Chapter 1: Let's fight.

" Hop on!" Shouted Tadashi to his little brother who has once again got into trouble with illegal bot fighting.

" Tadashi!" Hiro exclaimed at his savior of a brother.

Hiro hops on with no questions asked, his brother slams a helmet on his head and the brothers take off on the moped to shake off the angry mob that Hiro scammed out of their money, again. The Megabot Hiro has beats up the fat guy before rolling fast back over to Hiro.

" Are you alright." his brother asks as speeds up.

" Yea." Hiro said

" Are you hurt?"

" No."

" Then what were you thinking." Tadashi said hitting his brother.

" You know Bot Fighting is illegal!" Tadashi lecturing his brother.

" Not it's not. Betting on Bot fights. That's illegal, but it so lucrative!" Hiro said as he shows off his wad of cash.

" You are so much trouble when I get you and the other half home! And speaking of the other half, where's Tetris!?" Tadashi glares at Hiro.

" Last time I check, she went with her friends to go shopping down Hartzel Ave." With that said Tadashi turns his moped down an alley towards the street.

" And by 'shopping' you mean robbing."

" Yea pretty much."

" Ugh. She needs to stop associating with those criminals she calls 'friends'"

By the time they get to the street already kaos is erupting. A group of teenagers is running from the cops with stolen goods and running ahead of them is a short girl wearing baggy clothes and a baseball cap covering her hair along with dragging a shoulder bag stuffed with items from the store. From a distance she would be mistaken for another Hiro, but that girl is none other than Sayuri 'Tetris' Hamada.

Tadashi shouts to his little sister " Get on!" and the whole thing is repeated with her getting on without any questions. She drops the bag on the street and off they went to shake off both Hiro's mob and the cops after Tetris.

Now it was Tetris' turn for the lecture.

" Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Tadashi asked Tetris.

" Yes. No. Thanks bro." Tetris answers.

" Then Robbery of all things Tetris!" Tadashi now yelling and hitting his sister.

" Now that, is illegal." Smirked Hiro

" Shut up." Both Tadashi and Tetris said.

" You two graduated high school when you were thirteen and this what you've been doing. When will you two learn to stop looking for trouble?" Tadashi said. " The last thing I want to be spending my friday nights on, is saving both of your hides!"

" Will you relax Tadashi. Its not like we're going to get caught. Nothing will stop me now!" Hiro said just in time to have the cops cut them off and the mob to catch up to the three.

" You were saying Genius." Said Tetris as the three of them get handcuffed and shoved into the cop car.

At the police station the twins are sitting in holding cell while the mob and an angry Tadashi stand on the other side in another cell. In a way it's a good thing they are the only minors in trouble.

Hiro looks over to his twin to find she no longer was wearing the cap and was sporting a new haircut. It asymmetrical with the left side of her head as short as Hiro's and the other side hip length. Boy is Aunt Cass going to kill her.

Tetris looks and dresses a lot like Hiro. She's has the Hamada black hair, not as neat as Tadashi's but not as messy as Hiro's either. She's not really so much into girly things and dresses in baggy clothes mostly. Tonight she's wearing an outfit a lot like Hiro's with the exception of a blue tank top under a black hoodie and the cargo shorts are a dark grey.

What makes Hiro mad is that she's about a couple of inches taller than him and she's the younger twin by five minutes. Tadashi laughs at this, but promises Hiro he will get taller when he gets older. The only thing that really diverts her from her brothers is her eye color which are a beautiful blue-grey.

According to Tadashi he remembered their parents naming her 'Sayuri' after the main book character from some japanese love story because the character had the same color eyes. As she got older she was nicknamed Tetris after managing to take apart a whole video game system and put it back together at the age of four. For some reason it just stuck.

Aunt Cass arrives to settle things with the charges. Some how she manages to have the kids released and the charges dropped. Hiro had to reluctantly part with his money back to the mob to avoid further trouble, while Tetris had already lost her stolen goods when she hopped on to the moped.

" Oh thank god you kids are alright" Cass said as she hugged them before grabbing the twins by the ears as she pulls them out to the car. " You three are in so much trouble!"

The entire way home was Aunt Cass chewing all three of them out. Especially Tetris once Cass saw the haircut.

