I Don't Own FullMetal Alchemist.

Not many people showed for Al's funeral, even less for Mei's.

Ed sighed as he looked in the mirror. The black suit he wore was a stark contrast to the blue uniform he usually wore. Black and purple bags under his eyes.

'At least they aren't that bloodshot.' Ed thought. He straightened his suit and pulled his hair into a low pony tail. He turned around and headed out to the car, Roy in tow.

Ed hugged Winry when he saw her. The sky was cloudy and grim, causing him to wonder if having the proceedings outside was a good idea after all.

"Ed." Winry choked out, her face pressed firmly into Ed's chest. Ed closed his eyes and hugged her, taking in the familiar smell of grease and oil. When they let go Ed smiled down at her, trying to keep himself together. He could tell that Winry was trying to do the same. Winry turned and walked under the black onning that had been set up at the grave site in case it rained. Roy took Ed's hand in him and they followed Winry, taking two seats in the front row, next to Winry and Pinako.

The preacher droned on and on about life, and death; heaven and god, and so on. It irked Ed to no end, but he didn't interrupt the man. Ed blocked the words out, thinking about everything that he would never get to do with his baby brother, things he never got to do, and things he couldn't tell him. He almost thought about trying to transmute his brother back, but clenching his automail arm made him rethink that.

'Al deserves some sort of peace.' Ed thought to himself, 'if this heaven and hell thing is true, then he should be in heaven, living the dream.'

The corridor seemed to stretch endlessly before they came across the first door. The name Mei was written on the oak door in black sharpie. Roy nodded to Ed before carefully opening to door. The door squealed and Roy raised his gun. Ed entered the room and flipped the light switch located next to the door. In the dim light they could see that the room was a simple room. Bed to the right, a dresser with a mirror to the left.

"Clear!" Breda called from outside the room. Ed carefully walked to the bed and looked under it.

"Clear." He said, scooting closer before reaching under. He grabbed a leather bound book and pulled it out from under the bed. He sat and began to read it. Mustang sighed and left Ed to read on the concrete floor.

Ed barely registers the various, "Clears!" from out in the hall as they fade out after a while. By the time Mustang has made his way back to Ed, Ed's reading the last page.

"Fullmetal?" Mustang asked. Ed started turning the yellowed pages frantically, before slowly closing the leather bound book.

The funeral(s) where fairly quick and before Ed knew it they were being lowered into the ground. Ed, Winry, and Fletcher rose and walked up to the graves. They each took a handful of dirt, and tosses it in. Winry handed the two boys and two cream colored roses. Fletcher gently released the roses into the graves and Winry did the same. Ed just dropped them into the holes.

Everyone said their good byes, and repeated their condolences, and left. Winry made Ed promise to be back within the month for an Automail checkup, before taking Granny-Pinako's hand and walked away.

Ed sat in the chair he had occupied during the funeral and watched the two, rectangular holes fill up with dirt. It took an hour, but finally they were full. The well-dresses grave diggers tipped their hats in Ed's direction before heading off. It took five more minutes before Ed stood. He grabbed the bundles of flowers from under his plastic black chair and walked up to the graves. He knelt before Mei's grave first.

"Thank you. For protecting my baby brother when I couldn't. And thank you for caring for him, and Nina, and the others we couldn't save." Ed had to stop; he wiped a stray tear from his cheek before continuing.

"And I'm so sorry. I should've made the connection sooner, I should've done something, I should've found you, alive. I failed, and I ask your forgiveness." Ed choked out, barely able to hold back the sobs. He dug a little hole in the fresh dirt, and placed one bonnet of multi-colored roses in the hole before burying it. He made sure that the roses wouldn't topple and fall, before moving over to Al's grave.

Ed just sort of stood over the grave, breathing deeply. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale.

"It's all my fault. I'm your big brother; I'm supposed to take care of you. It's my job to make sure you're safe and taken care of and protected, but I failed. And I'm so, unbelievably sorry. You were forced to do who knows what. And I wasn't there to protect you. You protected those children, and I could even protect you." Ed fell to his knees. "Can you ever forgive me?"

It was there where Roy found Ed. Sobbing on his brother's grave.

Ed gave Winry one final hug before boarding the train for Central. There wasn't going to be another for three days, and that would've been too late.

"Promise to call when you get there!" Winry yelled as the train started to move.

"Promise!" Ed yelled, leaning out of the window. Winry smiled and chased after the train, stopping at the edge of the platform, waving profusely. She watched and waved until the train was completely out of sight.

Ed sighed and tugged at his blue uniform, it felt strangely constricting. Ed grunted and pulled at his collar. Giving up, Ed grabbed his beret and left his home. A black vehicle was parked out in front of his house; Ed approached and climbed into the back. Breda put the car in drive and they drove off. They traveled in silents, Breda kept his head down, his eyes on the road, and Ed placed his head on the window and watched the world fly by.

Ed sat away from everyone. His finger twitched as he and everyone waited for some news about what was going on beyond the waiting room. You'd expect Ed to be the seated furthest on edge, but Havoc was the one pacing.

Ed continued to look out of the window, grieving in silents. Al was gone, now he was hoping for Hawkeye to get out of surgery. The long she was back there, the more on edge everyone seemed to get. Roy had tried to sit with his boyfriend, tried to comfort him, but Ed just pushed his away; claiming that he would be fine and wanted to be alone. Roy sighed and reluctantly left his side to go sit near Havoc.

