Chapter 5: Grief

The day after Stormfly had apologised to Blushade, the female Night Fury had been spending most of her time with Toothless on his patrols instead of waiting for him to get back. Her eye had healed and a scar was left where Stormfly gashed her, but only her scales were scared, not her eye. With every passing hour Blushade spent with Toothless, the more fondly she thought of him. It was like she knew him for a very long time. Learning every little detail about Toothless. Wanting to spend as much time with him as she could. She wanted to know why. And Toothless felt the same way.

Toothless adored Blushade in a way he could not describe. He asked Cloudjumper for some advice about it, being like a brother and mentor of Toothless. After they had covered all other possibilities Cloudjumper eventually concluded what Toothless felt was love. Love? Toothless didn't want to believe it at first, but all the evidence was there. He wouldn't lie, Toothless did have some feelings for Blushade, and he was going to let her know.

As the two Night Furies walked through Berk's moonlit forest, Toothless was mesmerised by the sight of Blushade's glittering blue eyes and beautiful blue scales. Now knowing that he loved her, just the sight of the female was enough to get his heart pounding with nervousness and love. Toothless brushed his wing against hers as they walked, not noticing how close they were to each other, or that he minded. He took a deep breath in and exhaled. He put a paw on Blushade's shoulder and turned her around to face him.

"Blushade, I've been waiting for the right time to tell you this. And I don't expect you to-"

"Blushade, is that you!?" A female dragon called out, cutting Toothless off. Toothless might have guessed that this was someone Blushade knew. The duo turned and saw a greenish blue Sliquifier with purple fins running towards them. "I finally found you," She said in happiness. Blushade growled and bared her teeth at the Sliquifier.

"Wave? What are you doing here?" Blushade asked. Toothless was astonished. So this was Blushade's best friend that had saved her from the Thunderpede. "How did you find me?"

"Out of pure luck," Wave said, her green eyes focusing on Toothless for a brief moment, then back to Blushade. "I see you've found another Night Fury." Wave moved forward and embraced Blushade in a hug with her purple wings. "But none of that matters now. I'm so glad to see you again." Blushade grunted and pushed Wave back, a look of confusion and sadness on Wave's face.

"I'm sorry Wave, but if you think I'm going to go back with you to that damned island then you're wrong," Blushade scowled. Wave looked taken aback by this and reared her head back in surprise. She then let out a breath as she closed her eyes briefly.

"Blushade, I never wanted to say anything until now, mainly because of how I think you'd react to it," Wave started, "Blushade… I love you." Blushade gasped and reared her head back in shock. Wave loved Blushade? A dragoness loved a dragoness? Toothless and Blushade were utterly speechless. Toothless looked at the two females and suddenly thought of those two… He quickly shook off the thought.

"I'm just going to stand over there for a bit," He said as he walked a few feet away, not looking at the girls and trying not to think about it.

"Wave, what do you mean you 'love' me?" Blushade asked.

"I love you, and not just as sisters would. I love you as mates would." Blushade glanced around, hoping to find anything that would end this indescribably uncomfortable and awkward situation. She turned around to look at Toothless then back to Wave.

"I'm sorry Wave but I… I have Toothless now," Blushade said, speaking up so Toothless could hear her. Toothless' ears perked up at the sound of his name.

"But… but Princess Blushade your people need you. I need you." Toothless' eyes widened and he turned around to look at the two females.

"What?" He asked. They ignored him.

"But Wave, this is my home now. I'm not going back to that island." Toothless walked over to Blushade's side, a look of shock and confusion written across his face.

"Blushade?" He said. Blushade jolted a bit in surprise and looked up at Toothless, realising that he heard what Wave had said. "You're a princess?" Blushade closed her eyes and looked away.

"Yes Toothless, I'm a princess," She said. Toothless stared at Blushade for a moment, trying to gather the words to say to her.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked. Blushade, with tears dripping down her face, looked back into Toothless' eyes.

"Because I wasn't sure on how you'd react," Blushade said with a croaky voice, clearly sounding sad. "How would the other dragons think of me if they found out I'm a princess, huh?" She asked, raising her voice.

"Blushade remember, I'm the Alpha here. The dragons see me as their Alpha and friend. I'm sure they'll think that of you too," Toothless reassured with calm eyes. Blushade stared back, her tears dripping down again.

Wave stepped forward with intent in her posture. "Well I'm sorry 'Toothless' but Blushade and I made a promise." The two Furies looked over at Wave, Toothless with a confused expression and Blushade with realisation.

"A promise?" Toothless asked. Wave held up her left forepaw and showed Toothless the silver ring.

"We promised each other that we'll always be there for one another, and I know that Blushade would never break a promise," Wave explained. Toothless and Blushade looked at each other.

