High pitched screams filled his ears as Loki ran through the hospital wing to two closed ivory doors. He stopped abruptly. Those screams seemed to stab his heart and twist like nothing else he'd ever experienced. After reminding himself how to walk again, he approached the doors. An Asgardian guard held his place as Loki approached.

"Move aside," Loki ordered.

The guard stood his ground without even a twitch moving in his face. Loki's eyebrows furrowed and built with rage.

"I said…move aside," he spoke in a baritone demand.

The guard looked down at Loki for the first time. It was no secret anymore that Loki was not of royal blood, at least not of Asgardian royal blood. Though most had seemed to except the frost giant prince, there were some that saw him as a lowly thing that didn't deserve to stand in the palace, let alone have the possibility of ruling from its thrown. This guard was a part of that some.

"I've been ordered to not let anyone through. Anyone." Unfazed, the guard looked straight ahead again.

Another scream cut through Loki's heart. He was getting into that room. No matter what he had to do.

"I am a prince of Asgard and that is my wife in there giving birth to our son. You will let me pass or I will make you move."

Loki moved closer to the guard, lifting his hand as if to ready himself. But before he could use his powers, Sif appeared from behind the ivory doors.

"There you are! Jane has been calling out for you for hours! Come now!" Sif motioned.

"I would if this thing would let me pass," Loki hissed.

Sif looked from Loki to the guard. "Let him pass!"

With that, the guard stepped aside. Loki stared him down like some lower being. He would deal with him later, but there were more important matters at hand.

Loki entered the ivory room to see three nurses attending to Jane; Taking her pulse, reading the heart monitor, and making her comfortable. Even from across the room, Loki could see how much pain Jane was in. She had grown so pale compared to her usual rose complexion.

Jane's tired hazel eyes lifted. Brightness seemed to gleam from them when she realized the new form in the room was that of her husband.

"Loki." His name floated from her lips softly but was notably filled with relief and genuine happiness. With that one word, Loki's feet, that seemed to be cemented in place, lifted and brought him to her side. As if he were freed from some short term spell.

The emerald prince kneeled next to his bride. He took one of her small hands in his, kissed it, and stroked her damp chocolate colored hair with his other.

"Hello, my love," he whispered back.

Jane was even paler up close. "Hi," she whispered. "I was beginning to worry you might not make it back in time."

"If I'd have known, I would have been back here in one blink of an eye. I'm so sorry, my love. I never should have gone in the first place. Not with you so close to delivery."

"I wanted you to go. You needed to go."

"I needed to be with the two of you."

"No. You will have plenty of time with the two of us. But this, you needed to do this now. For you."

Loki smiled and stroked his wife's cheek. In his heart, there was nothing more important to him than his wife and their child. Nothing he would ever choose above them. But, seeing his wife's absolute selflessness shine through the pain and discomfort she was now experiencing made him love and respect her even more. If it ever came to it, Jane would make a wonderful queen.

Jane squeezed Loki's hand hard as a new contraction hit. Loki let her and wrapped his free arm around her, whispering words of comfort and support. After a minute of tension, Jane relaxed against his arms.

Loki pulled back to look at her face. "Are you alright, my love?" He knew that what his wife was experiencing was normal and something that every expectant mother had to endure, but watching the woman he loved in so much pain was the worst torture he could imagine.

Jane lifted her sweat soaked head up from her pillow. "I will be." She saw the concern on her husband's face. "Don't worry. Once you are holding our little prince, you'll see that all of this is worth it." Jane smiled.

Loki couldn't respond. He knew that Jane was trying to comfort him, even when it should be the reverse. He did already love his child dearly, having seen it grow inside his love these 9 months and felt it move under his hand. Yet, deep inside Loki thought to himself, how could he love something that caused his wife so much pain?

The royal physician, Taj, entered with Sif. He had been the family's physician since before Thor was born. The older man greeted the expectant parents before checking Jane's vitals and progress.

"It doesn't look like the princess has progressed as much as I would have liked at this point." Loki held onto Jane's hand tight. He didn't know whether it was to reassure her or himself.

