A/N : Hi there! Sani here, to those whom have read the past set up of this story, I deeply apologize for I have uploaded the wrong draft and deleted the one I was supposed to upload. I deleted the story I put up even though it already has 2 reviews.. that really broke my heart.. So I hope that you'll like this story since I did my best remembering what I wrote the last time.

I hope you'll support this story as much as you supported Sleeping Lucy in the past.


"Oyy Natsu! Wait for me you dumbass!" says Gray as he tried to catch up to his friend. Instead of slowing down, – a considerate gesture any normal friend would do, he kept up his speed shouting, "Elementals are all slowpokes!" leaving his friend behind.

He puffed and panted as he took a stop beneath the shade of a tree. He wiped the beads of sweat that formed on his forehead with his scarf. He gave out a very satisfied grin. He beat Gray at running, maybe next time he would be able to beat him to a pulp. He took off his muffler and swung it onto his shoulders feeling all manly because of winning a fight he started out of the blue.

The wind blew and it gave off a very cool feeling. It was summer and even though summer translates to his name, he too didn't feel any happier with the sun causing all this heat. The breeze went on thus making him comfortable. He closed his eyes and lazily hung both his arms to his sides as he tried to enjoy this refreshing experience. When he opened his eyes, he crept his hand to his shoulders to reach for his muffler but alas, it wasn't there!

He panicked and rashly turned to every direction, trying to find where the muffler was at. "Muffler!" he yelled as soon as he saw it hanging by a tree branch. He rushed towards it only to have his face kicked by Gray. "Take that you stupid trainee!" Gray smirked as he triumphed over the dragon knight cadet.

Natsu grabbed Gray's foot, set his hands on fire, making Gray go "Oooooooouuuuuuuuch!" and then he ran towards his beloved muffler yet again.

Before he was able to reach the tip of his muffler, Gray commenced his magic, "Ice make… floor!" causing Natsu to slide off and slam his head straight onto a wall. Not just any wall though, it was the wall.

"Did you enjoy that little trick fire lizar- " Gray started off and was interrupted by a very disturbing sound – the rumbling of rocks. He looked at Natsu, who was currently eyeing the dent his face made on the wall. "What did you do Natsu?" Gray stuttered.

"Look ice freak! Even my face is strong enough to create a dent on a wall!"

"You're noticing that you dolt? Don't you know which wall you had your ugly face bumped onto?"

"Tch, what? Yer so smart that each wall has their own names now, huh ice cream?"

"That's the Ethereal Wall moron!"

"The Ethereal wall wouldn't break for something like that, heh, unless I'm too strong! ahahaha" Natsu boasted.

"You… what will you do if Mavis came here? She'll punish you for breaking that part of the wall!" Gray ranted, quite pissed off by Natsu's callous attitude.

"tch. You believed in that crap? A fairy appeared out of nowhere, stopped the war and turned all evil doers into stone. Hailed from all nations around the world, these stones were formed into one wall splitting the earth in two and a castle that housed the great fairy stood at its center." Natsu teased as he tried to mimic great old Makarov one of the elders from the Palace of Light.

"Oy…" Gray tried to warn Natsu as his knees shook at the sight that loomed behind his stupid friend.

"Ahahah.. all those were just stupid jokes made by the adults to make fun of us!"

"…young boy." A voice from above spoke with a kind yet firm voice. Natsu froze in shock as Gray ran his fastest to get away from trouble as possible. "…young boy, do you not believe in me?" the voice is getting nearer and Natsu felt shivers run down his spine..

A crunching of the leaves came from behind Natsu, he wanted to escape so he dragged his wobbly feet towards what he remembered to be the way back. He took a single step and everything else crumbled before him, everything else was white and the only things that were left are the space between him and the wall. "… don't worry child. I'm not here to hurt you." Mavis said with all sincerity.

"Say that before you make everything else crumble to pieces!" he retorted.

