Hello Lovelies,
Welcome to the epilogue of Maîtrise.
Thank you for being patient, this took longer than expected to edit but as you'll see it is a mammoth chapter!
I'm so glad you enjoyed the final chapter and I hope you enjoy this too.
Breaking with tradition slightly, this epilogue is called 'Revelations'. It is a behind-the-scenes view from four different POVs - Elliot, Kate, José and Christian. Some of those unanswered questions you all have will be detailed here - anything that isn't explored, well, that's for the sequel!
The sequel will be coming in the near future. I don't have a set date for when I'll start uploading it, so if you want to know when I do make sure you have me on author alert. I'll also be posting about it on the FSOG Fanfic Followers Facebook group - if you find me there, feel free to add me. :)
Much Love and thanks again for a wicked ride. I've really loved this story!
Chelsea x
A frown developed over his thick brows as Christian's name flashed on his cell phone. The expression sent an intense stabbing pain down the centre of his nose, making him wince. Every time he smiled, frowned or even coughed, it was like being punched all over again.
If there was one thing Elliot Grey could say about his brother, it was that he had a mean right hook. Christian didn't hold back when he was angry and this time Elliot had borne the brunt of it.
I deserved it, Elliot thought to himself as he pressed his fingers on the band-aid he had put on his nose that morning. After all the shitty things I've done, he should have ripped my fucking face off.
He sighed, continuing to watch the call waiting to be answered. He wasn't prepared to engage in another fight, their previous spat still too fresh from the other day.
"I'm working," he huffed into the phone, finally picking up the call. He turned his back to the counter and slumped against it. His eyes scanned the garage, watching as his employees milled around trying to fix the Jeep that had been dropped off yesterday. "What do you want?"
"I… I need help…"
Christian's voice was muted and shaky. Elliot pulled himself upright, his skin prickling at his brother's tone.
"Christian?" he grunted. "What do you mean? What's wrong?"
"I'm at the hospital –"
"You're what!?"
"It's not me," Christian shot back. "It's Ana. She's been hurt… They won't let me see her and I'm –"
"Okay, which hospital are you at?" Elliot asked. He turned on the spot and snatched his keys from the counter. His feet led him to the door, his fist bashing it open. Christian mumbled the details to him. "Right. I'll be there as soon as I can. Just wait for me."
"You don't need to come –"
"You called me," he cut across him. "I'll get there as quick as I can."
"Elliot –"
"I'll see you soon."
He ended the call and threw himself into his truck. He didn't bother to fasten his seatbelt. His only concern was reaching Christian as soon as possible.
His brain was awash with worry, every eventuality pulsing around his mind.
What had happened to put Ana in hospital?
Had Christian been hurt too?
What will Christian do if something happens to Ana?
"Damn it!" Elliot sighed, slapping the palm of his hand against the wheel as the car in front of his slowed to a crawling pace. "Move of the way, asshole!"
Elliot found his brother in the Relatives Room. He was sat on a plastic chair, slumped forward with his head in his hands.
Christian slowly raised his head, revealing his watery eyes to Elliot. He didn't say a word, just shook his head and rose to his feet.
"Come here –" Elliot sighed, beckoning him forward.
Christian stepped into Elliot's hold and let out a low groan. He buried his head into Elliot's shoulder, allowing his sibling to squeeze him in a bear hug. The sheer magnitude of this moment was lost on Elliot, he was too wrapped up in comforting Christian. Only later would he realise that was the first time he had ever hugged his little brother.
"It's okay," he shushed him, gently rocking him on the spot. "It's gonna be okay."
"You haven't seen her," Christian shook his head. "Her face… That fucking whore hurt her."
"Who do you think?" Christian huffed. He eased his head back and stared Elliot in the eye.
An icy blast pierced Elliot's spine and made him shiver from head to toe.
"She was going to kill Ana," Christian exhaled. He was struggling to keep control of his emotions, nearing on tears. "She was going to kill her, for fucks sake. Just to get back at me… Because she wouldn't let me go!"
Christian pushed Elliot away and began pacing the length of the room. His hands pushed into his hair and tugged on his messy copper curls.
"She's had me under her thumb for years," he growled. He spun on the spot and kicked a nearby chair, flipping it over with a clatter. "I tried to walk away from her. I wanted her out of my life and this is what she did!"
Elliot stood exactly where he was and chewed on the inside of his lip. His hands knotted together in front of him.
Every time he thought of Elena Lincoln a wave of guilt crashed over him. He had blamed himself for what that woman did to Christian ever since he found out what happened between them.
If I had just gone along with it, if I had said yes and taken her up on her proposition, she would have left Christian alone…
Elliot could still remember the first time Elena crossed the line. Her hand curling around his knee. A brush of her body against his. He was barely seventeen the first time. She had leaned into him, her lips hovering near his ear.
She had told him what she wanted to do to him. How she would show him a good time. Teach him what it means to be a real man.
How to be the perfect lover –
It made him feel sick, even now.
But he was almost an adult. Christian was only fifteen, he was still a kid. Elliot winced at the thought of being intimate with that monster but if it meant Christian would have been safe… Well, he would have given himself to her freely and without hesitation.
At the time he had knocked her back. He told her to fuck off and leave him alone. He threatened her, said that if she even looked at Christian he would strangle her with his bare hands.
Oh please, do you seriously think I would do something like that? He's just a boy. You, however… you're a man now…
She was a compulsive liar and Elliot knew that now, but he had taken her at face value back then. He believed her when she said she'd never touch his brother, and he never had any reason to doubt her. Yes, he knew Christian had been hired to help around her house every other weekend, but it wasn't as if there was a huge change in his behaviour. No, the change in him happened slowly, over a year or two. Christian calmed down and finally stopped fighting everyone who wanted to help and love him, but Elliot assumed it was from having a purpose in life. He thought that menial weekend job had given him focus.
