I do not own BBC Merlin or any Merlin, as requested I am going through to make some spelling correction. This may take a while as I lost the original copies of the chapters and have to retype everything.
The story is AU.
Set Starting before Morgause placed the sleep spell on Morgana, till whenever the plot gremlins decide.
Uther stood listening to the traveler if what He was saying was true He would be dealing with a lot of superstitious people. The King himself was concerned about the magical connection. The traveler was claiming he had seen someone had lit a fire in the Idirsholas fort.
"are you sure of what you saw," Uther asked.
"I saw with my own eye sire," The man told him.
Uther nodded and gesture to a couple of servants.
"Thank you for bringing this to my attention," Uther said to the man, then he spoke to the servants
"see that this man is given food and a place to sleep for the night"
"yes, sire" the servants bowed and led the man out of the room.
After the servants and the man left the king called his son Arthur over to him.
"Arthur, I want you to take some knights with you to go check on the fort" Uther instructed him.
"surely you don't believe the superstition about the fort?" Arthur asked.
"that the seven knights will come back?"
"I believe there are a lot of superstitious people who will need to have their minds put to rest" Uther explained.
Arthur bowed and called for his manservant Merlin to follow, (as if he needed to) and headed out to round up a couple of his knights to go check on Idirsholas.
Arthur, Merlin and a couple of red shirts (I mean uh knights) left Camelot riding north to where the traveler had seen the Idirsholas fires burning. Merlin asked the prince why they were concerned about someone lighting a fire there. Arthur explained that there was a story, that over a hundred years earlier seven of Camelot's knights had been enchanted by a powerful sorcerer and had rained death and destruction over the land until the sorcerer that controlled them was killed.
"and they say that when the fires of Idirsholas burn, the knights will walk again bound to serve the person who lit the fires"
"you don't actually believe the stories are true, do you?" Merlin asked.
"of course not," Arthur told him.
Darkling woods not far from the city of Camelot.
A cloaked woman walked through the wood, she was looking around making sure no one was following her. It was late, the sun had set a couple hour before and she should be in bed. However, the person she was meeting could not enter the city and she herself would be missed during the day.
Morgana smiled when she saw Morgause, the older blonde sorceress took Morgana's hands in hers.
"I am so glad you could come," She told her.
"as am I, "Morgana said. "I am happy to get away from Uther, even if it is only for a short time.
"what is wrong?" Morgause asked.
"He is an arrogant tyrant," Morgana told her.
"he cares for no one but himself"
Morgause was happy to hear that Morgana was angry with Uther, perhaps it would be easier than she thought to convince the woman to go along with her plans than she thought it would be. Of course, she didn't need to know what the plan was, she just needed her to agree to help.
"Morgana," Morgause asked, "if you could choose if Uther were to live or die, which would you choose?
Morgana was quiet for a moment thinking.
"I had the chance to end Uther's life once" She confessed "I ended up saving his life instead.
Morgause didn't like what she was hearing.
"why did you change your mind? "Morgause asked, She took a deep breath and braced herself for Morgana's answer.
"I thought he cared for me," Morgana told her, "I know now that I was wrong"
Morgause took Morgana's hands in hers once again.
"Morgana, I can help you end Uther's tyranny once and for all" Morgause told her.
"I just need to know. Are you with me or are you with Uther"
I am with you" Morgana told her with a smile.
Morgause let out the breath she had been holding.
"I am so glad to hear you say that," She told her just before her eyes turned golden red.
Morgana fell to the ground asleep.
Idirsholas, the next day.
Arthur, the knights, and Merlin had camped overnight and reached the fort a few hours after sunrise.
Merlin followed the knights and Arthur through the fort, The young warlock (shhh, don't tell anyone) was nervous. He could sense powerful magic, someone had cast a spell recently and it was dark. The warlock just couldn't figure out what it had been for.
"what is that noise?" Merlin asked.
"that's your knee's knocking," Arthur told him, Merlin could hear the eye roll in his voice.