The doctor looked toward Jane, "You are only 4 centimeters dilated and you're body is getting weaker and weaker as time goes on. You are getting to the point that even if we were to wait for you to get to 10 centimeters, you would not even have the energy or strength to deliver."

Jane closed her eyes and laid her head back. It hurt her inside that she was not a stronger person. She had done everything, and more, that every expectant mother should do during her pregnancy. She ate right, exercised regularly, and rested when she needed too. But no matter what she did, this pregnancy continued on long and hard. The baby was well taken care of, but was it enough? She was not born as a goddess. She had become one through marriage. Did that mean that though she was now practically immortal that she was still too human to carry her ice giant's child to term?

Taj looked from Jane to Loki. "I believe our only option at this stage is an immediate C-Section."

Loki looked from Taj to Jane. She lifted her sweaty head and gazed back at her husband. They stared into each other as if communicating all their inner feelings.

Jane glanced from Loki to the doctor. "Let's do it."

"And what is your answer, sire?" Taj asked.

Loki looked back at his wife. She was so pale and weak, and in the back of his head he knew it was his fault that she was in this state. If this procedure relieved her pain, than it truly was the only option.

He nodded. Taj took his answer and bowed toward the couple. Unlike the stubborn guard and select others around the palace, Taj saw Loki as a true prince. He had known from the beginning that Loki was not born into the royal family, but was rightfully adopted into it. He had also taught the curious and intelligent Loki about medicine, at his request, when he was only a small child. There was something about Loki, even through his mischief, that Taj respected and appreciated. Possibly even over Thor's strength.

"As you wish. The nurses and I shall set up for the procedure. Sire. If you could please step outside with Lady Sif for a moment. I will come collect you when we are ready to start."

"I'm not going anywhere," Loki stated.

"It will only take a moment, Loki," Sif reassured.

Jane lightly stroked Loki's cheek. "Go, hun. It'll only be a few minutes and then you'll be with me again."

Loki closed his eyes and leaned into Jane's touch. "Okay. I'll be right outside that door."

"See you soon," Jane smiled.

Loki leaned down and passionately kissed his wife.

"I love you, Mrs. Mischeif," Loki stated.

"I love you, Mr. Mischeif," Jane replied.

Loki stood and started walking backwards toward the door, still holding his wife's hand until he took that one final step that separated them, like a cut through an invisible umbilical cord. Both their hands slowly dropped to their sides but the feel of each other's touch still lingered.

Sif put her hands on Loki's shoulders and directed him out into the hall. Loki noticed that the guard had been replaced by another.

He leaned his back against the wall and slid down into a sitting position, laying his head in his hands. Sif sat quietly next to him.

"Jane will be alright, Loki. She's stronger than she appears," Sif comforted.

"I know she is. It's just hard not to worry," Loki stated, leaning his head back against the cold stone.

"I know. I'd think it strange if you didn't. It's quite a thing to bring a child into this world, but in the end, it is worth it. Just like Jane said," Sif smiled as she looked down.

Loki looked toward Sif. "Does he know?"

Sif looked back at Loki with confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Does Thor know that you yourself are with child?"

Sif's eyes widened. She had just found out herself and had told no one. "How did you know?"

"I have my ways. Just like how I know Jane is giving birth to a son without the doctor or nurses stating so," Loki mischievously smiled. "So. Does my brother know?"

Sif stayed silent for a moment. "No. And I'm not sure how to tell him. He and I are not yet married and this pregnancy was unplanned. I don't know how he'll handle it."

"Sif. My brother loves you. Believe me. I've seen the way he looks at you. It's the same way my father looked at my mother and probably the way I look at Jane. He adores you. And as for the unexpected pregnancy, though Jane and I were married, our son was still unplanned. Yet, when she told me, I was the happiest man in the world."

Sif smiled. "I remember. You and she were dancing on the balcony at your parent's anniversary ball. It was as if you were one. And when you announced the news later that night, your face was beaming with joy. There was no note of sadness or mischief in that face of yours that I usually see."

"Thor will be the same. He'll be overjoyed. And if he is not, let me handle him," Loki winked back.

Sif let out a little laugh and then stared quietly into Loki's emerald eyes. "You have changed so much these past 7 years."

