disclaimer: i dont own Naruto and characters but i do own plot and other characters if not mentioned otherwise.

At the young age of 6 months Uzumaki Naruto had been thrown out of the Orphanage where he had been living. He was walking thankfully but he found himself on the street in only a pair of under ware. He had nothing else so when Winter came he was freezing and he was starving too. He found a warm place to sleep finally. He lived in the sewers under the village as it was the safest place to be. He realized it wasn't safe to come out during the day so he only came out at night now.

Naruto was two years old now and looked like a walking skeleton. He was so thin you could see the individual bones in his hands and feet. He was filthy so much so that his sun blonde hair was matted and black with filth and other things from living in the sewer. He still only wore his under ware but they were too small and ratty.

It was currently the middle of the afternoon but Naruto knew not to come out at night that day. It was October 10th his third birthday actually. He was hunting for food. He wasn't having much luck. He was currently gnawing on his left hand which was a stump with only a thumb left. He was shifting through a trash can for some scraps when he heard laughter. He looked and saw a fairly large boy with swirls and a boy with black hair pulled up like a weird fruit he'd seen once. They froze when they saw him but then the dark haired boy came closer.

"Hey are you alright?" Said the boy his voice full of concern

Naruto's language skills were high on null so he didn't understand on a intellectual level but on an instinctive level he did and nodded his head and the other one came closer and said, "Aren't you cold dressed like that?"

Naruto merely stared at them and noticed the swirl boy had thrown a bag of food away having finished so he took his hand from his mouth and held it out to the other one and the swirl boy was confused and the ponytail boy said, "I think he's asking if you want some. I think he's eaten his hand down to that."

The boy said, "thank you for the offer but i don't want any. You can keep it."

Naruto smiled showing off fangs and put his hand back in his mouth and the dark haired boy said, "Where are your parents?"

Naruto merely pointed straight up and the boy said, "Your an orphan?"

Naruto nodded and the swirl boy said, "So you live at the orphanage then?"

Naruto shook his ,head no and then seemed to think about something before motioning them to follow him. Both boys did and Naruto entered a large concrete entrance covered in vines. They followed him and soon realized they were in the sewers. When Naruto reached his home they found he lived in the center of an intersection in the middle of the market district right outside the Akimichi's BBQ restaurant. And the boy with the swirls said, "You live in front of my families restaurant in the sewers seriously?"

Naruto nodded and sat on the pile of cardboard boxes and the other boy frowned and crouched to be equal level with Naruto and said, "What's your name? I'm Shikamaru and this is Choji."

"Naruto." Said Naruto after removing his hand.

They heard the halting speech and realized that he probably didn't talk much. So Shikamaru said, "Will you be here tonight?"

Naruto nodded and said, "Today bad be in dark me."

Choji was gonna ask when Shikamaru said, "Why is it bad for you to be seen at night today?"

"Grown ups get mad me. Adults me hurt dark day. No good me. Say me monster, demon, an say me kill others. Me know do member do it but adults say me do these things. Say i bad an that me no right life cause me monster. Say 4th was gonna gone me but he gone fore he could. They say 4th started it but they finish for him." Said Naruto in halting speech

Choji said, "Huh?"

Shikamaru said, "Naruto said that the adults get mad at him and hurt him at night on this day. They say he's a monster and a demon and that he's murdered people. He doesn't remember doing anything like that but they say he has. They say he's bad and has no right to live cause he's a monster. They say the Yondaime was gonna kill him but he died before he could. So they say they are finishing what the 4th started the night he died."

Choji said, "That really sucks. But their wrong if you were that big of a threat then you'd be dead. The Sandaime would have killed you himself."

"Naruto when were you born?" Said Shikamaru

"Me three day." Said Naruto before going back to gnawing on his hand

"Yeah i thought as much. He was born the night the fox attacked. The adults hurt him because he's a reminder of that night. The only person whose death you had any hand in was probably your mom. The stress from the Fox's corrosive chakra and the stress from having you probably overloaded her heart. But it wasn't your fault none of it. They're just too wrapped up in their grief to realize anything." Said Shikamaru, "Stay down here alright. Tonight we'll sneak you some food and some clothes alright that way you can eat and be warm."

Naruto smiled a huge smile and nodded his head. Later that night true to their word both boys had a large bag and they took it to the sewer cover near the restaurant and then Shikamaru said, "Naruto move into a tunnel and then hit the wall with something."

Naruto did this and then they dropped the bag down and Choji said, "We'll bring you more food later alright."

Naruto appeared and smiled at them and said, "Thank you Shika, Cho."

Both smiled and said, "Your welcome."

They left after replacing the cover. Naruto smiled as he started into the bag his left hand regrowing so he could use both hands again. He was used to this and didn't question it. He got dressed in the warm clothes and then ate some of the food before going to sleep with a full stomach and being warm for the first time since the night he was born.