Elliot wished more than anything that he had spoken up at the time. He wished that he had gone to Grace and told her what her friend said to him. But he had worried that she wouldn't believe him. Grace and Elena were best friends in those days, before the Lincoln divorce and the fallout of Elena not repaying Carrick for his legal help. Besides, Elliot was a difficult teenager. He didn't drink or fight like Christian, but he was a troublemaker. He slept around, didn't think twice about hurting other people's feelings.
Nothing's changed then…
"How long have you known?" Christian asked suddenly, jerking his head towards Elliot. "When did she tell you about me and her?"
He inhaled a slow breath. He knew these questions would be asked but he hadn't really thought about having to answer them.
"She told me in November," he admitted. "It was during the fundraiser for the charity Mia was supporting. The music for kids thing."
Christian's jaw clenched.
"She was drunk," Elliot continued. "I'm talking completely out of it. I don't think she knew what she was saying but she…" He gulped and dropped his eyes to the floor. "She was complimenting me on how I looked in my suit, and then she said that no one looked better in a tuxedo than you do."
"And?" Christian pressed him, sensing there was more.
"And how no one looks better naked either," Elliot grimaced. He had to force down the bile invading his throat. "I asked her what she meant and she spilled… She said you and her were a couple for a long time, that you ended it but you still relied on her."
"We were never a couple," Christian shot back. "It was just sex."
"She said you were fifteen when it started," Elliot lifted his eyes and tilted his head. He already knew it was true but hoped more than anything Christian would say otherwise. "Were you fifteen?"
Christian slowly nodded.
"Jesus Christ." Elliot shoved his blonde hair back from his forehead. "Christian, that's not sex, it's abuse."
"It didn't feel like that at time," Christian replied, his voice softening. He returned to his seat and sighed. His body was giving up. "She made it feel like it was normal… Why didn't you say something sooner? You've known since November, why only tell me about this now?"
"I tried talking to you," he said. Elliot shuffled towards Christian and took a seat opposite him. "But it took me a while to get my head around what she'd said. I didn't know what to do. I thought about going to the cops, I told her that's what I'd do, but she laughed at me. She said the police wouldn't give a shit after all this time."
Christian shrugged his shoulder, seeming to agree with him.
"But then she said that if I told anyone, she would destroy you," he added. Christian narrowed his eyes. "She said she would go to the papers and sell all kinds of stories about you. Stuff that would ruin everything you've worked hard for."
"She'd never have done that," Christian shook his head. "I had too much dirt on her."
"I didn't know what to do," Elliot sighed. He rubbed his forehead. "I know we've had our issues, but you're still my brother. I'm supposed to look out for you. It's my job to make sure you and Mia are okay. I failed you."
A silence built between them. Christian frowned, his lips pursed.
"What is it you're not telling me?"
"Huh?" Elliot hummed, trying to play it cool.
"There's something else, isn't there?" Christian nodded. He raised his finger and pointed it at Elliot. "You're hiding something. I can see it in your eyes."
Elliot stared down at his feet. He knew Christian wouldn't let this go, but he needed a second longer to process his thoughts. He hated how intuitive Christian was.
"Tell me. That wasn't all she threatened to do, was it? You wouldn't keep your mouth shut just because she said she'd sell a story."
"Does it matter what she said?"
"It matters to me," Christian nodded. "Tell me."
Elliot slouched back in his seat and sucked in a breath so hard his lungs began to ache.
"She told me you were still in therapy," he revealed. Christian didn't move a muscle, his lack of response making Elliot feel even more edgy. "She said that you needed help because you…"
"Because I what?"
"Oh God," he grimaced. He ran his hand down his face, careful not to touch his broken nose. "Because you take after your birth mom."
Christian's spine straightened, his shoulders retracting in an instant.
"She told me that when you were younger, the drinking and fighting… She said you were trying to hurt yourself," he sighed. "At first I thought she meant, like, self-harm or something but then she said that if I brought this up to you, it'd push you over the edge and I –"
"Suicide?" Christian fathomed. Elliot nodded. "She told you I'd try to take my own life?"
"I know you've struggled in the past, with what happened before Mom and Dad adopted you," he said in a rush. "We all know it's been hard for you and it kinda made sense, you know? You were self-destructive, you pushed all of us away… and you hear about that kind of stuff running in families, don't you? Mental health issues. When Elena said that you'd already tried to kill –"
Christian held up his hand and silenced his brother.
"What?" he frowned. "I have never tried to kill myself. Never. Yeah, I've got a lot of issues and I'm seriously fucked up in the head, but I've never even thought about doing that."
"You haven't?"
"Fuck no," Christian grunted. "She was lying to you. Jesus, she hardly knew anything about what I went through as a kid. I know Mom told her some stuff but I never confessed anything to her. I certainly didn't talk to her about my fucking feelings."
Elliot blew out a sigh of relief.
It had been plaguing him for months, wondering just how sensitive and vulnerable his brother was. He had tried to talk to Christian several times but it had proved impossible to get the conversation started. It was hard enough just getting Christian on his own. His diary was always full and whenever Elliot did get to see him, they were surrounded by family.
If Mia was around, he didn't stand a chance.
He would never admit it but Elliot was jealous of the relationship Mia had with Christian. He had never been particularly close to either of them, spending most of their childhood on the side-lines and watching them bond. He was just two years older than Christian but there might as well have been a ten year difference between them. They were worlds apart.
"I'm so sorry," Elliot shook his head. "I can't tell you how many times I've wished I could go back in time and –"
"Don't," Christian held up his hand. "Don't say it."
"But if I hadn't knocked her back, you'd have –"
"You think she would have stopped with you?" Christian frowned. His lips curled into a snarl. "Elliot, I don't think I was the only one who actually went along with what she wanted. There could be dozens of men out there who she manipulated."
They both felt nauseous as that idea crept into their minds. They both prayed there was no one else who had suffered Christian's fate.
"I'm glad you called me," Elliot said. "You shouldn't be here alone."
"I called Kate too," Christian replied. "She's on her way here now."
