Summary: A day in the life of a pregnant sub blaine and his dom Kurt.

Warnings: Smut (obviously given how it starts), safewording, punishments,spanking, humiliation, insecure!blaine/depressed!blaine off his meds, Elandler, Music Therapist!Blaine, Mpreg!blaine, Bdsm, intersex!blaine (discussed, but not overly so. I can tell you exactly which condition Blaine has if you're curious.) gender dysphoria, Hurt/Comfort

Blaine writhed underneath his Sir, moaning unrestrained as Kurt fucked him into their mattress.

"My Blaine, mine mine mine." Kurt growled into his sub's ear as he tightened his grip around Blaine's waist and changed his position to thrust deeper into Blaine.

"Siirrr," Blaine begged meeting Kurt's thrust desperately as a few tears flowed from his eyes. His fingers scratched down Kurt's back as he tried to move closer in the already tiny space between their bodies.

"You know the rules. Use your words, sweetheart." Kurt chided, thrusting into the tight heat of Blaine harder chasing his own orgasm.

The heat disappeared suddenly and he heard a hacking cough.

His eyes snapped open and he blinked blurry eyed at his surroundings. There was light streaming in through their bedroom window and he could hear birds chirping from the nest they'd found a few days ago in one of their backyard trees.

He felt a soft hand on his thigh and his eyes tracked down to his pregnant sub bent over by his waist trying to catch his breath.

Kurt sat up quickly, trying not to jostle Blaine much. "Are you and peanut okay, sweetheart?" He asked, alarmed when he saw tears flowing down Blaine's cheek silent.

"It hurts, Sir!" Blaine pouted with a rasp as he tried to clasp his legs together in discomfort.

"What hurts?" Kurt asked, eyes widening as his mind raced with all horrible things that could be making his sub hurt. What if their baby was in pain too? He cut off that line of thinking when he noticed Blaine's eyes darting down at his hard cock. "Oh, my poor boy," Kurt sighed sympathetically and then chided. "Don't scare me like that sweetheart!" His tone turned to one of concern again. "You're just uncomfortable, right?"

Blaine nodded looking down at himself guilty. "I'm sorry, Sir. I wasn't thinking about my word choice." He wiped a tear out of his eyes, embarrassed. " But I don't know what's wrong with me! It won't go down no matter what I do!"

"Nothing's wrong with you honey. It's just your hormones acting up." Kurt gave him a fond smile.
"And at least it happened where I can take care of you this time." He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Blaine's forehead. "Now lay down, sweetheart. That can't be a good position for you or the baby.."

"But I-" Blaine protested.

Kurt raised his eyebrow, unimpressed by Blaine's act of disobedience. Since they'd found out Blaine was pregnant he'd had to loosened their rules a bit. In the past Blaine's protests and doubts about himself would've been met with a few swats on the ass to remind him of his place as Kurt's sub to obey and not think bad things about himself. Now with Blaine's hormones jumping around, he had to be much more understanding.

Blaine bit down his protests when he saw Kurt's disapproval and quickly followed Kurt's direction, laying out comfortably on their bed.

"You can come whenever you need to, my sweet boy." Kurt informed before taking Blaine into his mouth. He teased his tongue along his vein and relaxed his throat to take more of Blaine. His fingers found Blaine's entrance. He thrust two in at once, grateful that Blaine was still loose from last night. He quickly found Blaine's prostate, crooking his fingers to massage against it.

Blaine came hard at the feeling of the sudden pleasure. He blushed deep red when Kurt swallowed it all down with a slight choke.

"I'm so sorry, Sir!" Blaine blushed when realized he hadn't warned his Dom.

Kurt pulled off Blaine's cock with a pop and grin. "Well I did tell you to come whenever, sweetheart. I should've been prepared." He licked his lips and pressed a kiss to Blaine's upper thigh. He caught a bit of Blaine's come on his finger and offered it to Blaine, allowing him to taste himself.

"Do you feel better, honeybee?" He gave Blaine an adoring look from his place between Blaine's legs.

Blaine bit his lip nervously and shifted uncomfortably. "Fuck me too, please Sir?"

Kurt glanced at their clock thoughtful for a minute and made his decision. "We've got 20 minutes till we absolutely have to be up, sweetheart. Do you think we can get your hormones under control before that or do you need me to get you a toy?"

"Both!" Blaine grinned.

