his sleeve, having nothing else with him to blow his nose with. He had cried so much that he felt alittle tired and so wandered over to the nearby park bench and sat down.

Goku looked at the see-saw in front of him and remembered how him and Sei would always play on it together because it was something only two people could do and no more, no less. Thinking of Sei made him feel worse. He remembered the small stuffed monkey in his hands and looked down at it. It brought back all those happy memories that just caused him to hurt that much more.

"Stupid... Sei..." Goku whispered heartbrokenly into the breeze.

He squeezed the monkey tight and threw it as far as he could in front of him, not wanting to see it ever again. Sei hated him now so why bother keeping anything connected to him.
Goku felt more hurt now that the stuffed monkey was gone too and lowered his head to cover it with his hands as he cried more. He missed Sei and wished he was here with him.

"... Were you trying to hit me wth this, monkey?" a sudden male voice said.

Goku nearly jumped as he hadn't been expecting someone to appear, let alone someone to talk to him. Goku sniffled as he raised his head and looked up. The first thing he saw was the stuffed monkey, but just behind the monkey was a blond teenager with purple eyes. The male had a sort of serious look to him, as if he didn't want to be here, but yet Goku just couldn't help but stare.
"... You going to answer me, monkey?" the male asked since Goku didn't answer.

The male hit Goku on the head gently with the stuffed monkey, which surprised Goku alittle and also snapped him out of his small daze.

"I... I wasn't trying to... Hit you..." Goku said, though his voice failed him and it came out all cracked.

The blond rose a brow at that broken voice and sighed before sitting down beside Goku, placing the stuffed monkey between them on the bench. Goku never stopped staring at the male. He watched as the blond teen took out a pack of cigarettes from his jacket pocket and took one out. He held the single cigarette in his mouth as he lit it and took a deep breath of it before letting out all the smoke into the late evening air.

"...Want one, monkey?" he offered, though he didn't exactly seem happy about it.

Goku shook his head no, since he didn't like the smell of those things. The blond teen smirked alittle at that and put the pack away as he enjoyed the cigarette he had.

"Why do you keep calling me monkey?" Goku asked after a long silent moment of staring at the blond.

"I don't know your name... And you threw a stuffed monkey at me when I was walking down the sidewalk..." the blond answered calmly as if it were obvious.

"My name's Goku and I said I didn't throw it at you!" Goku objected loudly.

"Heh..." was all the smirking blond gave as a reply.

Goku pouted alittle as he watched the blond male drop the smirk and smoke for a few minutes. His golden eyes unable to leave that blond hair.

"... So... What's your name?" Goku asked slowly as he was very curious now.


Goku felt himself smile as he learned the male's name. He didn't know why exactly.

"... Why are you staring at me?" Sanzo finally asked as he smushed out the finished cigarette on the bench's side before flicking it to the trashcan near the sidewalk.

"I... You just sort of reminded me of the sun..." Goku said as he felt his cheeks flaring since he felt caught.

Sanzo gave him an odd look as being called similar to the sun was probably weird to anyone. Goku turned his gaze away for a moment before peeking back at Sanzo, who wore a very plain expression.

"... How exactly am I the sun?" Sanzo asked in a low tone, yet his expression looked more curious than anything.

"Well... You have bright yellow hair and... Were smoking... And..." Goku looked to the side as he tried not to blush again.

Goku left out the "and you made me feel warm inside, like the sun coming out after the storm to dry up all the rain". He felt Sanzo would be weirded out by such a comment and so kept it to himself for now. They had just met after all. Goku was surprised when he heard Sanzo chuckle just alittle. The chuckle made Goku pout as he thought Sanzo thought he was absurd or something.

"... You're such a weird monkey." Sanzo said with a smirk as he stood up.

Goku saw Sanzo turn to leave and without thinking, grabbed his hand. Sanzo paused his steps and turned to look at Goku. Goku saw that frown Sanzo wore and frowned himself.

Goku had opened his mouth to speak, to beg the sun not to go away, but failed. He shut his mouth and looked down, not letting go of that hand. His own twin didn't want him around, why would some stranger he just met. Goku slowly gave up hope and let go of Sanzo's hand.
Before Goku's hand returned to his side, he felt it being grabbed and something pressed to the back of it. Goku's golden eyes looked up in a flash and saw Sanzo writing something on his hand with a black marker. Sanzo looked so serious as he wrote that it made Goku want to laugh, though he didn't dare do such a thing when someone had a black marker open in their hand. Sanzo let go of Goku's hand finally and capped the marker before putting it into his jacket pocket.

"... I come here for a smoke everyday around this time... So my dad doesn't see..." Sanzo said as he picked up the stuffed monkey off the bench and placed it carefully on Goku's head "... See you around... Monkey."

Goku blinked as he watched Sanzo smirk before wandering off. Goku kept watching him walk until he got out of sight. It was then Goku took the stuffed monkey off his head and looked down at the back of his hand. He smiled as he read the black marker written all over his hand.

It read: "Text me if you want, monkey."

It had Sanzo's cell number, as well as a small sun drawn on it. Goku didn't know why he felt so warm inside, but it made him smile again so he didn't care.