Elliot shifted on his seat. He hadn't seen Kate since he ended things between them. The look on her face had almost ruined him. It was like the bottom of her world had fallen out when he said they should go their separate ways. He told her it was only meant to be a bit of fun, it was just sex.
He didn't tell her that she had gotten under his skin, though. He didn't tell her that she made his heart ache every time he thought about her.
Elliot was good at keeping his distance, especially from the people he slept with. He made them laugh, showed them a good time, and then said a friendly goodbye in the morning. It was the same routine and it had worked for him. But there was something different about Kate. She was his type but she had a fire in her, a spark that set Elliot's world alight.
And now he had screwed it up. He thought it was a good idea to bring their affair to an end. He didn't want to make life difficult for Christian and Ana, and he knew him dating Kate would do just that. For what it was worth, he did care about his brother's feelings. This was Christian's first real relationship, the first time he seemed genuinely happy. Elliot would have to be a monster to mess this up for him.
"I don't think she'll care that I'm here," he shrugged and plastered a smile on his lips. "I'll keep my distance. I don't want to upset her."
"Will you stay?" Christian asked. Something hard crept into his voice. It sounded like panic. "Please? Will you stay here with me?"
"Sure," Elliot nodded. "I'll stay for however long you want me to."
"Thank you," Christian smiled. "I didn't know who else to call."
Neither of them spoke for a long while, simply letting their conversation absorb and settle.
"I'm sorry for breaking your nose," Christian eventually said. He winced as he examined Elliot's bruising. "Does it hurt?"
"Like a bitch. But I'll be fine," Elliot hummed. "It's nice to see you've improved your technique. A couple years ago I'd have knocked you on your ass."
"Just a couple?" Christian smirked. "Try a decade ago. You've slowed down since you hit thirty. You're practically an old man now."
"Just wait until you turn the big 3-0," he shook his head. "I swear I woke up on the morning of my birthday and found my first grey hairs. I was devastated."
"Is that the reason you started getting highlights?" Christian laughed, glancing up at Elliot's blonde curls. Most of it was natural, but he had spent a lot of money trying to cover those pesky silver hairs. "What are you going to do when your hairline starts to recede?"
"Are you trying to upset me?" Elliot gasped. He broke into a grin and rolled his eyes. He held out his hand. "Can we call it a truce, once and for all?"
Christian stared at his hand and slowly shook his head.
"I think we can do better than that," he huffed and quickly climbed to his feet.
Elliot followed suit and waited for Christian to reach him. The two brothers threw their arms around each other, sharing a gentle laugh. Christian was a fraction shorter than Elliot – and a lot leaner too – but he felt like a giant in that moment. Elliot sank into his arms and dropped his forehead onto Christian's shoulder.
"No more arguing," Christian mumbled. "I don't think I can take it anymore. I need my brother."
"I'm here," Elliot nodded, swallowing the lump that had formed in his throat. "I'm right here."
"I'm scared," Christian whispered. "What if something is seriously wrong with Ana?"
"She'll be fine," he promised, despite the fact he had no idea what her condition was. "I know she'll be okay."
"How can you be so sure?"
"Because I'm your big brother and I know everything," he shot back, managing to extract a snort from Christian. He pressed his hand into Christian's shoulder. "How many times do I have to tell you that? You got the money, I got the brains and beauty."
Christian shook his head. "Yeah, you keep telling yourself that, Lelliot."
Elliot grinned as he heard Christian call him by his childhood moniker. He tightened his arms around Christian and held him for as long as humanly possible.
I'll never let you down again. I promise.
Kate Kavanagh had spent yet another day barricaded in her apartment, ignoring her mother's calls. She was desperate to avoid her parents at all costs. The only person she wanted to see was halfway across town and their relationship was on a knife's edge.
It felt strange being alone in the apartment. Kate didn't like the silence. She missed Ana quietly pottering around, making cups of tea, laying on the couch reading a book. Their argument had been stupid and Kate felt awful for driving her best friend out of their home.
Well, it was Ana's home. It wasn't Kate's home at all.
It had hit her like a sucker punch when her father had sneered in her face, throwing the deeds to the apartment down in front of her. He took great pleasure in revealing that she had no legal rights to it, having transferred her share to Ana. He said it was because he couldn't trust Kate.
I wouldn't trust you to look after a fucking goldfish! Your grandmother would be so ashamed of how you have turned out. I'm ashamed of you.
Kate clenched her fists as she heard his voice in her ears.
She was sat at the dining table, staring at her open laptop. She toyed with the idea of looking for a new job or making a start on the pointless article her boss had asked her to write. With a deep sigh, she opted for the latter.
Her eye was drawn to her cell phone as it began vibrating on the table. She frowned as she saw the unknown ID flash back at her. Normally she rejected all unknown calls, but something urged her to answer this one.
Every hair on her body stood up at the sound of Christian's panicked voice. A cold sweat poured down her back as he told her to come to the hospital immediately. She had hung up before he could tell her why, already racing to the door. She slammed her feet into odd shoes and grabbed her car keys.
She didn't remember driving to the hospital. One minute she was sat at the dining table, the next she was pushing her way through the ER. Everything in between was a blur, her mind swimming with dread.
Did Christian say there had been a fire or had she imagined it? All she knew was that he said Ana was here. She had been hurt.
"Ana Steele?" Kate barked at the nurse walking towards her. "I'm looking for Ana Steele."
"Ma'am you need to –"
"She was brought here by ambulance," she shot back, annoyance in her tone. "I need to know where she is. I need to see her now!"
The nurse backed away and scowled at Kate. It wasn't his fault, he had other patients to care for, but after a moment's annoyance he saw the fear in Kate's eyes. He inhaled a slow breath and tilted his head.
"If you wait here, I'll go check for you," he promised.
"Thank you," she exhaled and watched as he disappeared around the corner.
She stumbled to the side and pressed herself against the wall, her legs suddenly feeling weak. She dropped her head forward and tried to steady her racing heart.
"Kate –"
She yanked her head up and saw Christian at the end of the hall. The sombre expression on his face made her knees buckle. His skin was absent of all colour, his eyes sunken and red.