" For ten years, I have done all I can to raise you guys. Do I know anything about children? No! Raising twins? Absolutely not! Should I pick up a book on parenting? Probably! Where was I going with this? I had a point." Aunt Cass lecturing the three.

" Sorry Aunt Cass." Tadashi said.

" We love you Aunt Cass." Hiro said trying to defuse the situation.

" Really much." Tetris whimpered.

" Well I love you too!" Aunt Cass as she opens her shop door. " I had to close the shop early on Beat Poetry Night!"

Once they got inside, Cass immediately goes to the kitchen while the twins and Tadashi escape upstairs to the boy's shared bedroom.

Tadashi and Hiro share the loft space that is now their bedroom while Tetris shares with Aunt Cass. All three of them used to be up there until the twins turned thirteen. It was then that Aunt Cass announced that Tetris was too old to be sharing with the boys and had her move downstairs. Even though Tetris moved rooms, she still prefers to hang with her brothers more whenever possible.

" You two better make this up to Aunt Cass before she eats everything in the cafe." Tadashi says to the twins.

" Unhuh. For sure." Said Hiro paying more attention on the computer and Tetris attending to her robot, Spider.

Spider is a nifty little robot that compresses into the size of a lighter. When activated it turns into a hand made of needles, walks like a spider and can change into any shape to fit through small cracks with a touch of a button on the small remote Tetris has in the palm of her hand. It works a lot like Hiro's bot fighting robot but it's much thinner and smaller, and is used for other purposes. Mainly to break in stores. Right now there's a glitch with it's response to the remote and long story short that's what caused her to get caught.

" And I hope you two learned your lesson boneheads." She heard her older brother said.

The twins turn to look at Tadashi and said, " Absolutely."

But Tadashi knows otherwise " You're going bot fighting again Hiro and you are going to plan another heist Tetris."

" Nope telling the truth this time. I actually can't now that all my friends are in jail." Tetris said as flopped on her Hiro's bed fixing her little robot.

" This not the kind of reason I'm looking from you Tetris." Tadashi said disappointed.

" There's another fight across town. If I book now, I could still make it." Hiro said as he grabs his robot and tries to leave only to grabbed by the hood of his jacket by Tadashi.

" When are you two going to do something good with those big brains of yours." Tadashi said.

" What? Go to College like you, great joke Tadashi." Tetris laughed.

" Yeah so people could tell us stuff we already know?" Hiro pointed out.

" Unbelievable." Tadashi said and looked to a smirked Tetris. " Wipe that smirk off your face Tetris. Going to college might just get you with the right people instead of those ner duels who used you to get what they want. You're lucky enough not to be in juvenile hall with them right now for that robbery. If you keep going down like this, and you'll just be wasting your life."

Tetris looks away from her brothers and tries to ignore Tadashi as he lectures Hiro, but maybe he might be right about it this time. She never really wanted to have a criminal life, She just wanted friends and deep down some attention of her own. All her life, she's been judged with her twin on their brains, but she wants to be judged as one person instead of a part of a matched set.

When she hung out with her so called 'friends', she felt like one person. They loved her inventions and love it even more when it was put to use on their heists. They treat her with respect so she would stay. Tonight before the robbery she even allowed a guy with a million nose piercings to shave the left side of her head to give her a more unique look and looking back on it now she felt ashamed of it. She felt like she lost a part of herself.

After the whole lecture from Tadashi which the twins never really paid any attention to. Tadashi gives up and said " Hiro, If you're still going to that bot fight, I'll take you. Someone's got to keep you out of trouble."

" Yes! Thank you!" Hiro said as he grabs his robot.

" You're coming too Tetris." Tadashi announced.

" What!?" Tetris said taking her attention off her little robot.

" Someone also has to keep you out of trouble and I'm not taking any chances with you after what happened. Let's go. No complaints."

" Something tells me that there's a catch to this sudden generosity." Thought Tetris following after her brothers out to the moped.

I saw Big Hero 6 and it was awesome! I just had to write a fanfic about this. What's weird is that the character Tetris has been in my head for over two years now and I now have the reason to use her. So I am going to make the most of my OC in this story. Her character was inspired by many stories and I felt she would fit in here very nicely.

Please Review and Check out my other stories.