Naruto Generations

It has been ten years since the fourth shinobi war and eight years since the Toneri Ootsuki incident. Things have been very peaceful and many things have happened and changed. Many of the ninja we have known have all grown up and continued with their lives. Which is what you will be seeing here. The stories of young heroes living the family and ninja life. This first story is about the family of one Naruto Uzumaki who is the Seventh Hokage. At this very moment he is handling the paper work to assign missions to his ninja. The world may be peaceful but it's also because they are achieving that extremists and other terrorist group can stir up trouble when they least expect it. Toneri Ootsuki was a close call. Toneri's actions while not supported but influenced others to follow his example whether it'd be attacking someone out of vengeance or hate, or doing what they must to stop true peace from being achieved since many find it more profitable to see wars happen or in the rarest of cases are the S rank powerful ninja biding their time waiting to start another since there are some who live for battle and can see no other way of living. Naruto took his role as Hoakge very seriously and like his predecessors before him he would protect this village and it's people with his life. Especially his family. He took a moment to look at a family photo they took a month ago. Next to him was his wife Hinata. The former heiress to the Hyuga now under the leadership of her younger sister Hanabi. In front of Hinata was their first son Bolt Uzumaki. Similar to Naruto himself in a lot ways but seems to have a more rebel like nature than Naruto did at his young age. Bolt is seven years old and is learning all he can at the Ninja academy. In Naruto's arms is their young five year old daughter Himawari Uzumaki. She has a lot of Hinata's features but she inherited his eyes. A very sweet and innocent girl like her mother but is very out going like her father. They were his pride and joy and Hinata loved how they exhibit a lot of Naruto's good points. He smiled and motivated himself back to work since the quicker he finishes the quicker he can spend some time with them.

Out in the training fields were four young Ninja. We see Bolt in his usual attire with the children of the Ino-Shika-Cho squad. Inojin Yamanaka. Learning some of his father's Jutsus and has shown a knack for art while also learning the Yamanaka clan Jutsus his mother insists on. He's very obedient to his parents and but can a bit timid at times when it comes to his mother losing her temper. His parents run the Flower shop which also now has a painting department to expand the business. Ino's flowers and Sai's paintings have really been bringing a lot of the dough which is more than can be said for Tenten at the moment. She makes decent business to get by but not enough due to the quiet and peaceful times. Next we have a dark skin girl with brown hair and who is also a bit plump like her father, Chouchou Akimichi. Loves to eat sweets and loves to pass the time with Anko Mitarashi and isn't as adamamnt about training as Inojin and lastly we have the smart but also lazy Shikadai Nara. Looks exactly like his father with some of his mother's facial features and is just as lazy as his father was and likely like his grandfather before him. Inojin at times wonders who is worse out of the two. The only one who even offers to train with him is Bolt. And sitting by the training poles reading a book while watching bolt is the daughter of Sasuke and Sakura Uchiha Salada Uchiha. On a daily basis she seems to follow Bolt around since she seems interested in him for some reason despite being childhood friends due to their parents being so familiar with each other. She has the highest grades in her class and is expected to be rookie of the year upon graduation. She gets along with Himawari okay but for some reason Himawari has claimed her as her rival. Speaking of Himawari here she comes now.

"Big brother!" Bolt turned around and saw his little sister running up to his group of friends.

"Hima! What are you doing here by yourself?" Bolt asked. Hima just turned five but even then Bolt and especially Naruto still feel worried when Himawari goes off by herself. Hima is what most people who are familiar with Himawari especially her family call her.

"I'm a big kid too! Besides Mama is down the hill and said I can get you by myself." She replied while pouting at the fact her brother still treats her like a baby.

"Mom sent you here?" He asked.

"Yeah grandpa said he was gonna visit today and you promised you'd come home early." Himawari said as Bolt honestly forgot his grandfather Hiashi was visiting today.

"Okay okay. Just calm down. Sorry guys but I gotta go home today. I'll see ya'll tomorrow." as they said their goodbye Sarada decided to head home as well since her father was due to come home later today as well.

"Okay maybe now we can do" Inojin said as he realized Chouchou and Shikadai were gone. "Mother is not going to be pleased about about this." He said to himself as he slowly made his way home. Bolt and Himawari made out of the training field and there stood Hinata. Patiently waiting for her little ones.