Kurt kissed his sub amused and rolled his eyes. "We don't have that much time. Now knees up, hands apart on the headboard."

Blaine followed Kurt's direction quickly, His hands locked on opposite ends of their headboard, set as if an invisible bond was holding them in place. He spread his legs shamelessly, putting his hole on display for Kurt as he shot him a coy grin.

Kurt shook his head with a smile at his husband's display of submission and put Blaine's legs on his shoulders. He lined himself up with Blaine's hole and pushed into him roughly until his ass met Kurt hips.

Blaine relaxed against the intrusion, enjoying the stretch as he let his Dom use his body for his own pleasure. His body shivered with oversensitivity at Kurt's hard cock hit his prostate repeatedly, but he barely noticed. With every thrust of Kurt's hips, Blaine's mind became clearer as he was finally able to get closer to subspace.

He felt Kurt's hand on his cock stroking him back to hardness as his hips pounded against Blaine's ass.

Blaine let his mind drift contently as his Dom finally was able to quell the unrelenting arousal that had settled inside him when he'd woken up this morning.

Kurt's hips stuttered after a particularly deep thrust and he spilled forcefully inside Blaine. His eyes stayed locked on Blaine's as the tight heat pulled his orgasm out of him.

His hand sped up around Blaine's cock as he continued pounding into Blaine

"Now, sweetheart." Kurt commanded after a particularly hard thrust.

Blaine vision whited out as he followed Kurt's command automatically. The feeling of over arousal is finally relieved.

Kurt pulled out of Blaine and gently laid his legs back on the bed. He leaned over Blaine and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead.

"You okay now, honeybee?" Kurt asked concerned as his fingers made their way into Blaine's hair. Blaine just cuddled against his hand, making a tiny noise of contentment. "Alright, sweetie. Just don't fall back to sleep. We've got to get up soon." Kurt pressed kisses all over Blaine's face and relieved Blaine's hands of their hold on the headboard.

He laced their hands together and scooted a little farther down Blaine's body to rest his head on Blaine's bump. "Good morning peanut!" He kissed Blaine's belly. "I need you to be nice to your daddy today. He has his final presentation today."

He felt a flutter against his cheek and smiled. "Yeah, with the composition you inspired! But try not to move around too much. Daddy needs to concentrate! It won't look good if daddy's shifting around uncomfortably while performing a piece that's meant to be therapeutic."

"Papa's going to try to be there too." Kurt assured "He just has an audition to go to first. But he would never miss daddy's big performance!"

Kurt kissed Blaine's belly again with a smile. "And then Papa is going to take daddy out to splurge on whatever you're making him crave."

"I really want sour patch kids" Blaine mumbled lightly opening his eyes sleepily to look at his Dom.

"Maybe after breakfast, sweetheart." Kurt moved back up to lay next to Blaine. He pulled Blaine into his arms and kissed his nose. "You don't want to set a bad example for peanut, do you?"

"No, sir. Of course not." Blaine sighed happily leaning into Kurt's touch. "But speaking of peanuts-"

"No Blaine." Kurt warned lightly.

"Stupid Cooper." Blaine pouted petulantly "I want some peanut butter!"

"You know how I feel about you disrespecting your brother, Blaine." Kurt looked at him unimpressed. "And you know it's for both you and our baby's own good. We can't risk that the baby have a peanut allergy just because you want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Especially when your brother has such a bad allergic reaction to it."

"But I just want peanut butter so much!" Blaine pouted his lip quivering as tears gathered in his eyes.

Kurt sighed sadly and gathered Blaine closer in his arms. "I know honeybee. I'm not trying to be mean. I just want you both healthy." He kissed Blaine's forehead. "I have an alternative for you though, sweetheart."

Blaine looked up at him in confusion.

"It's called Sunbutter. It's made from sunflower seeds." Kurt explained. "I bought it a few days ago to see if you'd like it, but then I came home and found you in a puddle of ice cream, ketchup, and chips before dinner."

Blaine blushed remembering how ashamed he'd been in himself for not being able to control his craving. Kurt had told him to go get clean up while he started making dinner. But after dinner Kurt made him sit on the floor in the corner for 15 minutes for spoiling his dinner and giving himself a stomach ache because 'he certainly liked sitting on floor when he knew he was being bad' so he could do it during his punishment too.