Kate had seen a similar expression before, on her grandfather. He had stood in almost the exact same spot, readying himself to explain to Kate that her beloved grandmother had suffered a fatal heart attack.
"Please, no," she shook her head. "Please, don't tell me she's…"
Christian rushed towards her, only just reaching Kate before she fell to the ground. She was limp in his hold, her limbs turning to Jell-O.
"She's alive," he said quickly. "She's with the doctors now."
"She's not…?" she glanced up at him and shook her head. She couldn't bring herself to say the words.
Christian shook his head.
"Thank you, God," she muttered. "I got here as fast as I could but the traffic was horrendous."
"You're here now," he whispered.
Christian held her up and led her down the hallway, aiming for the row of seats lining the wall. He eased her down onto one of the chairs, ensuring she was okay before he sat down beside her. His eyes darted up and down the hall in anticipation.
"What happened?" Kate asked, her voice trembling.
"She was attacked," he replied. He pressed his lips together and shook his head. "She was tied up and beaten."
"What? Why?" she frowned. "Who the hell would do that to her?"
"Her boss," he grimaced. "It was my business partner. She wanted to… She wanted to kill her."
Kate sagged forward and hugged her stomach. The pain was crippling, ripping through her.
"It happened at the club. I managed to get Ana out before the fire got out of control," he added. "She wasn't burnt. It's her head that took a beating."
"Her head?" she gasped. "But it's only been a few weeks since she last hurt her head!"
"I know," Christian sighed. "They're running every test possible. They want to make sure she doesn't end up with permanent damage."
"I need to see her," Kate said determinedly, pushing to her feet.
Christian grabbed her hand and pulled her back down. "We can't," he said. "They kicked me out of the room. They wouldn't let me stay."
"But she's on her own."
"It's just until they've completed their tests," he assured her. It was killing him too. "They promised they would come find us when they're done."
Although Kate wanted to be at Ana's side, it came as some relief to know that she had a team of experts checking her over.
"Thank you for calling me," Kate spoke up, breaking the silence that had built.
Christian lifted his head and nodded once. "Ana would want you here," he replied. "You're her best friend."
"I don't know if you can call me that," she shook her head. "I was a complete bitch to her. I was so stupid."
"Ana has already forgiven you," he told her. "And so have I."
Her blonde brows came together in the middle of her forehead, her green eyes narrowing.
"I understand," he nodded again. "I understand why you reacted the way you did. Ana told me about your father."
She instantly bowed her head, the action bringing a twisted look to Christian's face. He didn't know what to say, didn't know how to comfort her. But if anybody knew what it was like to have an abusive parent, it was Christian. Him and Kate had that much in common.
He lifted his hand and placed it in the middle of her back, patting her gently. He tried to channel his father. Carrick knew what to do in situations like this, he was always quick to help comfort people, knew how to look after women. Christian was still learning the ropes. It was alien to him.
"Do you think she'll be okay?" Kate asked. She sniffed hard and showed her face to Christian. Her mascara was smudged under her eyes. "Was she awake when they brought her here?"
"She fainted in the ambulance but she was awake when we got here," he nodded. "I don't know if she'll be okay, but I know Ana and she's the strongest woman I know. She has to pull through."
Kate agreed with him. She had always admired Ana's quiet strength. She was small and often faded into the background, but Ana had a core of steal.
She had barely moved from Ana's side, keeping a constant vigil from the moment the doctors said it was okay to sit with her. They had given Ana the all-clear, her injuries mostly superficial, but she was being pumped with medication that made her sleepy. Ana would wake up for a few minutes but then drift back off to sleep almost immediately.
Leaning back in her chair, Kate stretched her arms above her head. It was 3am and she was starting to feel tired. Christian had asked for a cot to be installed in the corner of the room so they could take it in turns to sleep, but neither of them wanted to be the first to rest. Christian had just taken a break, needing to stretch his legs outside.
The door opened quietly and Kate twisted her head to check who was coming in. A breath caught in her throat as Elliot stepped inside.
"How is she?" he asked quietly, making sure not to disturb Ana. His low voice made Kate's stomach tighten.
She hadn't seen much of Elliot, he had kept his distance from her, but each time they came together she felt that spark again. It took all her energy to shut it down.
"No change," she hummed back.
"Christian asked me to come find you," he said. "He wants you to join him for a coffee. He's in the Relatives Room."
She frowned and returned her gaze to Ana. She didn't want to leave her alone.
"I'll stay with Ana," Elliot promised. Kate turned her head and found his blue eyes full of sincerity. "I won't leave her side, I promise."
It took Kate a few seconds to agree, her craving for caffeine winning over her urge to remain in that chair. She lifted herself up and leaned over Ana, pressing a kiss on her forehead before stepping to the door.
Her arm brushed against Elliot's as she passed him, her skin prickling at the slight touch. She tilted her head back to look at him and saw something flicker through his eyes. His full lips parted.
"Christian's waiting," he said, breaking the tension. He moved back a step. "You don't want your coffee to go cold."
"No," she sighed. She licked her lips and excused herself, closing the door behind her.
The Relatives Room was only a minute away from Ana's. She and Christian had spent some time in the small room. It was an uninviting space and smelled of harsh chemicals.
Christian was sat in one of the plastic chairs at the back of the room, his hands cupped around a steaming coffee. There was another cup on the seat next to him.
He lifted his eyes when he saw her enter the room.
"I figured you needed a break too," he smiled. He looked as exhausted as Kate felt. "The coffee tastes like piss but it's caffeine."
Kate smiled and shuffled over to the waiting coffee. She sat down and took a hesitant sip, her face contorting at the bitter taste.
"Jeez, you weren't kidding," she shuddered. She shook her head and let out a sigh. "Thanks anyway."
"You're welcome."
"So…" she paused. "What's the real reason you asked me here?"
He turned his head to her and narrowed his eyes.
"I know you didn't invite me here to drink shit coffee," she added.