"Mama! I got him!" Himawari yelled with a Naruto like smile as she pulled Bolt by his hand. Hinata smiled as she patted her daughters head.

"Bolt are you okay?" Hinata asked as Bolt looked away.

"Sorry. I forgot Grandpa was visiting today." He replied with a blush. Bolt seems to hate the Hokage mostly due to the fact since his father became the Hokage he hasn't spent as time with him or at home as he use when he was just a Jonin. As much he wanted to make his father proud he also seems to always want to make his mother happy. She never scolded for his pranks since Naruto already scolds him for those. Hinata placed her hands on his shoulders and kissed his forehead.

"Bolt, you don't need to be so hard on yourself. I know this isn't easy for you. We all miss your father too. One day I think you'll understand his feelings about why he became Hokage." Hinata told since like Naruto she understood Bolt's frustration and anger for the position of Hokage. Naruto became Hokage a year after Himawari was born. The last three years of hardly seeing his father was hard for Bolt to the point he actually wished that Hokage never existed. For Himawari she was happy to spend with whatever amount of time her father had available. She thinks her father is a hero since he's the one protecting the whole village.

"I wanna be Hokage like Papa!" Himawari yells out.

"And what!? Be away from your family like him!" Bolt yelled at her till he realized what he did. "Sorry. Just forget it and let's go home." Bolt walked out of his mothers grip. Hinata sighed and was saddened to her son so angry and feeling so abandoned. He wasn't necessarily wrong since this was pretty hard for Hinata too. She knew this but all of her experiences have made her conviction and resolve to stand by Naruto no matter what that much stronger. She hopes one day Bolt will understand the meaning of Hokage one day.

"Mama...did I say something bad?" Himawari asked looking like she was ready cry. Hinata scooped her up.

"No sweat heart. There's nothing wrong with what you said. Being Hokage isn't an easy thing to follow. Bolt...just doesn't understand that." She replied. Himawari dried her tears and thought about it.

"Then I'll make him understand. I'll be the best Ninja and be a Hokage like Papa." She proclaimed not aware of what it takes to be Hokage but that is answer one would expect from a child of Naruto. Hinata smiled and walked on behind Bolt. They reached their house as Hinata opened the door then set Himawari on the floor to walk.

"Okay you two let's get you two cleaned up." She told them.

"Kay." They replied. They both got in the bath. Bolt was able to clean himself now so he quickly got washed since he was reaching the age where he was embarrassed to bath with his sister and mother.

"Bolt I left your clothes on the bed. Please put those on." Hinata told him as she helped Himawari get undressed.

"Alight." Bolt headed for his room to change. Hinata often bathes together with Himawari. There was still a lot to teach her about bathing properly so Hinata helps her as much as she can.


"yes?" Hinata replied.

"Will get I get big here like you?" Himawari asked as she poked Hinata's breasts making her blush then sigh that only a child of Naruto would ask a question that bold. Hinata answered in the best way she could so that a young five year old could understand. Bolt was changed into a robe that would befit the Hyuga clan was Hinata and Himawari. During this prepping time we go to the Uchiha residence where Sakura was looking over some appointments she has to deal with tomorrow as she drank some coffee. Unlike her master she took up caffeine over alcohol when she late work.

"I'm home." Sarada said as she took off her sandles.

"Welcome home. How was your day?" Sakura asked her daughter.

"It was alright. I guess." She replied.

"Guess your day with Bolt was cut early." Sarada blushed a little as her mother's comment as she adjusted her glasses.

"Well he didn't cause any trouble today. By the way is father home?" She asked.

"Not yet. Why don't I get dinner started." She said.

"Let me help. You're working pretty hard mother." She said since lately Sakura has been handling a lot of over night shifts.

"Okay but I'm fine. Believe me I've been through worse." She replied. Sarada was a smart girl and despite her usual calm attitude she sometimes worries her mother works too hard. Sarada took an interest in cooking early on to help her mother out and give her less to worry about when she can't be home for dinner. The most she can do for the moment is steam Rice and Eggs. She is a fast learner like her father. "What should we make today?" Sakura asked. Sarada let her worries go for now and enjoyed her time cooking with her mother.

