Author's note: I do not own the rights to dean ambrose/ jon moxley/ jonathan good. Nor do I own the rights to any WWE superstar. As much as anyone wishes to. I do own the oc's in this story Addie, Tara and Alex. They are my own creation. And I decided to write this story after an idea I had with one of my friends.
And I'd give up forever to touch you
'Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't wanna go home right now
And all I can taste is this moment
And all I can breathe is your life
When sooner or later it's over
I just don't wanna miss you tonight
Of all the songs to play on my last night at this Indy promotion it had to be the song that takes me back to him. Takes me back to a time where everything was right with the world. But sometimes you have to fall apart for things to get better. For some it means growing up. Hi my name is Addie and I am a female wrestler who has just been accepted into WWE and will be going to their developmental NXT. I have been working the Indies now for over 10 years waiting for the shot to join my big brother in the big company. Who is my big brother you may ask well that is best question in the world isn't it.
And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am
And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies
When everything feels like the movies
Yeah, you bleed just to know you're alive
As the song continues playing all I want to do is cry because being here in the company of CZW since 2009 was so surreal because I have had so many memories here. It was where I found friendships and heartache from relationships. I have worked so many promotions over the years many being with my friend Colt Cabana as his manager but CZW was always my home. Because here I wasn't viewed as the little sister to one of the biggest stars to make it from the Indies to the WWE. But here I was just Addie. I was someone who wasn't afraid to fight the men in the ring and then turn around and manage them to victory in the company.
"I am going to be sad to see you go Addie we always had such a great time here." My best friend Chrissy told me.
"I know and I am scared how the girls in the locker room in NXT and the main roster will accept me because I am not caddy like many of them."
"Speaking of the main roster does he know yet that you got hired there?" Chrissy asked me.
"If you're talking about the one that broke my heart when he got signed there no I haven't talked to him in a year."
The one she was talking about was the only man I ever loved and gave everything to but after so many lies over the years together and him getting signed to the WWE only to just up and leave me with nothing but heartache and memories. I know he made it from developmental to the main roster and made a huge impact when he showed up. While I was proud of him to achieve his dream part of me wished times were different for us.
"Well I better get going Chrissy I will see you as soon as I can. My flight to Florida is at 4AM so I better get myself some sleep."
"Night honey and please keep me posted on everything with you." As Chrissy and everyone else gives me a final hug goodbye.
Going into my now empty apartment because everything was already sent to my new home in FL I can't help but let the tears fall as the memories flood in. This was always my special place but now it is time for a change. Hopefully my impact on the next chapter of my life becomes the best to come.
Song-Iris- Goo Goo Dolls