"I'll make you a sandwich with it for lunch, sweetheart." Kurt continued. "And if you don't like that, I saw something called soybutter at the same consignment store. We'll try that too."

"Thank you Sir." Blaine smiled, looking up at Kurt fondly.

He suddenly grabbed Kurt's hand and put it on his belly in excitement. "Do you feel that? She's stretching again!"

Kurt laughed in delight at the feel of their baby moving inside Blaine. He pressed a kiss to Blaine's bump where he felt their baby moving, and then pecked Blaine's lips with a grin. "I think peanut's trying to tell us it's time to get up, sweetheart."

Blaine nodded still distracted by their baby. He only looked up when Kurt pulled away and grabbed his hands to help pull him up.

He gave Kurt a big grin when he handed him the pajama pants that had been discarded last night on the ground. He pulled them on as he noticed Kurt doing the same thing himself, then followed Kurt out of their bedroom.

At the stairs, Kurt looked over at him questioningly.

"I can get down, Sir. I'm not that big yet." Blaine reassured, but still took Kurt's hand as he led him down the stairs.

When they got to the kitchen, Kurt headed over to the cupboard and took out all of Blaine's prenatal vitamins. He went to work with making Blaine a healthy smoothie for breakfast to nourish both his sub and baby.

Blaine went to their refrigerator and pulled out what was needed to make Kurt's breakfast. He mixed all the ingredients together into an omelet, then put it in a skillet to cook.

After a minute, Blaine froze in alarm.

He finally moved, attempting to turn off the heat. Without a second look at the stove, he raced out of the room to the bathroom, barely making it before he puked.

Kurt's eyes widened when Blaine ran out of the room. When he heard him puking, he sighed. He went over to the stove to actually turn off the heat. Then headed to the bathroom.

"Do you know what set it off, sweetheart?" Kurt asked softly as he took a seat on the floor next to Blaine and started rubbing his back.

"The Egg? Maybe the spinach?" Blaine told him weakly between trying to take deep breaths to calm his stomach.

"Okay. We'll add those to the list." Kurt leaned over and took a water bottle out from the sink. He opened it and handed it to Blaine to drink. "You wait here and I'll go get it rid of it all"

"But it's your breakfast!" Blaine sputtered a bit of water running down his chin.

"We'll go out for breakfast." Kurt dismissed kissing Blaine's hair. "After you drink your smoothie though. I already stuck all your vitamins in."

"I love you so much." Blaine smiled pecking Kurt's lips.

"To the moon and back" Kurt grinned deepening the kiss.

Blaine looked the symbol of relaxation as he played the piano expertly, eyes closed and completely in the moment. He'd been working on this composition piece for over a month for his last final ever. After this, all he had left was to pass the test for his certification.

And if that wasn't enough, he was in direct competition with another student and his rival, Rebecca Tupton. They were both competing for the same permanent job as a children's musical therapist at one of St. Mary's facilities in Brooklyn.

This presentation and their scores on the LCAT would determine who would get it.

With anyone else, Blaine would have graciously bowed out, but Rebecca was different. She'd been rude to him since he started NYU. She looked down on him for his sub status. And didn't like that he wanted to specialize as a therapist for children.

Blaine finished his composition and opened his eyes as the performance hall filled with the sounds of people clapping. Blaine grinned widely and stood to take his bows as the clapping grew.

He carefully took down the visuals he'd made for his presentation of his thesis. Then found his seat as the next student took their spot to begin their own presentation.

"Sweetheart, You did amazing!" Kurt gushed as he found his sub in the crowd after his performance. He pulled him into a tight hug.

"Let's hope amazing enough." Blaine said nervously, rubbing his hands together when Kurt released him.

"They'd be stupid not to hire you," Kurt reassured. "That girl wasn't even close to you. Did you see her song? It was sloppy at best."

"Yours was like a subspace lullabye!" Chandler interrupted, playing with his collar absently as he and Elliott arrived from their seats.

Blaine blushed at the praise.

"Babe, Are you sure Kurt was done talking?" Elliott chided.

"Oh! Sorry, Kurt Sir!" Chandler apologized quickly. He turned back to Blaine. "Yours was absolutely perfect though, Blay! I felt like I was floating!" .

"It was actually for the baby, Simon. Not subspace," Blaine teased.

"Still! It was the best one, Theodore." Chandler told him excitedly as he grabbed Blaine's arms. Chandler's excitement was contagious and soon the two subs were bouncing around and talking a mile a minute at each other about Blaine's performance and what inspired it all.

