This is the original version of the story, which was published in 2009. I removed it after publishing "Reimagined: Tough Times in Jump City". This story is longer than the remake and the plot is different. I plan on posting an update every day.

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Crime was up in Jump City, which wasn't entirely unexpected. The entire country was going through the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression and it had hit hardest in California. Jump City was considered by many to be the jewel of California, but it didn't escape the economic crisis. Unemployment was close to 20% and the city was choking with crime. The city police were overwhelmed dealing with the tsunami of delinquency and the Titans had been working overtime helping to contain the wave of crime, but just could not keep up.

There were times when 5 different alarms would go off, forcing the team to separate with only one Titan assigned to a mission, which Robin abhorred. His long standing rule had forbidden solo missions as they were too dangerous. At first he flat out refused to take that risk, but as violent crime escalated he gave in to the mayor's demands. And the crime had become very violent. Just a few weeks before Raven had been severely wounded by machine gun fire, courtesy of the local branch of the Salvadoran MS-13 gang. The gangs upped the ante during the crisis and many had military grade weaponry at their disposal. Beastboy went into a fit of rage when he saw Raven in the hospital's intensive care unit and it took the other Titans to prevent him from going on a dangerous punitive search for her assailants. Robin judged that Beastboy was too agitated to serve on a mission and ordered him to stay at the hospital to "guard" Raven, knowing well that the changeling had a "secret" crush on her and would accept the order. Robin was relieved that he did. The last thing he needed was a second Titan in intensive care, or worse, at the local morgue. Raven was discharged from the ICU in just a few days and returned to the Tower with Beastboy, who doted on her until her recovery was complete.

The fact that Raven had been blindsided by a bunch of punks with machine guns only confirmed what Robin already suspected: the Titans were overworked and fatigued. There were days when they would get no sleep as they had back to back missions for 24 hours or more. The only thing that was truly surprising was that no had been hurt before. He spoke with mayor about this, saying that the Titans could no longer keep up with the demands being placed on them and that from now on they would resume the buddy system, which meant that the Titans would only be able to respond to two simultaneous missions. The mayor's response was to ask Robin and Cyborg to come to his office. No doubt he was going to give them the hard sell to continue with the solo missions.

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Robin and Cyborg drove the new T-Car to city hall. The previous T-Car was destroyed two months ago during a response to a bank robbery pulled off by a combined team composed of the Hive-5 and the local Crips. Gizmo demolished the fortunately empty at the time vehicle with some of his custom missiles. Cyborg himself was almost been hit by a bazooka shot. It had cost $400,000 to replace the T-Car and Robin was concerned as the Titans were spending money like it was water.

"Our budget is almost exhausted Cy" Robin told the bionic Titan "I've put in a request with the mayor for a budget increase. He's not going to be happy about that."

"What choice does he have?" Cyborg replied with a hint of cockiness "We're indispensable. They need us."

"I know, I know. Still it's going to be difficult to get more funding. Money's tight for the city right now. They've been cutting non-essential expenses left and right."

"Can't Bruce help us out?"

Robin shook his head "He's been funding the Justice League for years and since the stock market crashed he's been strapped for cash. We're going to have to tighten our belts Cy." He sighed before continuing. "We shouldn't have replaced the T-Car. We're almost out of cash. I really wish we had that $400K now."

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City hall was guarded like a fortress as they pulled in. An officer clad in full SWAT gear guided them to a visitor's parking spot and escorted them into the building where they were handed off to another officer who escorted them to the mayor's office on the top floor. As they were guided through the building they were met with hostile glances by city hall staffers, which made Cyborg angry.

"What's their problem? " He grumbled "We put our butts on the line every day for them. You'd think they might show some gratitude."

"Layoffs" Robin replied. "The mayor announced this morning that he's laying off 20% of city hall staff. The Titans are an expensive operation and they resent us. They're blaming us for the layoffs."

"Ok, I get the picture. He's gonna tell us to make do with a budget cut. I can sell some stuff to raise some money."

"We'll go over the new budget tonight with the team; we'll find a way to make ends meet." Robin replied in a weary tone.

As they reached the Mayor's office the receptionist immediately led them in. The mayor had a corner office with large windows that provided a view of Jump Bay. The receptionist closed the doors on the way out.

"Gentleman, please have a seat." Mayor Kristoff asked them somberly.

"It's bad news, isn't it Bill?" Robin asked.

"I'm afraid so, Robin. I don't have to tell you that tax revenue is down 30% this year. At first we were able to cover the revenue shortfalls by cutting non essentials."

"Yes, we know."

"Well, we've exhausted that. Now essential services will be seeing cut backs as well."

"The Titans are ready to make cuts as well, Bill. I already have an amended budget to present you. We are ready to cut back our expenses 30%. And don't worry; we will continue to operate at full capacity. Raven has been cleared to return to full duty."

The Mayor's face betrayed that he had more bad news to share.

"Robin, no one is more grateful than I am for all the Titans have done for Jump City. You saved us from Slade and Terra. You've always been there for us." He paused nervously before continuing.

"The problem I have is that the city can't afford to fund the Teen Titans anymore. We're broke, Robin. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, but the Titans are an expensive operation. If I let you go I can save over 200 officers from being laid off, and right now we need them more than we need you."

Robin was stunned and speechless. He had not anticipated this.

"You mean you're firing us?"

"I'm sorry Robin, I really am. I even tried to find private sector funding for you, but most companies are more interested in their shrinking profit margins than in keeping you kids around. I even suggested that you might do endorsements, but no one stepped up to the plate."

"It's too bad we're not football players with the Jump City Dragons, how much did that taxpayers chip in for the new stadium?" Robin said bitterly. "It's good to see that this city has its priorities in order."

"Believe me Robin, I did everything I could."

"So what's next?"

"You can stay in the Tower until the end of the quarter. After that we're moving some police operations in there. You can keep all the vehicles as we have no use for them."

"That's just 5 weeks." Robin complained "You expect us to move out that quickly?"

"I'm afraid so."

Cyborg spoke up "And let me guess, since we technically aren't city employees we won't get any severance pay or unemployment benefits, right? Nice!"

"I think perhaps you should leave now." The Mayor opened the door, motioning for them to exit his office."And don't try to use your city credit cards. They've already been cancelled."

As they exited his office Robin turned to face the mayor.

"If you have trouble you know who NOT to call."

As they walked out of city hall Robin's mind was racing. What am I going to tell the others? He worried.