Loki slightly grinned. "It is all because of that woman in there," he said as nodded toward the ivory doors.

A nurse stuck her head out into the hall. "Sire. We are ready for you now." Loki looked toward Sif. He had a worried expression that made Sif think of that little boy from many years ago who was afraid of his brother's thunder storms. She gave a comforting squeeze to his hand.

"You will be fine and so will Jane. Just concentrate on the positive side. You and Jane will have a son who is completely your own."

"Thank you, Sif." Loki kissed her cheek.

"I will be out here if you need me," she smiled. "Now get your ass in there."

"Can you see him yet?" Jane gasped.

"Not yet, my love. The doctor is still making his way in," Loki reassured her as he stroked her hair.

Jane closed her eyes. As she did a single salty tear slid down her face. Loki saw this and wiped it away from her cheek.

"Everything is fine, my love. It'll just be a few more minutes and then it'll all be over."

Jane nodded. "I know."

Loki smiled and kissed the top of her head.

"Nurse. Come here, please" Taj stated calmly. One of the nurses rushed over toward the doctor.

Loki looked toward the doctor's face. The look he saw on Taj was not a look one ever wants to see. The look of fear.

"Is anything the matter, Doctor?" Loki calmly asked.

Taj's eyebrows furrowed as he worked. "The cord is wrapped around the infant's neck. I'm just relieving the cord and then I can remove the child."

Jane's grip on Loki's hand tightened. Concentrating on his wife instead of the situation, he tried to sooth her. "Everything will be alright," he said to her over and over again.

With one final snip, Taj lifted the baby from Jane. Loki sucked in a breath as he looked at the blue mass that was his child.

"Do you see him? How is he?" Jane desperately asked as she lifted her head to try to catch a glimpse.

The doctor handed the bundle to a waiting nurse and then went back to the mother. "Nurse. I need you now."

"What's happening? Why can't I hear him crying?" Jane yelled.

"NURSE!" Taj yelled.

Loki looked around at the panic. "What's wrong?" he yelled. Loki's temper was wearing thin.

Taj answered as he frantically worked. "The princess is losing blood and I need to stop it before it gets worse."

"What about the baby? Is it okay?" Jane asked weakly. Her condition was becoming apparent.

Loki looked toward the nurse with his son. She was clearing out his throat. The child wasn't moving. Loki pushed any sort of feelings he had for his own flesh and blood down to a place where he couldn't feel them. He was numb. Numb to everything but Jane. For her to continue fighting, she needed to know the baby was okay.

He crouched down to her eye level. "He's fine, my love. The nurse is just cleaning him up. Getting him ready to meet his mother," Loki lied.

Jane smiled as tears flowed down her cheeks. In normal circumstances, Jane would question Loki. As talented as Loki was at lying, Jane had grown to know the signs of his lies. A twitch in his smile, the way his eyes opened a bit wider for only a second, or how he would hold his chin with his right hand. Who knows whether it was because Jane knew him that well or Loki was unable to lie to his wife. Either way, few lies got past Jane. But now, with the continuous loss of blood flowing from her, she was too drowsy to think clearly. And even in the back of her own mind, she knew that if her infant had died, there was nothing that could keep her there, not even Loki.

"Go to him. I don't want him to be alone," Jane whispered.

"He isn't alone. The nurse is with him."

"Loki. He needs one of us. He needs his father." Loki noticed Jane growing paler and paler as minutes clicked by. "Please, don't leave him alone," Jane pleaded.

He could not ignore his wife's request. It took everything in him to stand and let go of Jane's hand. "I will be right over there."

"I'll be here. I'm not going anywhere. Not until I see him," Jane smiled.

Loki walked past Taj and the other two nurses who were quickly working to stop Jane's bleeding. As he walked past, he caught a quick glimpse of Jane's incision area. It made him stop halfway toward his child. Having studied medicine with Taj, he had seen many possible outcomes to almost everything that came into the palace. Comparing what he saw in Jane and what he had seen in the past, he knew Jane's chances were not good.