Kurt and Elliott just watched them with a lovesick grins for each of their subs.

Their little bubble was interrupted with a cough a few minutes later.

"Mr. Hummel?" An older gentlemen asked.

Blaine turned to him with a nervous smile and took Kurt's hand, squeezing it tightly in suspense. "Yes?"

"I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your performance. And while we at St. Mary's feel like we need to pass for now, please reapply in a few years. We'd be glad to find you a place."

Blaine's shoulders fell with a sigh. "Thank You." Blaine told him diplomatically.

He shook the man hand with a polite smile and waited till he walked away before collapsing against Kurt. Elliott acted fast, helping Kurt get Blaine to a seat.

"They turned me down before I could even take the test" Blaine told Kurt in disbelief as tears started falling down his cheeks.

"Oh sweetheart, I'm so sorry." Kurt sighed, pulling Blaine close from the seat next to him

"They didn't actually turn you down." Elliott told them patting Blaine on the shoulder.

Blaine looked over him with a bit of hope. "What do you mean?"

"They gave it to you Blaine. Just not right now." Elliott clarified "He said they'd find you a place in a few years. And that's without your scores. They're very impressed by you."

Blaine's eyes widened and he looked back at his Dom for confirmation. He saw a look of understanding on Kurt's face.

"He's right, honeybee." Kurt told him, eyes widening in awe as his mouth dropped open.

Blaine's smile reappeared and he wiped the tears out of his eyes.

"They probably want you to spend time with your baby, instead of needing to worry about other peoples!" Chandler added helpfully "You've had an internship with them for over a year, Blay. You know how influential the nurses are and they love you!"

"The job was for the preteen group in Brooklyn." Blaine admitted thoughtfully "That always was the most difficult center and age group."

"Those kids are little demons." Kurt agreed darkly. "Maybe Bitchton deserves it"

"They can't be that bad." Elliott wondered.

"They broke Blaine's keyboard because the little brats didn't like the song." Kurt told him. "One even threw a triangle at Blaine's head because he was helping a younger kid play the guitar instead of them. They are definitely that bad, Elliott"

"They aren't, though Sir. They're just at an age where they lash out when something's wrong." Blaine explained. "They just don't know how to cope and that's why I was there to help them."

"They still hurt you, sweetheart. And for that their little demons." Kurt insisted, kissing Blaine's hair with a small frown.

"Aren't they the kids that kept calling you a dog beca-" Chandler started to ask as Blaine's eyes widened. He tried to gesture for Chandler to shut up, but he was too late.

"I didn't hear about this, sweetheart? Why were they calling you a dog Blaine?" Kurt asked in a false casually tone as he forced Blaine to sit up and look at him. He gave him an expectant look that clearly said Blaine better explain what he didn't want Kurt to know about

Blaine looked down at his hands with as a deep blush overcame his face. "Well um... Rebecca she uh... she started making snide comments about my collar around the kids. And once they noticed it under my hoodie...well you know how middle school kids can be."

"I'm going to kill that little bitch." Kurt muttered angrily, moving to get up. His eyes scanned the crowd to find the target of his anger.

"Please don't, Sir." Blaine worried putting his hand on Kurt's arm. "It was actually Jason that started the dog thing."

"That jerk!" Kurt accused looking around again, this time for Blaine's friend, Jason.

"No, no. It's not how it sounds." Blaine rushed to clarify "He was protecting us, Sir. The kids were confused and Rebecca told them to ask their parents. But then Jason jumped in and made it seem like it was just some game for the smaller kids."

"They called him Mr. Beagle Blaine for weeks" Chandler giggled.

"Yeah well they started calling you Chihuahua Chandler after you showed up in the middle of my shift insisting that I had to go try out for the Full House musical right then." Blaine grinned smugly as Chandler stop giggling suddenly.

"We would have been the perfect Joey and Jesse!" Chandler insisted.

"Okay you two," Elliott said fondly, taking Chandler's hand. He knew how upset Chandler had been when Blaine couldn't come audition with him. He still swore it was the reason he end up not getting the part. "Let's go find something to eat. What's the baby craving today, Blaine?"

"Can I have Buko Pancit?" Blaine asked hopefully looking up at Kurt as he helped him out of his seat.

"Sure, sweetheart." Kurt agreed kissing his cheek. "You deserve whatever you want for that performance."