They had been there for hours, the heavy down-pour had turned into a lite drizzle. Ed sighed and rubbed his face, he turned to look at everyone. Havoc wasn't pacing anymore; he was sitting in a hard plastic chair, his hand twitching. Ed looked at the clock on the wall, stifling a yawn. The clock read 6:05; they had been there for eight hours. Ed stood and stretched, popping his back and neck before he began to walk towards Havoc, intending to invite him to accompany him to the cafeteria for something to eat, or a smoke, and a Doctor dressed in green scrubs entered the waiting room. He walked over to the group of blue clad figures and asked for the husband/boyfriend. Havoc gulped and stood. They spoke softly; Havoc released a sigh of relief and opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted. Havoc swayed a little in place before collapsing to his knees. He sobbed into his palms; Roy was there before anyone and hugged him. Havoc continued to wail into Roy's chest, soaking the blue fabric.

Ed shot the Doctor a look walked over to him, Falman and Fiery right behind him.

"What the hell happened in there!" Ed demanded, keeping his voice hushed.

"As I told him, Ms. Hawkeye is going to be alright. We're going to keep her here for a few days, for observation." The doctor said grimly.

"Then wha…"

"We couldn't, however, save the baby." The Doctor interrupted. "We tried, but we couldn't have saved Ms. Hawkeye and the baby. But with how underdeveloped it was, the child wouldn't have survived outside the womb." He finished with a heavy sigh.

They stood there in silents, the only thing heard was the lite tapping of computer keys and Havoc's quieting sobs.

It had started to drizzle when Breda parked the car at the graveyard gates. They stepped out of the car, Ed placed the Beret on his head and they followed the line of people heading into the ominous graveyard.

It took five or so minuets for Havoc to calm down enough to where he could be heard and understood if he spoke. The Doctor told him that Hawkeye was asleep, but if wanted to go see her he could, but only he could. Havoc nodded his head eagerly and followed closely behind.

Everyone released a sad sigh of relief and deiced to go to the cafeteria for some crappy hospital food. In the elevator Falman told everyone what the Doctor had told him, Fiery and Ed. Everyone bowed their heads in despair and remembrance of the unborn little one they would never know.

They were quiet still when they entered the cafeteria; they dispersed to find food and coffee before meeting back up at one of the corner tables. Occasionally someone tried to make small talk; but was shot down with a quick, snippy answer/remark, or was met with silents.

Half an hour later they stood and headed back up the elevator, a coffee and chocolate bar in hand.

When they reached their floor, they were met with a horrible, heart-wrenching cry of despair. They looked at one another, knowing that Hawkeye had just gotten the news, what they didn't expect, was Havoc being thrown from one of the rooms.

"Havoc?" Ed asked as they walked up to him.

"Hey Ed. Thanks Breda." Havoc said, sipping on the black coffee.

"What was that?" Roy asked. Havoc sighed and took another sip.

"That was me being thrown out, after telling her that we lost the baby." Havoc took a chuck out of the chocolate bar and savored the rich, melty goodness.

"Come on guys." Havoc said, walking away. "She's not looking to see anyone for a while. They looked at one another, before looking at Havoc's back. Falman sighed and Breda ran a hand through his hair.

A lot of people showed up for little John Havoc's funeral, even more for his mother's. There was no viewing, just the funeral and memorial. There was a mix of Black and Blue clad figures standing in the drizzle, surrounding the two caskets, one signifigently smaller than the other. Ed stood next to Roy, but they didn't hold hands, and they hadn't cried on each other's shoulders for their loss. But it for lack of trying on Roy's part, Ed just wanted to be left alone.

Ed wasn't use to depending on anyone and he wasn't planning starting. He had never cried on someone else's shoulder, he never HAD a shoulder to cry on, though his had been soaked before.

Havoc had barely been able to hold himself together as the preacher droned on and on. When 21 shots had been sounded, the caskets were lowered, and Havoc left in a rush, not being able to stand there any longer, not like Ed could blame him.

An hour later Fiery had convinced Havoc to go outside for some fresh air and a smoke, and Havoc had reluctantly agreed. Fiery had led them to the Elevator and down to the Emergency Entrance.

Havoc had hardly taken a puff from his cigarette when he heard a crunch over to his right. Fiery gasped and dashed inside, leaving Havoc alone, starting at the corpse of his wife-to-be. A team of nurses and paramedics rushed past him, and collapsed to his knees. He saw them shake their heads, and place her on the gurney, red staining white. Her head fell to the left, looking Havoc in the face, and Havoc couldn't do anything but loss it. He screamed, he cried, he wailed, and he clung to the first person who touched him. He didn't care who saw, he just didn't care. The love of his life was gone, his unborn son was taken from him, and he just couldn't care about anything else.

Max: Ok. Horrible ending I know. And I'm so sorry for the prolonged delay.

Helen: What's your excuse this time?

Max: Microsoft wouldn't work, then I was in Hot springs for a week. And I started watching the BBC Sherlock and Doctor Who.

Helen: *Huffs* Fangirls.

Sam: Didn't you have an announcement Max?

Max: Ah, yes. Thanks for reminding me Sam. I know I don't have a normal update schedule or anything like that, but this is going to be the last thing I post in a month or two. I'm going to be spending that time working on Lost Memories, BB, High School Hell, and YLN. I also have three Sherlock Song!Fic's in the works, one SPN Song!Fic and1-2 more multi-chapter Sherlock fics. Maybe a Doctor Who. I don't know though.

Helen: You sure you're going to be able to work on all of those?

Max: Well, that's why I'm taking time off to work on them, so when September rolls around, I should be able to keep up a schedule of some sort.

Sam: Well. R&R please!