"You're a funny child. Say, what has the world become?"

"What do you mean what has it become?"

"Is there still war? Are people still fond of killing each other?"

"The world huh. Uhmm.. everything is peaceful. We actually live a pretty quiet life here and sometimes it really is boring."

"Ah! So everything is fine now." Mavis gently smiled.

"What do you mean everything is fine now?"

"The world wasn't as peaceful back in my day. Teehee."

"What kind of lame explanation is that?"

"Trust me young one. The world is a lot better now."

"But there are still some evil doers."

"Apparently you can't rid the world of all evil. I've tried once and made this wall but then reality is harsh and people who sink themselves into the thought that doing good things everyday is boring and that doing bad things is the easiest way up all get corrupted and I can't stop that." She dazed onto the clouds.

"That's why we mages are here, Mavis-san. Look at this Mavis-san" He said as he lit his hands on fire. "I am now training as a dragon knight! Even the one who ran away, that stupid Elemental, Gray, we all vowed to help this world."

"Elemental? Dragon Knight? What do you mean dear child"

"Oh, The world now has tons of mages Mavis-san! We serve into the different classes we were categorized in. I became a Dragon knight since the old geezer Igneel, the dragon favored me when they held an exam. And Gray, was chosen to be an Elemental. Ugh, I'm not the one who should be explaining these things. You get the point right? The Elders of your said castle sorts us to where we belong and we train to protect people of this world."

"Is that so. Hihihi. That's nice little one. I hope the day comes that I'll get to meet you personally in my palace. I could finally rest again. I admit I was quite disturbed in the thought that I might not have done enough but seeing how good of a child you are, maybe it's alright to entrust you and the others with the future. Sadly, I have to bid you goodbye now."

"Wait! Can't you fix this wall Mavis-san?"

"That wall won't break unless something or someone with a far greater magic than mine would show up."

"Do you mean that my magic is stronger than yours?" Natsu beamed.

"Hihi..No.. not yet. You will get stronger in the future. I can see that, but there are far greater magic than what we humans could ever have. Destiny, Fate and Love; those things aren't easily stopped by just human magic alone. They always find a way to get to people who are entwined by them."

"I didn't quite get that."

"You will most likely have a chance encounter with someone. So that's that.. bye." She waved of as she faded into the light. "Wai-" Natsu tried to catch up to her and ask her what the hell she meant by chance encounter, she could've just fixed the wall!

Natsu punched the wall in irritation. How was he supposed to tell the elders that he dented the wall? If love, destiny and fate were the only ones which are able to break the wall does this mean he was destined, fated and loved by a wall? That sounded more outrageous than he wanted to make it seem. A thought passed his mind that shattered him more, "Hell, how am I supposed to explain this to Erza?" He held his head with both his hands and knelt at the hopelessness of the situation he was in. "Damn wall!" he continued to punch the wall and another crumbling sound resonated.

He took a few steps back and stiffly watched as a brick fell from the wall. 'I am going to get killed by Mavis' he thought.

"Gyaaaaaaaaaaaah! I broke the wall!" a squeaky voice came from the other side. Natsu became curious. 'So… there were people on the other side. Then the story about splitting the world in half was true too?' He concluded.

He wanted to know who this was and he knew that from the sound of the voice it was a girl.

"Levy-chan! I broke the wall!"

"Lu-chan calm down. I'll call Jellal to fix it."

"Levy-chan! Don't…leave… and she left… uwaaaaaaaaah. Jellal's going to scold me for sure." She panicked by herself. "You'll only get scolded at while I'm going to get killed by Erza." Natsu matter-of-factly said. "Eeek! The wall is talking!" the girl freaked. 'What a weird person.' Natsu pulled himself near the wall so that the girl will be able to see him. "The wall ain't talking. I'm the one who said that." He looked down averting the girl's gaze.

"You're from the other side of the wall?"