"How about Champorado for desert?" Blaine grinned leaning his head against Kurt as they walked out of the performance hall.

"We'll see, sweetheart." Kurt smiled as he started to wrap his arm around Blaine's shoulder. His fingers stop when they landed on the back of Blaine's collar. He gave it a light tug and quietly whispered in Blaine's ear."But when we get home we're talking about why you didn't tell me about the horrid bitch doing that to you."

Blaine shivered and nodded his head to signal he understood.

In the end, Kurt let Blaine have his Champorado to go. He knew Blaine would enjoy having it more after their conversation.

Besides Chandler and Elliott clearly had something planned for tonight by the way Chandler could barely sit still. He had no intention of prolonging the wait, if Elliott didn't want him to.

They split up at the subway. Elliott and Chandler took their train back to their place in Soho, while Kurt and Blaine took their own back to their house in Queens.

The closer to home they got, the more cuddly Blaine seem to get. Kurt let him believe it was working until they got home. He wasn't going to turn down his adorable sub when he looked so cute. Especially since as Blaine got bigger, he seemed to be getting more self conscious. It was harder to coax this side out of Blaine when he wasn't crying and wrapped up like a blanket burrito.

When they arrived home, Kurt immediately led Blaine up to their bedroom.

"Do you want Pajamas, sweetheart?" Kurt asked as he shucked off his blazer and hung it up in their closet. He turned around and saw Blaine's sprawled out on their bed. "Honeybee, first of all, why you would think I'd let you sleep in your nice clothes, I don't know. Secondly we're talking about what happened with Rebecca. I didn't forget."

"I don't wanna." Blaine whined. "Lets cuddle and watch Netflix Sir."

"Maybe after." Kurt conceded taking off Blaine's shoes for him and putting them in their place in their closet. "But we're talking about this, Blaine." Kurt crossed his arms across his chest in annoyance. "Why would you hide something like this from me?"

Blaine smile froze and he mumbled something unintelligible.

"What was that?" Kurt frowned.

"I knew you'd be mad," Blaine whispered quietly.

"Of course I am!" Kurt threw his arms up in the air in frustration. "She could've gotten your internship taken away. One of those kids could've taken her advice, Blaine!" Kurt started pacing. "I knew I should've told you no when you wanted to wear your collar under a light hoodie during your internship."

Blaine started sobbing, Kurt's words cutting like ice. His body shook with his tears. "You said there's not- nothing wrong with my collar."

Kurt immediately rushed over in shock. He gathered Blaine's body to his on the bed. "Oh sweetheart, I didn't mean it like that. I just know how much your career means to you. I don't like that some jealous girl keeps trying to use our relationship to take it away from you."

"But I need it, Sir!" Blaine begged as he hide his head in Kurt's shoulder.

"I know sweetheart, I know. I should've phrased that better" Kurt reassured rubbing Blaine's back soothingly. "I just meant we should've thought of something for you to tell the kids if they asked. That must have been really scary for you."

"It was terrible." Blaine confessed "I had a really bad panic attack."

Kurt paused his movements. "Blaine, how long ago was this?"

"About a month ago." Blaine face filled with guilt and quickly tried to explain. "I didn't tell you because...I thought you might not let me wear it when I'm working anymore."

Kurt sighed deeply "I won't lie, I did think of that. But I won't sweetheart. I know how much you need it right now." He kissed Blaine hair and resumed his movements. "I don't like that you withheld information about your health from me, though. You know that's in direct violation of our contract."

"I need my collar, Sir! I need it!" Blaine sobbed desperately clinging onto Kurt. "It's the one thing that makes the bad thoughts seem less true! I don't even have all my medicines, anymore."

"That doesn't excuse you hiding things from me." He sighed in disappointment. "This isn't just some stupid joke someone played on you, Blaine. This is our life. You know how some people can be about our lifestyle and if one of them thinks were trying to corrupt their kids… I don't like the thought of you handling all that pressure alone."

"The kids didn't understand though. And those that were curious, Jason convinced them I was just trying to connect with the littler kids. He even switched groups with me when he had them." Blaine reassured frantically.

"That was nice of him." Kurt conceded "Although I'm sure it wasn't much of a sacrifice. You've always been much better at dealing with sick 5 year olds than he was."