"How bout something with Tomatoes and Sunny side up eggs for father." Sakura laughed but she complied. She wants her father to have something He likes when he gets home.

"Okay but let's at least have a main dish set up." Sakura replied as they put on aprons and apron hats over their hair. As they started cooking we see Sasuke making his way through the gate in his black cloak. Sasuke eventually got his artificial arm like Naruto after sticking around for Sakura's pregnancy. Sasuke is on the official Ninja roster but from time to time he'll go on special assignments that could keep him away from weeks to months at a time. He reached the Hokage tower to report in but before that he stopped to look at the Hokage faces. When saw Naruto's face he smiled thinking what a funny place the world is sometimes. If he had the power to travel back in time and show his younger self this he'd likely never believe it to be true. He stepped inside and knocked on the door.

"Enter." Sasuke entered.

"I'm back Lord Hokage." Sasuke said. As Shikamaru watched this whole thing unfold.

"Man, even now I still find it weird you even call him that." Shikamaru said.

"Hmmph, I suppose so. But formalities are formalities." Sasuke replied.

"I guess your mission is done for now?" Naruto asked.

"No sign of him." Sasuke replied.

"I don't like this. He disappears after everything is over and hasn't tried anything in the last ten years." Naruto said as he tried to contemplate.

"Well the guy is still a Sanin after all. He's alluded death more times than I care to count." Shikamaru replied. Sasuke has been leading the search for Orochimaru. A month after Sarada was born he sat down and had a talk with Anko about Orochimaru. Anko's curse mark was gone and her injuries from fighting Kabuto left her pretty broken to continue being a ninja forcing her into retirement. Even as their ally during the war it was hard to figure out what Orochimaru intended especially if he knew how things were going to play out far Madara's plan was concerned. With a lot of the heavy hitters like the Akatsuki, Madara, and even Toneri out of the way He could make his come back at any time. Unlike others they face Orochimaru is one of the only few opponents to survive his encounters with Naruto and Sasuke and he's aware of what they can do. It was a good thing but also concerning if he's stayed quiet for so long without making a fuss.

"Well, for now let's call it a day. You should go home while you can and get some rest Sasuke. Sarada may start feeling negliected." Naruto told him as he recalled Bolt painting Hokage faces. It may have been away for Bolt to get his attention but for him to express he hated the Hokage made him wonder if he would've said the same thing to his own father had Minato and Kushina been around. He looked to his father's face on the mountain.

"Dad...I really wish you and mom were here to help me figure this out. I understand what Bolt is going through but at the same time I don't. I was always alone trying to everyone's attention but Bolt...even though he has me and Hinata and even Himawari he feels he needs to go this far for me to pay attention to him." Naruto said in his thoughts. Naruto has no regrets about his life or even being Hokage but for his own son to feel that neglected really gets one to stop and think.

"You know you can just take tomorrow off and spend some time with your family." Shikamaru said as he packed up.

"But what about..."

"Relax for a bit. The meeting is done and this paper work isn't going anywhere and a lot of our ninja aren't scheduled back from their missions till the day after. Even a Hokage needs to take a break and relax." Shikamaru said he head off for home. Naruto stared at the photo of his family. He picked up his Hokage hat and headed for home after locking up. As he got outside he saw a familiar face.

"Hey! Konohamaru!" Naruto called out. We go to the Uchiha residence as Sasuke just made it home. It was getting to be pretty late due to some last minute errands Sasuke had to handle. He noticed the lights were still on.

"I'm home." No reply came. He looked into the kitchen and turned on the light and..

"Welcome back, Shanarro!" The mother and daughter duo yelled in unison. This caught him offguard but made him smile none the less. Sasuke then picked up Sarada. For Sasuke as if she didn't weigh a pound.

"Thank you for welcoming me home." He told them.

"Well we made you a welcome home dinner. Since it's rare for you to eat a fresh made dinner." Sarada replied trying to hide the fact she happy her father came home. Sasuke noticed her light blush and took into account what Naruto said.

"Well I'll be home for awhile so why don't something tomorrow?" Sasuke asked. Sarada was surprised even she didn't predict this from her father and she believed herself to be smart enough to predict her parents actions.

"Well I've got appointments to deal with tomorrow morning but we can go out for a family lunch." sakura suggested as Sarada was feeling happy about a family outing.