The small group found the room where the fire had been, the prince and the knights looked around.
"Well, it looks like the man was right, someone was here:" Merlin's eye caught movement by the door as Arthur was speaking. "most likely travelers passing through, their most likely long gone"
"or not," Merlin said his eyes not leaving the doorway.
Arthur and the knights turned to see seven men in full armor and cloak swords drawn entering the room. They soon discovered that the seven knights they were fighting couldn't be killed. The Camelot knights were quickly killed by the Idirsholas knights.
The prince yelled for Merlin to run. Merlin didn't move, he could not and would not leave Arthur behind.
"what are you doing?" Arthur demanded, pushing his servant toward the door and putting himself between him and the knights. "Go!"
Merlin looked up at the ceiling and then back at Arthur, the prince had his back to him. The warlock focused on the stones above them and just in front of the seven knights who were advancing toward Arthur and himself. Merlin's eyes glowed gold for a second while he whispered "ahries þæc" and pulled Arthur back as the roof fell in separating them from the seven knights.
Merlin and Arthur ran out of the fort and rode toward Camelot as fast as they could. They needed to warn the king about what had happened.
Back in Camelot
Morgana woke up in her bed, well rested but confused. The last thing she remembered was talking to Morgause in the woods, She had no recollection of walking home or climbing into bed.
"good morning my Lady" Gwen greeted her "did you sleep well?"
"good morning Gwen" Morgana gave her servant/friend a warm smile "I slept very well, and how are you today?"
Gwen placed Morgana's breakfast tray on the table by the bed.
"I am well," Gwen told her just before a strange look crossed her face and the servant leaned her hip against the bed.
"Gwen what's wrong," Morgana asked seeing the look and being concerned for her.
Gwen lightly shook her head, she straightened herself and continued to help Morgana to sit up so she could eat her breakfast.
"it's nothing my Lady, I just got light headed all of a sudden" Gwen told her.
"did you not sleep well last night," Morgana asked "if you're not feeling well perhaps you should go home and rest"
"thank you" Gwen gave Morgana a smile "but I am sure I'll be fine"
A few hours later Morgana was on the floor in her room with her servant/friends head in her lap. She was lightly shaking the woman, scared for her friend whom she had found collapsed on the floor of her room. The whole castle was asleep. Nobles, servants, and peasants alike, all asleep where they fell.
"Gwen please" Morgana begged, "please wake up."
Morgana looked up at the door in fear when she heard voices coming toward the room, she couldn't identify them. She quickly and gently laid Gwen's head down on the floor and ran to hide behind a curtain grabbing a candelabra for defense as she did. She hoped whoever was coming would either not see Gwen or leave her alone because she was a servant. An even better thing would be if it was Merlin and Arthur.
Morgana watched as two men entered the room, she couldn't tell who they were with the curtain obscuring her view. She held her breath as one of them noticed Gwen. He kneeled down and checked the woman over. His gaze turned to the curtains when Morgana let out a small breath making a slight noise.
Morgana covered her mouth as the man caught the others attention and gestured toward the curtain.
She closed her eyes and swung the candelabra at the man as he pulled back the curtain.
"Morgana," He said grabbing her wrist to keep her from hitting him
"Morgana it's alright, it's me, it's Arthur".
Morgana looked to see her surrogate brother and his servant/ her friend, Merlin.
END of chapter one
I know I said this was AU, and it will be coming up, heck it already is a little bit.
well with corrections comes a new Authors note end cap.
I am going to try to go through and fix as much spelling and grammar as I can. It strange that I can read through the chapter before posting it to check for spelling and use a grammar and spell checker and still have errors that I don't notice till later.
For anyone who is interested to know I figured out how to make a "æ" you just hold down the alt key and press the quotation key, Alt q gives you "œ"
for spells that were in the show, I use page/Magic+Spells.
For spells I make up I use an olde English translator
swenf = sleep
Ahries þæc = fall down roof. Yeah, I know, it sounds better in the other language.