He paused in thought. "We need to come up with a better explanation, sweetheart. Or you need to be less resistant of the idea of a public collar." He tipped Blaine's head up so he was able to look into his eyes. "It doesn't mean I love you any less, sweetheart."

"But it's my collar, Sir! I've had it almost as long as we've been married." Blaine pleaded, his hand coming up to touch his collar as if to make sure it was still there and his Dom wouldn't take it away.

"I know, sweetheart. I don't like the thought of having to replace my cuff for anything. I know that true for your collar for you." He pressed a tiny kiss to Blaine's lips. "I'm not saying we replace it all. I could get you a more discrete one for when you're working. You can wear the one you have all other times."

"I don't know." Blaine frowned, turning his head back into Kurt's shoulder.

Kurt cuddled him closer and was silent for a minute as he rubbed soothing circles into Blaine's back.

"We don't have to decide now. We'll have our hands full with our little peanut soon and I'd like for your doctor to have your mental health well handled again before you start working again." Kurt smiled. "I think that the offer you got for a few years from now might just be the time that peanut and I feel safe for you to take."

Blaine nodded in agreement as he brought his hands to his bump. He smiled as he felt a flutter of the baby moving around.

"Now I need you to stand up and strip, sweetheart." Kurt said calmly and resigned.

"Too comfortable for sex, Sir." Blaine mumbled cuddling closer.

"That's not what I meant," Kurt dismissed with a hard edge to his voice.

"Oh." Blaine sat up, pulling away from Kurt with his eyes down.

"Yes, oh. You know you're in trouble." Kurt crossed his arms over his chest. "You've been purposely not telling me important information about our relationship for over a month. You had a panic attack and didn't tell me! You know that's not good for you or the baby. You should have called me so I could help you!"

Kurt sighed deeply. "Sweetheart, I know your emotions and hormones are all over the place with the doctor finally weaning you off your medicine, but that just means you need to let me help you more. It is completely unacceptable for you to lie and withhold information from me."

"I know. I don't know why I did it. It just seem like the best option," Blaine said quietly "I know that doesn't make sense now that I say it. But when Jason came up with that explanation and no parents filed a complaint, I didn't think it was too serious."

"Up." Kurt demanded. "Clothes off and put away."

Blaine quickly got up to follow Kurt's direction. Kurt helped him off the bed silently, not acknowledging Blaine until he'd done what he was told.

When Blaine turned around with arms together behind his back and his head bowed, Kurt stood up and walked over to him.

"Are you in any pain or sore anywhere?" Kurt asked as he walked around Blaine, his fingers trailing along Blaine's body.

"My ankles hurt, Sir." Blaine said quietly, "And I need to go to the bathroom."

Kurt hummed at Blaine's words. "Is it painful or urgent?"

"Not yet, Sir."

"Then you'll wait." Kurt concluded. He went silent and continued circling Blaine for a moment before coming to a decision. "The bed. On your elbows, Ass up."

Blaine rushed to follow his Dom's command. He wiggled around until he finally found a comfortable position. He went still when he felt Kurt's hand.

"Any pain?" Kurt asked his hand roaming along Blaine's ass. He gently pushed Blaine down a little further into the bed as he saw Blaine's knees quiver.

"N- Yes, my back," Blaine conceded.

He grabbed their pillows from the top of their bed and expertly stuck them where he needed the support. "Better?"

Blaine nodded in agreement.

"Okay. 10 for putting yours and our baby's health at risk. 10 more for lying to me. And 5 for doubting us. Do you understand why I am doing this instead of timeout, sweetheart?"

"Yes Sir." Blaine sighed.

Kurt took a seat next to Blaine on the bed. He knew that Blaine's body was much more sensitive now that he was pregnant and knew it would be easier this way to control his strength.

The first smack landed on the middle of Blaine's ass and he cried out, trying to wiggle away. Kurt rubbed Blaine's back until he sat still again.

The next smack landed softer, but Blaine still whined.

"Sweetheart? Are you okay? Do we need to change your punishment?" Kurt asked, alarmed.

"N-No, Sir!"

"Are you sure, honeybee?" Kurt laid back so he could see Blaine's face. Tears were flowing down his face and he tried to wipe them away before Kurt could see them. He pressed a kiss to Blaine's hair and ran his finger along Blaine's cheek lovingly

"Please Sir," Blaine begged, "Please spank me, Sir."

Kurt took a deep breath and sat back up preparing himself to start again.

