Chapter 9, Epilogue

"The End." Said Taffy, as she closed the Sleeping Beauty fairy tale book, got up from the giant rocking chair in the corner of Tommy and Dil's room, and helped Peter, Kelly, and Derek, get Tommy, Chuckie, Phil, Lil, Jesse, Zack, Kimi, Dil and Bobby, all tucked into sleeping bags that lined the floor of the bedroom.

"Did you enjoy that story minis?" Peter asked.

"Yeah!" They all replied in unison excitedly.

"Well, uh, like, goodnight kids." Said Kelly, as she carried Al and Jake, who were asleep on her shoulders, out of the room.

"Goodnight." Said Susie, as she too left the room.

"Goodnight you dumb babies." Said Angelica, as she stuck her tongue out at them, and left the room, chasing Susie down the stairs, till they got to the living room couch, where they plopped down, and fell asleep.

"Goodnight Dweebs." Said Derek, as he too left the room.

Once everybody was tucked in, Peter and Taffy also left the room.

"Goodnight minis." Said Taffy, as she turned out the lights, blew them a kiss from the door, and closed the door behind her.

Once the babysitters were out of sight, Tommy turned to his guests.

"So, did you guys like that story that Taffy tolded us tonight?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah! I liked how Prince Tommy performed all of that braveliest stuff, and rescued me from my long sleep!" Said Kimi.

"I like that we made Captain Squash good again." Said Bobby.

"I like that my drool defeated the yucky Reptar robot!" Said Dil.

"I like that we made Princess Kimi a mud pie for her third birthday!" Said Phil.

"Yeah! With dandelions on top!" Added Lil.

"I liked the part where Squire Bobby and Prince Tommy, traded in their dogs, so I could go on an adventure!" Said Zack.

"I liked how Prince Tommy defeated Angeficent, also known as Nightmare, by singing that song I sang to Dil a while back, when we were trying to teach him about music!" Said Chuckie.

"And I liked that I got to be Jesse, the hyper active yoldling cowboy! Yoldlay Hee Hoo!" Shouted Jesse at the top of his lungs.

Everybody laughed, except Kimi, who had fallen asleep.

"Uh, guys, we might wanna be quiet, cuz we don't wanna wake up my sister, better known, as sleeping Kimi." Said Chuckie.

Everyone else chuckled, as they yawned, and went to sleep.

Before he fell asleep, since he was sleeping next to Tommy, Chuckie turned to Tommy, and whispered in his ear.

"So Tommy, what did you like bestest about Taffy's story tonight?" Chuckie asked.

"I liked going on a big adventure, and rescuing Princess Kimi from that evil Angeficent. Yeah! I'd have to say, that was the bestest adventure I've ever had." Whispered Tommy into Chuckie's ear, as he yawned, and went to sleep.

The End

Author's Note: I hope you all enjoyed that story. I decided to end it just like the original Tales from the Crib specials, where the babies would go around, and mention their favorite parts of the story. Please feel free to review, and let me know what you thought, and, also feel free to give me suggestions on other stories I can do in this category, other than of course, this one, The Sound of Minis, and the two original full production ones done by the original producers, Snow White, and Three Jacks and a Bean Stalk. Anyway, hope you all enjoyed the story, and, be looking for more stories, coming soon!