"You're very astute," he nodded. "It's no wonder you're a journalist."
"I doubt I'll still be one for much longer," she huffed. "But the less said about that the better."
Christian took another sip of his coffee, pausing in thought.
"Why does your father treat you so badly?" he asked out of the blue, catching her off-guard. Her shoulders quickly raised. "I'm just curious. You already know I'm in business with him and I want to know who I'm giving my money to. The real man, not the front he puts on."
Kate wasn't prepared to get into the details of her sour relationship with the mighty Don Kavanagh, but there was something about Christian that made her open up. Ana was the only person she had ever spoken to about her father – even then it was only because Ana had personally witnessed his snide comments and jibes.
"He hates the fact I was born a girl," she muttered under her breath. She dragged her fingernail up and down the side of her cup. "He's always had a problem with it."
"What?" Christian scowled. "Are you serious?"
She arched her brow at him.
"Fuck," he sighed, shaking his head.
"He didn't even want me," she continued. "I was an accident. My mom was on the pill but it failed for some reason. She didn't know she was pregnant until she was almost twenty weeks. Dad tried to convince her to get rid of me, but she refused."
"Your brother is older than you, isn't it?"
"By two years," she nodded. "Ethan was planned. Dad was ecstatic when he was born, but he made no secret of the fact he only ever wanted one kid. He got his boy, an heir for his 'growing empire', why would he want someone else to look after?"
"But you're his daughter. Surely he should have been happy?"
"Mom said he started to come around to the idea of having another kid, but when I came out he was furious," Kate said. "He told my mom that he didn't want a girl. He could handle two boys at a push. He was disappointed when he found out I wasn't another a boy… I was a mistake in his eyes."
"What a prick," Christian grunted. "He should be grateful you were healthy. Why should the sex of a baby even matter!? It's your flesh and blood, regardless of what's between its legs."
"You're telling me," Kate rolled her eyes. "But my dad lives in a different world to the rest of us. He's stuck in the past. He thinks women should be at home, doing laundry and cooking. He thinks men should be in charge of everything because you're naturally less emotional. It makes you reliable, apparently."
"That's fucked up." Christian brought his hand to his face and pinched the bridge of his nose. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "He hates women, doesn't he?"
"He uses them," she said. "I've lost count of the number of affairs he's had."
"And your mother? Doesn't she stand up to him?"
"No," she shook her head. "She wouldn't dream of saying anything to him. I think she's scared of him. I mean, he's never hit us – or at least I don't think he's ever hurt my mom – but he rules with an iron fist. Whatever he says goes. Surely you know that about him?"
Christian shrugged his shoulders. He knew Kavanagh could be a bastard, but all leaders in business had that trait in them. You wouldn't last five minutes if you didn't, but Christian had no idea the man was a misogynist. Especially towards his own daughter. His own flesh and blood.
"I'm sorry you've had to live with that kind of pressure," he told Kate. "You deserved far better than someone like him."
"He's my father," Kate sighed. "I didn't really have a choice in the matter. Everything I have is attached to him. My car, my job, my home…"
Kate knew that Ana had told Christian about the apartment. He had made subtle references to it all day.
"I'm stuck," she continued before gulping back more of the disgusting coffee.
Christian paused and reclined in his seat, his body slouched and at odds with his formal attire. He stared straight ahead, fixating on a poster on the wall.
"What is it?" Kate asked, following his gaze. She couldn't see what was so interesting about hand-washing techniques.
"The interview," he mumbled. "Our interview."
"What about it?"
"We should do it."
"What?" She yanked her head back and frowned hard. "No, Christian, I blew it. I know it's off the table, it's fine."
"Well, I'm putting it back on the table," he returned, determination seeping into his grey eyes. He turned his chin to her. "I want you to interview me. No holds barred. Nothing is off limits."
"Because I want to put things right," he said. "For everyone."
Kate stared at him, both confused and nervous at his suggestion. In that moment she had no idea what would follow, never dreamed that she would walk away from that room with a new job at Grey Enterprises Holdings.
Or that Christian would return her share of the apartment to her.
Christian, however, knew exactly what he was doing. In the space of a few seconds he had already planned his next move and the next after that. He had enough of monsters and manipulators taking control of his life and those of the people closest to him.
Kavanagh was next on his hit list, but first he needed to make sure Elena Lincoln was blown out of the news once and for all. Every news station was circulating her picture. It made his stomach churn every time he saw her.
"I'm sorry for the way I behaved," Kate told him, shifting on her seat. She held his gaze. "I shouldn't have caused trouble at your dad's party –"
"Let's draw a line and just move on." He shook his head and gave her a small smile. "Let's start over, yes? Do you think we can do that?"
She slowly nodded.
He held his hand out to her.
"I'm Christian. I'm 28 years old and I'm dating your best friend," he smirked, shaking her hand. Kate snorted back at him. "Sorry, I didn't catch your name?"
"Kate," she grinned, her shoulders finally relaxing. "I'm 22. I'm your girlfriend's best friend and her roommate."
"Good," he nodded. "Now that's out of the way, let's get started on the interview. We have a lot to talk about."
What have I done?
José Rodriguez was sat in the middle of the lumpy bed, his body hunched forward, his head hanging low.
He let out a groan, his chest deflating. The floor around his feet was littered with empty beer bottles and a half-eaten pizza.
He had been in the motel room for two days, hadn't left since he stumbled inside and slammed the door shut. He was too scared to brave the world, knowing that he was a wanted man. He had screwed everything up.
I only wanted to talk to her.
He flung himself backwards and threw his hands over his face, wanting to hide his shame. Every time he closed his eyes he could see Ana on the floor, writhing in pain, fear in her baby blue eyes.
José slapped his cheek. Stupid, stupid, stupid! He didn't mean to scare Ana, he didn't even know she would be there. At that club. He was wandering around, looking for somewhere to drink, when he spotted his grandfather's VW. He checked the plates and knew it was Ana's car.