He let the next smack landed softer, but Blaine still cried out in pain.

"No. Baby Penguin. I'm not doing this, sweetheart." Kurt conceded.

Blaine turned over and Kurt helped him get comfortable again, adjusting the pillows to support Blaine's back and neck.

"Why?" Blaine look at Kurt with a miserable expression.

"You know that's not good pain. I am not going to do something that might actually injure you." Kurt explained with a sad smile. "I think the baby's just putting too much strain on your body."

"But I...I was bad." Blaine muttered sadly.

"I know, sweetheart." Kurt laid his head on Blaine's chest. "Just give me some time to think of something else." Kurt brought his hand down onto Blaine's bump, absently running his fingers along the curve as he thought.

After a few minutes he raised his head and looked down at Blaine. "I'm going to take those pregnancy photos I wanted. You have to do every pose I want. I'm going to hang them up in our living room for a week."

"No, please Sir!" Blaine blushed deep red "We Skype our parents and Coop in that room!"

"Exactly" Kurt agreed. "You crossed a line, sweetheart. You put yourself, our relationship and our baby at risk."

Blaine frowned unhappily but nodded to show he accepted his punishment.

"Okay, go to the bathroom now, honeybee. Everything will be set up once you get back." Kurt helped Blaine off the bed and watched him walk off to their bathroom, his shoulders slumped.

Kurt opened up their bedside table and took the key to their playbox out of the box they stored Blaine's collar when he wasn't wearing it. He pulled their playbox out from under the bed and opened it taking out everything he needed. He laid it all out of their bed and then went to get their camera out of the closet.

Once he was finished, he headed to the bathroom to see why Blaine hadn't come out yet.

He found his sub in front of the mirror frowning at his appearance as he tried to push back the small mounds that had grown on his chest as his pregnancy progressed.

Kurt came up behind him and wrapped his arms around him. "Sweetheart you're gorgeous."

"No I'm not. I'm a weird pregnant freak!" Blaine cried turning around in Kurt's arms "Don't you think that's weird and gross? Sam asked if you were even still attracted to me! He said I had to be a girl if I was pregnant."

"Aww sweetheart. No, don't listen to him. You know how ignorant he is sometimes and I'm going to have a talk with him about how he needs to educate himself before he even thinks of visiting or playing video games with you." He kissed Blaine's nose "You are my gorgeous sub, the daddy to my future kids. My perfect husband. I love you so much, sweetheart. What organs you have will never change that."

"He said it was a shame I was attracted to men because I didn't get to enjoy was growing on my chest." Blaine told him ashamed.

"Can I just ban him from talking to you?" Kurt sighed in annoyance. "You have other friends. He can't be that fun."

Blaine cracked a smile finally.

"There we go, sweetheart." Kurt swooped in and kissed Blaine's lips with a small grin. "And you can tell that idiot that being gay just means they're used for their real purpose: feeding our baby."

"You're right, I'm just being stupid."

"You aren't being stupid, sweetheart. It's natural for even the most confident person to get self conscious when they're pregnant." Kurt reassured "I think we'll take the pictures tomorrow when you feel a little better about how gorgeous you are."

"Your punishment is to have them hang in the living room for other people to see. Not make you feel self-conscious about your body." Kurt continued reaching up to push Blaine's hair out of his face. "I want my beautifully willing boy in our pregnancy photos."

"Thank you Sir." Blaine gave him a tiny smile.

Kurt grinned swooping in to give Blaine a searing kiss. "Now I believe you mentioned cuddling and Netflix earlier?"

"Really, Sir?" Blaine beamed, throwing his arms around Kurt's neck.

"Really, sweetheart." Kurt confirmed. "And I believe you have some delicious champorado waiting for you downstairs. Why don't you go get it and get the couch ready with a warm blanket, while I get changed and clean up?"

"I love you, Sir." Blaine smiled, rubbing their noses together.

"I love you too, sweetheart." Kurt dropped kisses all over Blaine's cheeks until he was laughing and trying to wiggle away.

Reviews make the writers soul sing

Also if you aren't following my tumblr, somethings I post random stuff from this verse. Here is a link to Kurt's cuff/Blaine's collar with an explanation: kurtmarriedblaine /post/116071970780/kurts-blaine-blaines-collar-obviously-blaines

Follow 'verse: kurt's blaine' for any updates/stuff in this verse