"Sire? Sire?" Loki could hear a voice in the distance. A voice that sounded like it was underwater. He pulled his eyes away from Jane and directed them toward the voice. It was the nurse with his son. She was blocking the view of the child.

"Sire. I'm so sorry…," she stated. Loki's greatest nightmares were coming true. What he already knew was confirmed. The nurse was about to speak again when Loki lifted his hand to stop her.

"Don't!" He paused. "No more. Do what you will with him," Loki choked out. "I must attend…to my wife."

"But Sire, it is…," the nurse continued.

"Enough!" Loki's eyes started to go deep green again. He lifted his hand.


Loki dropped his hand and looked toward the bed at his wife. She whispered his name again, her hand outstretched for him. His eyes went back to their light green color. He dashed to her side, taking her hand in his.

"I'm here, my love. Just hang on. For us," Loki begged.

Jane smiled. She caressed his cheek with her other hand. "No one has loved me more than you. I know you'll be a good father."

A sad smile grew on Loki's face. "Shhhhh. Save your strength, my love," Loki whispered.

"Remember this, Loki. I fell in love with you. Your perfections and imperfections. The beautiful and ugly. Everything. You have done some terrible things before and after we met, but in some ways, you are better now because of them. I love you so much. Nothing has or will ever change that."

Loki squeezed his eyes together, tears starting to fall from his electric green eyes. He knew this was her version of goodbye.

"Please, Jane. Please just hold on." Loki hated himself for saying next the only thing he knew would make her think twice of letting go, but he was the god of lies. "Your son needs you."

His usual ticks and tells that Jane could see when he lied washed over her. She didn't see the lie. She closed her eyes lightly, pushing back the pain of what she felt. She wanted to be there for the rest of her life with her husband and son. Be there when her son learned to walk, to talk, played with friends, bonded with his father, but she could already feel it wasn't meant to be. She had done her part. Though Loki had tried his share of magic and herbs to help her, Jane had had a difficult pregnancy. But she had delivered her son. That's all that mattered.

"Please, Loki. Can I see my son now? I don't want to go anywhere without seeing him," she choked.

"You're not going anywhere. I forbid it!" Loki's hold on her tightened.

"Loki. Please…"

Pained to hear his wife having to beg to see their child, Loki could think of no lie that would appease her. Loki looked back toward the child. The nurse seemed to be cleaning him off. Loki knew what he had to do. He looked back at his wife and kissed her hand. "As you wish, my love."

Jane's face brightened under her porcelain skin. He stood and walked toward the child again, reminding himself to breathe in and out before he saw his dead newborn.

A loud long beeping noise started on Jane's machine. Loki quickly turned to see Jane unconscious.

"She's crashing! Nurse! Clamps! Now!" Taj yelled over the loud buzzing sound.

Loki ignored the doctor's shouting and tried to revive Jane himself. He called out her name and patted her face, but it was of no use. She wasn't waking up.

An idea dawned on him, as if some light had finally turned on. He knew a spell. It required the darkest of magic. Magic that would require the entirety of his own soul to complete correctly. He had learned this trick, among many others, from one of Asgard's darkest enemies, during the time he fought against Thor and their father.

The emerald prince placed both of his hands across his wife's cold chest, as if to give her CPR. He closed his eyes, pressed his hands against her heart, and then silently spoke the incantation within his mind as he raised his hands. Then, while keep his left hand hovered over Jane, he placed his right hand over his own heart, concentrating on the spell. He could hear the doctor and nurses fussing over Jane, but kept his mind on the task at hand. All of his attention was on saving his wife's life, even if it meant costing him his own.

A blue light painfully connected from Loki's chest to his right hand, his right hand to his left hand, to Jane's chest. No one in the room other than Loki could see this blue current. He watched it flow from himself into his wife. As it did, Loki's natural blue features and red eyes appeared. He was in his true ice giant form.

Suddenly, the stream stopped and Loki was pushed back. He lifted himself from the ground to look at Jane. Loki knew for her to live, he must die. So, why was he still alive?

Jane's form remained still. A cold fact crept into Loki's mind. For the spell to have worked, Jane had to have been still partially alive. If it didn't work, then that meant…Jane was dead.

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