He thought it was fate that had brought them together again. He had been to her apartment but she wasn't there, her stupid neighbour forcing him out of the building for making too much noise. All he wanted was to talk to Ana. Clear the air. He had been a jackass the night before, at the exhibit, but it was only because he was in pain.
It hurt him. Seeing them kissing.
Ana and Christian Grey.
He had seen them leaving through the side exit, Grey's hand on the small of Ana's back. José had followed them outside, checking that Ana was okay. Then he saw them. Clawing at each other. Ana pressed up against the cold brick wall, Grey's hands all over her. His mouth sucking at hers. It made José feel sick. Ana deserved better than a fumble in a dark, wet alley.
She deserved to be worshipped. Treated like a princess.
I can't give that to her, he huffed to himself. I can't give her what she needs. She doesn't even want me. No one wants me…
José had been besotted with Ana ever since they were children. They had grown up together and while Ana saw him as the brother she never had, José's feelings ran far deeper. He loved her honesty and innocence. He loved the way she always had a smile on her face, the way she put others before herself. She was perfect, inside and out.
He had spent years suppressing his feelings, refusing to allow his thoughts to ruin their friendship. But everything changed the night he kissed her. He had regretted it ever since. Of course, he had been drinking that night. It was a housewarming party, he was having fun, but he should have stopped knocking back the beers much earlier in the night. He knew in his heart that Ana didn't want him to kiss her, but he been fixated on her lips. Next thing he knew, he was on the floor, her knee having shot up and crashed into his groin.
Now that his feelings were out in the open, it was hard to pretend like he didn't want her as more than just a friend. He loved her. All he wanted was for her to give him a chance. But seeing her and Grey at the exhibit, it was like a knife in the chest. He had been callous with her afterwards. The dark thoughts he had managed to bury for months finally coming to the surface and urging him to drown his sorrows in the bottom of a whiskey bottle.
He knew he had a problem with alcohol. He had never been able to handle his drink, but it was quickly spiralling out of control. His grades were slipping, his roommates were distancing themselves from him. He couldn't talk to his father about it.
He had never felt so alone.
I just wanted to talk…
José had driven to Seattle to patch things up with Ana. He hoped that she could find it in her heart to forgive him, unblock his number and be friends again. When he saw her in the parking lot, his heart raced. She looked beautiful under the street lights, in her black skirt and high heels.
Why didn't he wave at her? Say her name? Make sure she knew it was him and not some rapist waiting to pounce on her?
Because I'm a fucking idiot, that's why.
She wouldn't have ran away if she'd known it was him. She wouldn't have tripped over and hurt herself.
Moreover, he wouldn't be sat in a dirty, flea-infested motel room if he'd just used the brain he was born with.
If I wasn't such a waste of space…
Knock. Knock. Knock.
José sat up and stared at the door. The thumping vibrated through him and made his throat tighten.
Had Grey found him already? He knew the infamous Christian Grey wouldn't sit back and do nothing. He would be vying for José's blood after what he'd done.
The knocking continued and forced José from the bed. He made his way to the door, treading carefully.
"I'm coming," he huffed, clearing his throat.
He opened the door ajar, keeping a firm grip on the handle, reading to slam it shut in case it was Grey.
It wasn't him, of course.
"Can I help you?"
"Detective Wright." The man on the other side of the door flashed his badge. José's stomach dropped. "It's José Rodriguez, isn't it?"
"Shit… Okay, so listen, I know I –"
The detective lowered his badge, a strange smile spreading across his lips. It was more of a grimace than a friendly expression. He pulled his shoulders back and shook his head.
"Looks like you're in trouble," the detective teased.
"I didn't mean to scare her," José said in a rush. He let go of the handle, the door swinging wide open. He raised his hands in defence. "I swear, I didn't want to hurt her. I just wanted to –"
Before he could say another word, the detective raised his fist and smashed it across José's nose. He was unconscious before his body hit the ground, blood filling his mouth and trickling down his throat.
"Issac, you are a good boy –" A woman's voice appeared from nowhere. "Put him in the trunk. I don't want anyone to see him."
"Yes, Mistress."
His skin burned, a constant itch spreading all over his body. His veins were throbbing. It felt like he was being eaten alive.
He couldn't move, completely paralysed and at her mercy. His mind was running at a hundred miles an hour, but his poor body was defenceless and broken.
She didn't tell him her name. She hardly spoke to him unless it was to tease him, promise that he would be reunited with Ana soon.
He knew she was lying to him. It didn't matter what she injected into him, he knew she was a cold hearted bitch.
He woke up and found that he was suspended from the ceiling in a metal cage. He was slumped at the bottom, his hands and feet hanging through the bars. He was naked, his torso and arms covered in red marks and deep scratches.
She only released him from the cage when she wanted to fill his body with more poison. She wanted him in a constant haze, unable to object. This time, however, she had dropped him from the cage and proceeded to drag him across the floor of her dungeon. She was stronger than she looked, managing to hoist him into a chair.
He wanted to push her hands away, scream in her face. Anything to get her to stop.
She held the buzzing needle above his chest, pausing before she dug it into his skin. He felt every scratch and pull, the needle tracing back and forth. His eyes were too watery to see what she had done but later, back in his cage, he lowered his chin and stared down at the bloodied mess.
His lip quivered as the first of many tears slid down his face.
I want to go home…
Bleep. Whoosh. Bleep. Whoosh. Bleep.
It was the never-ending hum of his life support. The repetition filled the room, the sounds gradually becoming louder as he came to his senses. It started in the distance but was now in his ear.
The sounds came first but was quickly followed by pain.
His legs were on fire, throbbing from his ankles to his thighs. He wanted to kick out, wriggle his toes, see what was wrong with them.
There was something in his throat. He tried to gulp it down but heaved instead. It wasn't moving.
"Somebody help!"
"He's waking up!"
José slowly opened his eyes and looked up at the white ceiling. Lights blinded him, stinging the back of his dry eyes.
He lifted his bandaged hands, grabbing the tube in his mouth.