"I...I guess...that'll be okay." She was embarrassed to look at her father as Sasuke smiled at his little girl.

"Tell you what, how bout in the morning you and me go out and have breakfast and we'll go around the village and go to that book store you like so much." Sasuke suggested.

"You promise?" She asked in a quiet tone as she looked down. Sasuke put his finger under her chin and got her to make eye contact with him.

"I promise." He replied.

"Then it's a date." Sakura told her.

"W-W-Who would want a date with a father like him." Sarada retorted feeling embarrassed at being called out by her mother.

"I seem to recall you saying you wanted to marry Papa before?" Sakura teased as Sasuke chuckled and led his family to the table.

"I was three years old mother and that doesn't count." Sarada replied as she adjusted her glasses.

"Okay, that's enough girls. Let's eat this dinner before it gets too cold." Sasuke said as the Uchiha's dined at their family dinner. Sarada looked nervous as she made a Sunny side up egg with her mother's help along with fried rice with Tomatoes mixed in it. "This is pretty good. Who made this." Sakura eye gestured to Sarada as she quickly started eating. Sasuke then patted her on the head to let her know he enjoyed her cooking a lot. Sarada tried to hide but she was happy her father liked her cooking.

End of episode 1


Well I am back once more to write fanfics but I have been busy with fanfics a few birthdays to include my own on Oct 31. I am 26 years old now. Crazy right? Lol along with those there were projects, exams, and other school related things taking a lot of my time but the pace has slowed down for a little while so I can type some more. Any who this series will based on fun ideas about what happes after chapter 700. it'll be awhile before we get to see the mini series based on the new generation of naruto. Y'all enjoy the final 2 chapters of Naruto? I sure did. Greanted a lot of rushing thrown in there but do not worry because the anime will not end anytime soon. When we enter the new year the director of the anime will be adding on some stories to help elaborate things the manga rushed on, a couple of extended thing here and there during what remains of the war arc some filler episodes and filler arcs that go between chapter 699 and 700 then after the final episode we move on to what is basically what I am doing with this fanfic. By the sound of it i'd say it is a anime based on the new generation in naruto so we got our part 3 for the anime. I loved a lot of the pairings I stuck with came true NaruHina, SasuSaku, ShikaTem, SaiIno but that was a surprise to be honest as was Choji x Karui.

Far as my other works I am working on the Highschool DxD fanfics now, along with planning a requested project of a Uchiha Harem fanfic. So I got another Naruto Harem coming. If you got OC Uchiha's you want me to use PM me and give details about your female Uchiha OC. The basic premise on this is that Itachi only kills Fugaku and a lot of the male Uchihas leaving Sasuke, Mikoto and a couple of other female Uchihas. This still in the planning phase so whether I use naruhina or not is still up for debate for now. As for my to love ru fanfics cause I know a lot of my follower love those I am for the most part waiting to see the next coming chapter because the Queen of Deviluke herself finally makes an appearance in the series. The only thing I know about her is her name is Sephiria Deviluke and I hear rumors she is against Momo's Harem plan. Sephiria really is beautiful you guys. Seriously.

On another related note for those who don't know. Nana Mizuki is composing a song to sing for the last movie. It's Hinata related but whether it's a character theme song sung by Hinata or a song Hinata sings in the movie hasn't been clarified yet. Dec. 4 we have a filler episode drifting away from the war. But don't panic this is one recommended. Mostly cause this filler ties in with the last naruto the movie. This special episode is the story of the Hyuga sisters. So it'll be Hinata and Hanabi focused. No details as to if it's 2 years in the future or before the war but it is recommended you watch it since it'll give you an idea of hinata and hanabi's current relationship is and we aren't confused about anything in the movie. Also yes Toneri does appear to want to take Hinata as his bride because unlike the rest of humanity who has used chakra as a weapon he for some reason feels Hinata should be spared from death because she appears to have an innocent and pure soul vibe kond of thing in his eyes. So yeah look forward to naruto crashing a wedding.

And lastly please leave a review and comment about this fanfic. If you have suggestions on what could happen with with this whole new generation PM me and we'll talk or message me on deviant art dot com. My user name is Fu-reiji. Easy to find. Just look for the sweaty prinny lol I also would like to thank Blueskys33 from Deviant Art for helping me start it.