
"This is a bad idea," Donatello says for the millionth time since we reached the sewers.

I don't respond. If I said something every time he whined I would lose my voice before we even got to the lair. He walks with overly careful steps, inching along the ledge as if the center of the tunnel is made of lava. Alley is curled up in his arms. She still has her tiny hand wrapped around the leather strap across his chest and snuggles against his plastron with an exaggerated sigh and quiet mewl. I don't know what he's so nervous about. She's just a little baby.

"Calm down, D," I say with a sigh as he practically yelps when she stretches her legs and wiggles.

"Calm down?" he says, in that even tone of voice he uses before he yells. "Calm down? How can I calm down?!"

He glances down at Alley, remembering at the last moment not to raise his voice. He tucks the blanket back around her feet and lets out a snort of air through his nostrils. I can't laugh. If I laugh he will only get angrier. His pupils shrink to pinpoints. I know that look. He's going to freak out. I take a deep breath and hold up my hands, palms out wide so he knows I mean no harm.

"All right…fair enough, but it's going to be fine, I promise. We'll take her back to the lair. Master Splinter will know what to do," I say slowly, forcing him to keep eye contact.

"He's going to kill us," he says with a quick shake of his head and a mournful groan. "We should have left her at the hospital. I never should have let you talk me into this."

"It wasn't safe, Donnie," I insist. "Those guys were after her. We couldn't just leave her."

He scrunches his eyes shut and takes in a slow breath. Alley wiggles again and he opens his eyes to glance down at her. She coos at him and I know I won't get any more arguments from my brother. He sighs and holds her close. He walks with his head slightly lowered, like a turtle on his way to the electric chair. I don't know why he's being so dramatic. Master Splinter won't be that angry. I'm pretty sure he won't. Well, he might be, but he won't stay angry for long. I'll make him realize we had to help her. He'll understand…eventually.

The sewer tunnel opens up into the expansive subway track that signals were closer to our home. Donnie tenses up again and stops short of walking through the turnstile. I push against his shell and he has no choice but to move forward. The lair is quiet and dark except for the soft glow of the television. Raph is asleep on the couch, oblivious to the infomercial crackling on the screen. Donnie stays put just inside the turnstile, standing as straight as his bo staff. I roll my eyes and push on his shell again.

"Come on," I whisper. "It's late. We should make her a nest."

"Human babies sleep in cribs," Donnie replies, always having to be right. "Don't they?"

I shrug. "Do you have a crib?"

"No, of course I don't have a crib," he snaps.

"Wh-where the heck have you been?" Raph asks from the couch. "What time is it?"

His voice is gruff with sleep and he stretches his mouth in a loud yawn. Donnie's eyes widen into perfect circles and he clutches Alley closer to his body, turning so Raph can't see her. I don't know why he's bothering. Raph is already on his feet, stretching from side to side and cracking his neck. He vaults over the back of the couch and narrows his eyes. I grin and offer a small wave.

"Hey, Raph. Have a nice nap?" I ask, ignoring his questions.

"What are you two up to?" he demands.

He pushes me aside and tries to grab hold of Donnie's shoulder. I take hold of his wrist before he gets the chance and only wilt a little under his angry gaze. The anger doesn't last. It's replaced by shock and awe when Alley whimpers and peels off into a shrill, scared cry. Raph pulls his arm back as if my hand burnt him. He points at Donnie and shakes his head in disbelief.

"What…is…that?" he says aghast.

"Uh, Raph, meet Alley," I say with a bashful smile.

"Stop calling her that," Donnie hisses, already trying to stop her crying. "She has a real name."

"Well, do you know it?" I demand, putting a hand on my hip.

"No, but…"

"Please tell me you two didn't kidnap that baby!" Raph says, interrupting our argument with the shrill question.

"What? No, of course not," I say with a pout. "We saved her."

"And you thought bringing her to the lair was a good idea?" he says, each word still cracking in disbelief.

"What is going on out here?"

We all cringe and fall into silence at the stern voice of Master Splinter. Even Alley seems to understand that you don't speak when Sensei is talking because she whimpers and falls silent. Donnie keeps her held against his chest and I can see each nervous swallow as it moves down his throat. Master Splinter moves to stand beside us and I force myself to look up from the ground.

"Sensei," I say, clearing my throat. "We found her…they…these guys they kidnapped her. They were going to hurt her. We had to save her."

He doesn't say anything. I hate when he does that. His whiskers twitch and there's a rumble deep in his throat as he pulls gently on his beard. He's probably thinking of the best way to punish us. I stand my ground. I'm right about this. He has to see that. They all do.

"They were going to hurt her, Sensei," I say again.

He lowers his gaze to meet my eyes and I don't look away. He offers a slow nod and I let out the breath I'm holding. His robe swishes as he leans over Donatello for a closer look. He lifts the blanket aside and gently touches the top of her head. She wiggles and moves, but doesn't necessarily avoid his touch. I see his features soften and I know we're not in trouble. Not tonight anyway.

"Who is she?" he asks, his voice quiet and precise.

"William Anderson's daughter," Donnie replies, adding when Sensei and Raph blink at him in confusion. "He's a district attorney."

"Hmm," Master Splinter says with another pull of his beard. "We must return her to her family."

I can't help but pout. I knew we weren't going to keep her, but it still makes me sad to think that I'll never see her again. Master Splinter rests his hand on my shoulder.

"You did well keeping her safe, my sons," he says and the compliment makes me feel better…a little better anyway.