Get it out! Get out! Get OUT!
"It's okay, son," his father promised, peering over him. His dark eyes were creased and filled with tears. He curled his hands around José's and pulled them back to his sides. "The doctor's coming. Just hold in there. They'll get the tube out, I promise."
Don't touch me… Please, don't touch me…
He closed his eyes, squeezing them shut. His heart thundered in his chest.
"You're gonna be fine," his father said. He pressed his lips against José's forehead. "You're safe now, son. You're safe."
José sank back into his thoughts, the darkness consuming him. His nightmare had only just begun.
Let me go…
Christian wasn't ready for Ana to come home. He didn't want to take her away from the doctors and their expertise. Yes, they had given her the all-clear but his nerves were still hanging by a thread, fear in his gut at the mere thought of her taking a turn for the worst.
The only thing that helped settle him was constantly being at her side. If he could see her, touch her, he'd know she was okay.
Ana had tried to shirk him a couple times, wanting a moment alone in her thoughts, but Christian knew from past experience that was usually a dangerous thing.
No, distraction was the best medicine. He had spent most of his life doing everything he could to avoid reality and he had worked for the most part. He needed to keep Ana busy, taking her mind off recent events.
Inviting his family over for dinner had been a good idea. Christian had been wary at first, when Elliot first suggested it, but it ultimately helped to ease Ana back into a sense of normality. He also knew that his family would want to see her and smother her with their love and affection. She had stolen their hearts from the moment they realised Christian was happy.
Christian left the television room, where his family were watching Legally Blonde. He loved Ana but there were only so many contrite movies he could watch in single day. Mia reciting every line had nearly pushed him over the edge.
He moved into the kitchen and began clearing the mess from dinner. He would normally leave it for Mrs Jones to deal with, but she had other priorities to take care of. Mrs Jones was a stalwart woman but she had wavered when she heard what Taylor had done. It was important that the two of them took the next few days to regroup. Christian would never be able to thank Taylor enough for what he did. Not only did he save Ana, he went back into the inferno to save her friends.
The man deserves a fucking medal!
Christian made progress with the clean-up when he heard footsteps approaching. He didn't recognise the stride pattern or heaviness, but he knew who it was before they reached the kitchen.
Ray Steele had commanded Christian's respect from the second they first met, over dinner after José's art show. Christian had sat in the booth waiting for Ana and her father to arrive, nerves making him adjust his tie at least seven times. He was eager to make a good impression. He wanted Ana's father to like him.
Thankfully, Ray appeared to approve of him dating Ana. At least, he hadn't expressed any outward disgust at the idea. But he had been shocked when Ana revealed they were now living together. Christian tried to convince himself that Ray's concern was just a natural fatherly reaction.
"Do you need a hand?" Ray asked as he approached the counter.
"Had enough of the movie too?" Christian smiled.
"God love Annie but she has awful taste in movies," Ray rolled his eyes. "I'm more of a Die Hard kind of guy."
Christian had gathered that was the case.
"I'm almost done here," he said. "But thank you for the offer."
Ray shrugged his shoulder and moved over to the barstools. He lifted himself onto one and sighed as he propped his elbows on the marble countertop. Christian observed him for a moment, seeing just how exhausted he was. He didn't know how old Ray was but he suspected he was younger than he looked. His mouth and eyes were lined with deep creases, and his hair was thinning on top. But the thing that surprised Christian the most was the similarities between Ray and Ana. He knew they weren't biologically related but somehow Ana had adopted Ray's mannerism, his gestures and movements.
"Can I get you a drink?" Christian asked. "Coffee?"
"Got anything stronger?"
"Would you like a beer or some Scotch?"
"Beer will be fine," Ray hummed.
Christian walked to the refrigerator and took out two bottles. He cracked the tops on the counter and slid one towards Ray. They raised their beers in salute before they each took a sip of the ice-cold beverage.
"Ana's gone to bed," Ray sighed.
"She has?" Christian frowned, his spine stiffening. "When?"
"A couple minutes ago," Ray said. "She was falling asleep, so I told her to go to bed. Get an early night."
Christian's eyes shot towards the bedroom. He could just see the door from where he was standing, seeing now that it was closed. He had to fight the urge to race across the apartment and check on her.
"What did the doctor say exactly?" Ray asked. "About Ana's injuries?"
Christian dragged his gaze back to Ray.
"Um, she had a severe concussion," he explained. "No fractures or swelling on her brain. No smoke inhalation… The bruising is mostly superficial and will fade over the next week or so."
"What about her wrists? Why does she have sores on them?"
"She was tied up," Christian muttered. He lowered his head, staring at his hands as he pressed them onto the countertop. "She was tied to a chair when I got to her."
Ray took a long draw from his bottle, trying to keep his cool. It angered him, thinking of someone hurting his little girl.
"If you knew your business partner was up to something," he began in a gruff voice. "Why the hell did you let Ana go out on her own?"
"She had security with her –"
"Fat lot of good that did," Ray grumbled. He studied Christian for a second but eventually sighed. He held up his hand in surrender. "I'm sorry, I'm not trying to push the blame onto you. I just need to make sense of this."
"I understand," Christian nodded. "I asked her to stay with me but she wanted to go to lunch with her friend. Neither of us knew it was a trap. If I thought she was in danger, I swear I would never have let her leave my side."
Ray knew he was telling the truth. "She's my daughter," he said. "I just can't stand the idea of her being hit. I'd rather take a bullet than let someone hurt a single hair on her head."
"I feel the same way."
Ray shook his head. "It's different when you're a parent. It's more intense. It's instinct," he replied. "You'll understand it if you ever have a kid."
When, Christian thought to himself. When I have children with Ana.
Christian never thought he would look forward to the day he becomes a father. He never wanted any of that traditional crap – marriage, kids, a house near the best schools. But now he wanted all of it and more. Not right this second, but someday in the future.
He couldn't help but smile at the thought of Ana walking towards him in a long white dress.
