A/N: Hey guys! It's been a while, hasn't it? Sorry I haven't updated Back to the Future for a LONG time. I got a little too ambitious when tried tackling a three-part story. I thought I'd try doing a smaller project instead. But be wary that I'm still young so I have a lot that takes up my time.

Anyways, I thought I'd do a Smash fic and I've been wanting to do this one since Robin and Lucina were announced for Smash. They're my OTP, so I just gotta! There are a few things I should tell you though. There are gonna be heavy spoilers for both Fire Emblem: Awakening and Xenoblade Chronicles because of this, but I hope that won't turn you away. Also, since I have not played every Nintendo game ever, I'm not too familiar with some of the characters' personalities. If my iteration is inaccurate, please tell me in a review or something so I can fix it in future chapters.

Since these are annoying to do, I'm only doing it once. Nintendo owns all these characters except for Sonic, Megaman, and Pac-Man. They are owned by Sega, Capcom, and Bandai Namco respectively.

Prologue: Veterans' Homecoming

"It's that time again, huh?" A young elven warrior stood in front of the famous Smash Mansion, the place where fighters, whether hero or villain, from different universes to compete for glory. The young swordsmen was no different as he was present since the first tournament.

Beside him was a princess, around his age. Her regal appearance contrasted with the swordsman's rural tunic, but it could be deduced that the two were close despite their differences. "It seems to be that way, Link." She smiled.

Link chuckled and glanced back to see a few familiar figures: the friends he made during the first Smash Tournament. At times like these, Link wondered how diverse his friends were. In his own universe, he already had a variety of friends of different races. Here, it was almost ridiculous. It truly made one wonder how many universe there were out there.

"Mario!" Link called out. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"

"Oh, Link!" Mario responded in his thick Italian accent. "It's-a good to see you again! And you too, Princess Zelda!"

Mario arrived with Peach and Bowser, along with whom are commonly known as the "Original Twelve Smashers" with the exception of Captain Falcon, Fox, and Kirby. Link surmised that they were gathering the other fighters from their respective universes.

Zelda ran up with Peach to catch up. What the two princesses ever talked about was Link's understanding and sometimes, he didn't want to know.

"So how have you been, guys?" Link asked. "It's been ages!"

"Oh you know," Mario's brother Luigi began. "Going on long adventures to save Peach again."

"The usual," Mario said casually, an action both he and his brother would soon regret after experiencing multiple pan-made bruises.

"Really now?" Link laughed. "I can't say I'm much different." He too, would regret his actions as not even his Goron tunic could save him from Din's Fire. "So do you know who the newcomers are this time around?"

"No clue," Samus chimed in. She was wearing more casual clothing: a blue hoodie with jeans. Of course, since her Power Suit and Zero Suit looked far from comfortable. "Supposedly, Master and Crazy have been assigning some of us to recruit some newbies."

"Assign us to recruit?" Link asked quizzically. "How are we supposed to do that? What specifications are they looking for? We've been to this tournament three times already and we still don't know how those two choose new fighters!"

Samus merely shrugged as she knelt down to pet the approaching Pikachu. "I've asked Master myself. He just said that 'There's a higher power involved'."

While Samus remained unaffected and Pikachu was still reveling in the sensation of being rubbed, a wave of discomfort passed between the Italian brothers and the elven swordsman. It was almost as if someone out there was maniacally pulling all the strings to the point where even Master Hand and Crazy Hand had to obey his every command.

The three men shivered.

"A-Anyways… It looks like Pikachu, Jigglypuff, and Yoshi are all raring to go! And so does DK and Diddy!"

"That they are," a booming voice called out. "and none of you look too shabby either!"

"Ah, Master!" Mario addressed the giant glove. "It's-a nice to see you again!"

"It's good seeing you too, hotshot!" Master Hand put himself in a gun-like position and clicked his tongue… if he had one.

"So where's Crazy?" Link asked.

"Oh, he's helping, and I use the term loosely, to gather some of the newcomers. Actually I could use some of you guys' help." He pointed towards Mario. "Mario, you take Link, Samus, and DK to recruit Megaman and then meet up with Kirby to get your friend Rosalina and the Wii Fit Trainers. And don't forget your doctor uniform. We could use one around here. We don't want last tournament's mistake to happen again.

Mario's eyes lit up with joy as everyone else cringed. Mario was excited to bring back the old doctor and meet up with an old rival again while the other fighters and Master Hand shivered at the thought of Crazy Hand handling a medical operation.

"Megaman, huh? Looks like we're meeting with a familiar face. First Sonic and now him!"

"That's not all, hotshot." Master Hand opened his palm into a "stop" fashion. "After that, you'll split off from the group and then team up with Sonic and Megaman to bring another old classic: Pac-Man."

"I'll-a get ready right away!" Mario excitedly exclaimed. The red-headed plumber ran off with his brother desperately trying to keep up with him.

Master Hand then faced Link and Samus. "Alright, after recruiting the Wii Fit Trainers, Link, you will go to Skyworld and inform Pit that both Palutena and Dark Pit are joining in. A little bit of favoritism if you ask me…" he mumbled.

Before he could ask what he meant, Master Hand assigned Link to go find Marth and Bowser afterwards to recruit a boy named Shulk, someone who wields a very unique sword apparently.

"Samus, you're going to get Little Mac recruited and Pikachu, you'll get Charizard back along with Greninja over here. Lucario's on his way. Unfortunately, Red, Ivysaur, and Squirtle will not be coming back. They're going on their own adventures, they told me." Both fighters nodded even though Pikachu looked a bit saddened at the loss of his Pokemon companions.

"I'm planning on sending Falcon on his own recruiting mission and Crazy is sending letters to the rest of the newcomers. Where is Cap anyways?" Master Hand finally floated off after giving the veterans their instructions.

As if on cue, the Blue Falcon materialized out of thin air and out jumped the Captain himself. "YES!" he shouted. "Right on time!"

"Actually no," Samus deadpanned. "You're late. Would it kill you to be more punctual?"

Falcon bellowed out an arrogant laugh. "No on is as punctual as Captain Falcon!"

The bounty huntress sighed after letting the electric mouse go to meet up with his friends.

"Whatever. Master was looking for you. You're being assigned to a recruitment."

Captain Falcon's eyes widened and there was a long pause.

"Oh crap! I completely forgot!" The captain jumped back into the Blue Falcon and turned on the engine. "Crazy told me in my invite! Arena Ferox, here I come!"

As the Blue Falcon dashed off through the space-time continuum, Samus proceeded to sigh again. "When is that oaf going to learn? You'd think a high-speed race would be the first one here."

Link just gave her an awkward smile and a nervous laugh.

Yup, just like old times.

And there we go! Not too bad for a prologue, huh? I already have chapter one written on paper so I'll get to typing that out. In the mean time, I want to get a few reviews before I continue. Do you guys like this idea? I sure hope so.

So as you can see, I love putting in humor into any situation I can. I can't say I'm brilliant at it, but I try. Also, I like how this chapter turned out, especially since two bits kinda referenced real life. Link was made the main character in this specific chapter because I used him the most in the Smash demo. Starting with chapter one, the rest will be put in Robin's point of view with the occasional Lucina and Shulk. Also, Captain Falcon's late arrival references his late reveal in the Robin/Lucina trailer since everyone was complaining that he wasn't announced yet. Gotta say I love the guy even though I've never played an F-Zero game. I'll be putting in references often, so look out for them!