Sharing in Grief


c.2060 TA

Haldir walked down the halls of his once home. The air felt warm and comfortable to him, something reminiscent of his childhood. He smiled when he saw the Queen walk towards him and he stopped before her and inclined his head.

"You finally return." She said.

"It has been awhile." Haldir said regretfully. They had never meant to stay away for so long, but as yet the three of them had not been off at the same time for a longer period than a couple weeks. "I would that my brothers came with me."

"We will be content with just you for now." The Queen said, smiling wryly. "However, once you may it would be nice if you brought them."

"That depends on Lord Celeborn giving us a break." Haldir said.

"Very well, I will write him myself."

"He will not be expecting that, that's for sure." Haldir said, a laugh behind his voice.

"No." The Queen then smiled again. "It is nice to see you so grown again. Go on in, he is expecting you."

"Hannon le." Haldir said and watched as she turned to go elsewhere. "My lady," he called softly. Oiolairë turned back towards him, one eyebrow raised. Haldir paused before he spoke. "I met your daughter. Her eyes look uncannily like yours."

Oiolairë tilted her head and smiled. She nodded at him, a brighter look in her eyes than Haldir had seen before. Then she was gone, walking down the hallway with a grace only queens knew how to achieve.

Haldir entered Thranduil's study and the king looked up. A smiled touched his lips as he greeted Haldir. "How are you?" Thranduil asked as Haldir sat across from him. His eyes inspected the young marchwarden concerned.

"Fine." Haldir answered.

"Truly? You were in a very dark place." Thranduil said, pushing for a more honest answer. A slightly troubled expression passed over Haldir's face before he shrugged.

"I will be fine anyway."

"That is an answer I know too well." Thranduil said cocking his head. "You are still willing to go to Imladris?"

"Honestly I probably would have been sent by Lady Galadriel if you had not."

Thranduil looked amused at that. "Ah. Even though she can communicate from a distance with him anyway?"

"Sometimes messengers are still needed, though for what reason I am unsure." Haldir admitted. Thranduil smiled. Although he looked happy, there was concern in his eyes. Haldir was not sure what all had happened the day before, but the king had looked tense the night before when he had met with the whole company that Haldir had been apart of.

Thranduil glanced at the window where the light was slowly disappearing. "I know you will need rest 'ere the morn, but first I must tell you something."

"What is it?"

"It concerns my daughter…"

One Ending can be a New Beginning

A/N: Finis.

I'm actually really sad this is over, not gonna lie. I enjoyed writing about it. Anyway, for those who have read everything, this epilogue echoes the beginning chapters of my other story that is interlaced with this one Weaving a Song. I wrote this long after I wrote those first few chapters, and so now I have gone back to edit the very beginning of the story to match this story better. So if you're confused, look at the chapters where Haldir is introduced to the story.

If you're curious about details and specifics and other stories I have written, there's a LOT of detail on my profile page. Upcoming stories have short descriptions there too! :)