His heart fluttered as he pictured her laying down with a swollen stomach, a baby dancing inside of her. His hand resting on her bump, feeling their son or daughter moving.
Christian had decided a long time ago that he wanted a life with Ana. But it was only recently that he decided he also wanted a family with her. When he first started dreaming of their future…
"Ray, I promise that nothing like this is ever going to happen again," Christian said, holding the other man's stare. "I should never have let her leave. I should have insisted that she stayed with me. I seriously messed up, I know that. I've been beating myself up for days, thinking of all the things I should have done."
"Annie's an independent girl," Ray shrugged his shoulder, softening his expression. "She does what she wants, when she wants. She's always been like that. My silent warrior – that's what I used to call her when she was a kid."
Christian smiled. He wished he could see photographs of Ana as a child. He bet that she was just as beautiful then as she is now.
"I need you to make sure she doesn't get into any more trouble," Ray added. His words were laden with more than just the incident at the club. "I need to know that someone is looking after her. Keeping her safe. Making sure she's happy."
"You can trust me."
"Can I?"
Christian pursed his lips. He searched his mind for the right thing to say, but he couldn't think of the words he knew Ray wanted to hear. He didn't want to say the wrong thing.
All he could do was speak from his heart.
"I love your daughter," he sighed. "I love everything about her. Believe me when I say this, but I didn't plan on falling in love with Ana. I don't think either of us thought that far ahead, but I can't imagine my life without her in it. She is my life now. I plan on spending every day of my life worshipping at her feet. All I want is to protect her and keep that gorgeous smile on her face. I'll dedicate every waking moment to making her happy."
Ray stared at him for an uncomfortable, long minute. Christian gulped. He had never felt this awkward before. He could feel his leg starting to shake.
"You're serious about her?" Ray asked.
"She's everything to me," Christian nodded.
His words brought a smile to Ray's thin lips.
"You're clearly doing something right," he observed with a hum. "Despite everything she's been through, she seems happy."
Christian let out a long sigh, relief tumbling over him.
"As long as Annie is happy, I'm happy," Ray nodded. He brought his beer to his mouth and paused. "But I'll be keeping an eye on you. I'll know if you step out of line."
"I wouldn't expect anything less," Christian nodded. "I know I have a lot to lose if I mess this up."
Ray hummed in agreement. He downed the rest of his beer.
"I hope we'll get a chance to spend some time together, while you're here." Christian straightened his shoulders. "I would like to get to know you. There's so much I'd like to know about Ana, how she was as child, that sort of thing."
"I'd like that," Ray smiled. "Your dad invited me to join him fishing. Maybe the three of us could make a day of it? You fish, right?"
"Badly," Christian smirked. "But I'll happily make a fool of myself."
They agreed to wait until Ana was feeling less tired before they set a date. Christian assured Ray that he was welcome to stay at the apartment for as long as he wanted. There was no rush for him to leave. It was good for Ana to have her dad close to her.
"I think I might get an early night too," Ray mumbled, a yawn breaking out of him. "It's been a long day."
"I'll make sure my family are quiet when they leave," Christian promised. "If you need anything during the night, just come find me."
"I'm sure I'll be fine," Ray nodded and excused himself from the kitchen.
When he was gone, Christian turned on the spot and fell back against the counter. He let out a hard breath, puffing his cheeks out.
"Something wrong?"
He drew his eyes down from the ceiling and met Elliot's eye. He was hovering in the archway, frowning at Christian.
"I think I just had 'the talk' with Ana's dad," he revealed, pursing his lips.
"Ouch," Elliot raised a brow and smirked. "See, that's the reason I've never met anyone's parents."
"You've never been in a relationship long enough to meet someone's parents," Christian shot back.
"Wow, hit me where it hurts," Elliot gasped.
"It was okay, actually," Christian said. "I don't think he hates me, which is a relief. We both want what's best for Ana."
"And everyone can see that you're it," Elliot replied. "I think she's gone to bed."
"Yeah, Ray told me."
"So…" Elliot prompted him. "What are you doing in here? Go join her!"
Christian rolled his eyes. He knew what Elliot meant by that.
"That's the last thing Ana needs right now," he shook his head.
"Fine, then go cuddle her. Do whatever loved up shit you and her get up to when you're not banging each other's brains out."
"You have such a great way with words," Christian sighed. "You should write poetry."
"Bro, I'm serious, go be with your girl," Elliot nodded. "I'll make sure everything is locked up before I leave."
"Are you sure?"
Christian peeled himself off the counter and patted Elliot's arm as he passed him, grateful for the chance to return to his beloved's side.
He walked the length of the apartment and silently let himself into the bedroom.
The room was in complete darkness, the blinds down and blacking out the harsh city lights.
Careful not to make any noise, he stripped down to his underwear and made his way to the bed. He stood at the side and waited for his eyes to adjust to the dark. A smile crept over his lips as he could finally make out her laying in the middle of the bed, wrapped up in the sheets. Her long brown hair had collected on the pillow, inviting Christian to twirl the soft locks between his fingers.
He climbed in behind her, slowly easing his body closer to hers.
She let out a groan as his chest met her back, her body deliciously warm.
"Shh…" he whispered in her ear. He brought his arm around her waist and gently pulled her backwards, wanting to cradle her against him. "Shh, baby."
He had to bite down on his tongue to stop himself from moaning when she wriggled her butt into his crotch.
"Your hands are cold," she mumbled. He was pleased to find that she was naked under the bedsheets, his fingers slowly splaying across her stomach.
She shivered as his hand came to rest just below her navel.
"It's a good job I have you to warm them up for me then, isn't it?" he purred.
He saw the corner of her mouth rise into a smile.
"Go to sleep," he urged her. "And dream of me."
"I always do," she hummed. "Always."
Christian closed his eyes and allowed his body and mind to relax.
It pleased him to hear her say that because she had occupied his thoughts since the moment they met. His nights used to be full of terror and panic, but now his dreams were full of his brown-haired, blue-eyed girl and all was right in his world.