"Seems like it. Cool right?" he shyly smiled, taking glimpses of who it was he's talking to.

"If you put it that way it is." Silence suddenly interlude their conversation.

"Ahem." They said in chorus. They laughed the awkward silence away.

"Hey! Do you know magic?" Natsu asked the little girl.

"Uhn.. I know magic. I'm in the keeper class, still a trainee though."

"We're still young of course we'd be trainees. I hear you get the title only once you've crossed 18 years old."

"That's still a long way. What magic do you do? What kind of class are you?"

"I'm a Dragon Knight Cadet Fire class."

"Uwaaaaah, so cool! Only few get to join the elite force! I work with celestial spirit contracts.. hehe. But that's not even on par to your class."

"Yeah, I know I'm cool like that. Keh."

"Ah- I've got something for you!" the girl said as she held out a flower out of the hole the brick came from. Natsu eagerly grabbed the flower, afraid that the wall might snap his hands in two if he didn't get it fast enough. "What's this flower? And why aren't you even scared of putting your hand in that hole." The girl looked at him confused and said, "According to the legends this wall was made by the golden fairy Mavis Vermillon. She made this to stop the war and to punish all evil doers. I haven't done anything bad lately so I guessed it wouldn't hurt me. Oh, and that is called a fire lily. It's beautiful isn't it? It symbolizes bravery according to the book I've read." She smiles like there exists no problems on the other side. She was so sure of what she's doing and from the bottom of his heart he admired her faith to the unknown. They both have heard of the same legends take the same type of magical training but then they could never meet like people from each side does. His heart told him to try and break the wall more so that he'd be able to cross but his mind told him not to.

Natsu looked around for something to give to the girl. Lucky enough, he saw a flower that swayed to the breeze standing beneath a tree. He went near it not minding the question the girl was saying. "Here." He gave the flower to the girl and she took it happily. "That flower is called a Stargazer. It means fulfillment of dreams. Or at least that was what I heard from Mira."

"It's funny." The little girl laughed.

"What is? You're being weird" Natsu scoffed.

"If you put the meanings of the flowers together, Fulfillment of dreams through bravery. Pretty cool huh!"

"You bet!" his eyes sparkled as soon as he understood the meanings. It is pretty cool.

"What's your name dragon knight-kun?"

"Natsu. My name is Natsu Dragneel. How about you Keeper-san?"

"My name is-"

Splash. "Ice make hammer!" I heard Gray's voice say as I felt the sudden drop of a heavy object on my stomach. "oof." Was all I could say as it hit me and all I could do was cringe in pain. "That was some deep sleep you got there torchy! Do you mind helping clean the halls now?" he sarcastically said. "It looks it was the same dream ey Natsu."

Natsu gathered himself and sat on the ground properly. "Yeah, I woke up the same time she was about to say her name." he ruffled his hair and stood.

"Tough luck maybe you'll get it next time."

"Yeah. The dream's less vague now, I heard all of what Mavis told me that day and I also heard the girl say that she's in the Keeper class but she's on the other side, darn it!"

"This is so not the job we are supposed to be doing!" Natsu said as he threw a punch at Gray and sent him a few meters away. "What the hell was that for?"

"That… was calling me torchy, snowball." And off he ran.

"Don't get me stuck with the cleaning again. Damn you!"

Natsu ran towards the place were his dream occurred and stood there. "It was a memory that haunts me in my dreams. Jeez, I should've just smacked the wall to pieces back then. Why was I stupid when I was a child? Dammit!" he cussed as he touched the wall.

"I shouldn't have gone home. When I came back again the next day, the wall was back to normal. 'It really heals itself huh.' Was what I thought."

He gave the wall a little push and watched as a brick fell again.

His heart suddenly got excited. He remembers the lush forest that stood there, the beautiful flowers and the girl that should be standing there to meet him again. He peeked through the hole as he felt his heart shatter to pieces.