Disclaimer: I don't own it

AN: I mentioned this on my tumblr (beckettsbitchface) and decided to write it after it basically wrote itself in my head.

"Close your eyes," Walter said as he walked up behind Paige, holding a wrapped package behind his back. She was sitting on his couch, the rest of the team out for the night to give them time alone.

"They're closed," she said with a laugh. "What are you doing? You're acting like a crazy person."

He sat next to her on the couch and put the box on her lap. She opened her eyes and looked down at it then at him. "Our anniversary isn't for five weeks and my birthday was last month. You bought me shoe inserts, remember?"

"You said your back was hurting, I noticed you stepping heavily on the balls of your feet. I thought it would help." He shook his head. "This should make up for that though," he told her, smiling.

She smiled at him then picked up the box testing the weight of it. "It's too heavy for jewelry," she murmured to herself. She tore the wrapping paper off and looked at the shoebox that was now on her lap. "Shoes? Your size," she noticed, examining the box. "This is… okay, it's interesting."

"Open it," he said impatiently. "It was the only box I could find to fit it."

She pulled the top of the box off, frowning when she looked at the contents. "An electronic toothbrush, toothpaste and deodorant," she said. He smiled widely, nodding. "Are you trying to tell me something?" she asked, her eyes narrowing at him.

His smile slipped when he noticed she looked upset. "What? No. No… I'm not suggesting you have a personal hygiene problem, if that's what you think." He paused for a moment, considering what the gift meant from his girlfriend's perspective. "Though I now understand how you came to that conclusion."

"Okay, why don't you tell me what you are suggesting?"

"That you keep these here," he told her. "When Drew has Ralph, you can stay over and you won't have to leave in the mornings to go home and get ready for the day, considering you also have a change of clothes, and you could also keep a few outfits here. I suppose I could have bought you a pack of hangers and made space in my closet. It's more efficient, you'll save money on gas and… we'll get to spend more time together."

She smiled at him. "Are you asking me to move in?"

"In a non-permanent sense," he said, nodding. "I understand you have your apartment with Ralph and you two need your own space but, like I said, when he's with Drew, you have no real reason to travel home and back just to change your clothes. Normally you'll bring an overnight bag with necessities but you can keep all that here. You have doubles of everything you need."

She leaned over to him to kiss him, still smiling as she pulled away. "Maybe someday we can make it permanent, us and Ralph in one place, everyday."