"She's right," Blushade said. She began to walk toward Wave, but turned around.

"Blushade what are you doing?" Toothless asked in realisation.

"I'm sorry Toothless, but I never break a promise." She turned back around but stopped as she got to Wave's side. "I'm so happy that I got to meet you Toothless," She began as tears formed in her eyes again, "Everything that we've been through, all the things that we've said to each other, I'm so happy that all of that happened." The creakiness in Blushade's voice returned as she wiped the tears from her snout.

"Blushade no. Please, you can't go. I don't want you to leave me," Toothless pleaded. Blushade turned her head around, tears pouring down from her eyes.

"Goodbye… Toothy…" Blushade spread her wings and prepared to take flight. Toothless could have sworn that Blushade had just whispered something to him... 'I love you'.

"Blushade no!" Toothless exclaimed as Blushade took off into the sky with Wave, "BLUSHADE!" Toothless jumped up and flapped his wings, but was brought back down to the ground as he realised his tail fin was not locked in place. Over and over again he tried desperately to fly after Blushade, but to no avail.

With a mighty crash he collided with a tree and knocked the tree over onto the ground. He stood on all fours, stumbling from his pain riddled side from crashing into the tree. Tears dropped from his snout. No words could describe how much sadness and anger he felt. Sadness for losing Blushade, and anger towards Wave for taking her away. Toothless could not stand it. He loved Blushade, and if he had just told her that earlier none of this would have happened. The rain began to pour down on Berk, and Toothless clawed viciously at the wet dirt beneath him. Toothless held his head up and released his most powerful roar into the sky, loud enough that all of Berk could hear it. As he stopped roaring, he fell down into the muddy dirt and covered his eyes in sadness, still crying in sorrow.

An hour later and Toothless still hadn't moved from that spot, still sobbing over Blushade's departure. Nothing in his entire life made him feel so sad and angry than what had just happened. All of this sadness, all of this anger, all of this grief he felt was all too much for him. He didn't know what to do. He was the Alpha and he was just sobbing in the mud like a pathetic Terror, not wanting to do anything but cry.

Maybe I'm not fit to be the Alpha if that's all I can do. Toothless thought. But of course he didn't believe that. He had to be strong and deal with the problem like an Alpha would. It might have been his fault that Blushade left, he didn't do anything to stop her. No, it's not my fault… It's Wave's. Toothless' scales and spines started to glow blue as he stood back up. Wave's the one who took Blushade away, it's all her fault!

Then, suddenly, Cloudjumper landed behind Toothless with Valka and Hiccup on his back. "Toothless!" Hiccup called out as he dismounted and ran up to Toothless. "We heard you roar and we came to find you. What's wrong?" Hiccup asked. Toothless didn't say anything to any of them, he just stared off into the distance. After a few seconds Cloudjumper realised what was wrong.

"Blushade is gone," Cloudjumper said. Valka looked at Cloudjumper with shock in her eyes.

"What do you mean Blushade's gone, Cloudjumper?" Valka asked. Hiccup shot his attention back to his mother and her dragon, Toothless never even acknowledging their existence.

"Blushade's gone?" Hiccup asked in shock.

"That's right," Cloudjumper growled, Valka translating as the Stormcutter spoke, "It must have been Blushade's friend Wave, a Sliquifier. She's been searching for Blushade ever since she left her island." Toothless, hearing Cloudjumper's words, turned his head around ninety degrees to look at his mentor.

"How could you possibly know this Cloudjumper?" Toothless asked with anger in his voice, not towards Cloudjumper, "I never told you about this." Cloudjumper closed his eyes and let out a quiet sigh.

"Blushade told me about herself one day. I'm not surprised that she would leave her own island after all she's been through," Cloudjumper stated. Toothless' eyes narrowed at the larger dragon, his gaze seemingly burning into Cloudjumper's soul.

"You have no idea, do you Cloudjumper?" Toothless asked rhetorically, "Blushade is a princess, a Night Fury princess." Cloudjumper looked away and down at the ground, realizing something about Blushade that had struck him as odd.

"She's a princess, huh? Well, that explains the way she spoke so regally and treated other dragons," Cloudjumper said softly. Toothless looked back towards the horizon. His expression was clear: he looked determined.

"We are going to find Blushade, whatever it takes."

Everyone, I'm so so sorry for this late upload. I've been busy with real life stuff. Don't worry, it's nothing bad and it's made me very happy.

Blushade: I'm very happy for you.

Me: Thanks.

Toothless: Who knew that you would get a boyfriend?

Me: ... thanks Toothless.

Blushade: Why did you just say that?

Toothless: Oh sorry, was that supposed to be a secret?

Me: For now...

Everyone: ...

Me: Don't forget to review. See you all next time, XenoX out.