Goku saw the sun was nearly out of the sky and sighed. He figured he'd better make his way home, but he wasn't too sure where he was. He knew where the stores were from his house, where his school was, but he had never been to this part of town before. He stood up as now that both suns were gone, it was alot colder out. He heard his stomach rumble and frowned at that. He was so hungry and didn't have any food with him. His money and cell phone were in his backpack at home, so he couldn't buy food or call his father for help. Looking around once more, he stuffed the monkey into his pocket and started walking in the direction he thought he had come from. He could only hope he didn't run too far away.

It took over an hour before Goku managed to find a familar street and make it home. He stopped just inside the wall's gate and looked up at the large house. His father, Sei, and himself all lived here with his father's aunt. His father, Konzen, and Auntie Kanzeon worked in a big company together. Goku heard his stomach growl again and looked down at it with a frown.


Went the sound of a paperfan as it hit Goku over the head.

"OW!" cried Goku as he lowered himself closer to the ground and held onto his head that now ached.

"Where the hell were you?!"

Goku heard an angry male voice ask. Goku looked up to see his father, Konzen, glaring slightly down at him as his arms were crossed and the paperfan he had hit Goku with still in his hand.

"I... Got lost..." Goku admitted, which was the truth.

"Why didn't you call?" Konzen questioned harshly, sounding unhappy, yet Goku could feel the concern.

"... My phone is in my backpack..." Goku said quietly.

Konzen opened his mouth to scold Goku more, but before anything else could be said, Goku had stood up fully and attached himself to Konzen via a tight hug.

"... I'm sorry..." Goku whispered, rubbing his face into his father's warm chest.

Konzen sighed and frowned at that, patting his son on the back of the head.

"... Go inside and eat dinner... It's in the fridge..." Konzen said in a more hushed tone than usual.

Goku looked up at him with a sad look.

"... You still want me around... Right, father?" Goku asked quietly, causing Konzen to form a deep scowl.

"... Don't be so stupid..." Konzen muttered, putting his arms more around Goku, hugging him back for a moment "I wouldn't have... kept you if I... Didn't want you..."

Goku heard that and smiled once again. He hugged his father tightly as he rarely got to hear anything like that from his serious father. Goku's stomach growled even louder than before, which ended the hug for now.

"... Go eat before you faint..." Konzen said as he poked Goku on the forehead and smirked somewhat.

"Right!" Goku said, feeling alot better now.

Goku saw Konzen pulling out a cellphone from his pant's pocket as he moved past him and headed inside. Goku went right into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. There was a large sub-sandwich on a plate that had a small note with his name on it stuck to the plasticwrap that protected the sandwich. Goku grabbed it and removed the wrappings before scarfing down the entire sandwich rather quickly. Once it was gone, he got some milk and drank it down. After cleaning up the small mess he had made, he wandered back upstairs.

Goku looked down the hallway and saw the light to Sei's new room was turned on. Goku didn't want to go in since he felt Sei had left him forever. Goku felt that sadness, that emptiness, creep back into his heart. He slowly walked into his own bedroom and looked around. The big room looked so empty with half of everything gone from it. Sei's bed, desk, posters.

Everything Sei owned was gone.

Goku shut the door of the bedroom that was now his alone and walked over the the space that had once held Sei's bed. Goku leaned up against the wall and slowly slid down it till he was sitting on the blue carpet with his knees to his chest. His golden eyes looked all over as if wanting some small piece of Sei to come back to the room. It was then he remembered the stuffed monkey in his pocket and pulled it out. He started tearing up again as he pulled it closer to his chest and rested his head against his knees.

His missed his twin.

~Side Story: Sanzo~

Sanzo had been on his way back home when suddenly a brown stuffed monkey landed right in front of him on the sidewalk. He gave it a questionable look before he glanced over to the side to see where it might have come from. Sanzo's purple eyes locked onto a rather depressed looking brunette boy. Sanzo went to take another step, to just go find somewhere else to smoke before returning home, but something stopped him. He shut his eyes and frowned greatly as he picked up the plushed monkey and wandered over to the boy to accuse him of trying to throw this monkey at him.

Sanzo didn't know the boy's name, so when time came to use one he had gone with monkey. It seemed appropriate seeing as how it had been a stuffed monkey that had nearly hit him. Seeing that the boy had been crying annoyed Sanzo to no end. He sat down beside the boy and spent alittle time with him since he needed to smoke anyways before returning home.

Once Sanzo finished his cigarette though, he felt it was time to go. He was stopped by the boy when he grabbed his hand without muttering a word. Sanzo stared as the those golden eyes that begged him to stay, that looked so broken. As the boy let go and gave up hope, Sanzo cursed in his mind as he pulled out a marker from his jacket and grabbed the boy's hand. He wrote down his cellphone number on the boy's hand and left after telling the boy he came here often.

Sanzo wandered towards home slowly as he recapped the events in the park. Seeing that boy and walking over to him only to end up giving him his number. Sanzo sighed as he felt annoyed for some reason and yet couldn't figure out why.

"Stupid monkey..." Sanzo muttered to himself with a lighter expression than normal.

He knew he would see the monkey again.