I decided to do another one, so another fanfiction , I get bored with my life so I decided to write another SasuNaru fic, I can still dream about it evn if it will never be true, it will always be true in my mind SasuNaruSasu forever

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, or its characters

Chapter 1

The rain poured down on the streets of Konoha, people ran around and cars speed passed making splashes onto the pavement. Shops started to open, turning lights on, even the food places that opened up for breakfast. People were speeding to work and school, trying to get out the rain as fast as possible, some people got splashed by the cars the sped away and then they all complained while they walked around

A dark haired man walked through the streets, sun glasses on his face covering his eyes dispite it raining. He was wearing a long dark leather coat, a black dress shirt and black skinny jeans. On his feet he wore some worn out boots that was polished to make out they weren't worn out. His skin was pale which contrasted his raven coloured haired which was spiked out at the back and his bangs fell to the side of his face shaping his face.

Walking along side him was a taller male, who looks similar to the other but he had stress lines under his eyes, he was also wearing sunglasses in the rain. He had the same bangs as the shooter one but his hair was longer at the back ad was put into a loose ponytail. He was also wearing a black suit, with a white shirt and a tie, over both of their head was an umbrella which the taller one held.

People looked at the two of them strangely as they walked towards the local school and a lot of students looked at them with disgusted or eyes of pure love of how good looking both of the males looked. The male pupils couldn't understand what all the girls were squealing about and well they thought they were damn stuck up wearing sunglasses when it is raining just to look cool or so the thought while the girls walk over to them, trying to find out what their names was but they didn't answer them leaving them to pout as the two males just walked past them.

A young blonde was standing near the gates with his friends. The blonde had short spikey hair and bright blue eyes. He had tanned skin and unusual marks on his face which resembled whiskers. The boy wore a bright orange and black jacket and bright orange trousers along with black boots that were well kept.

The friends he stood with looked compleatly diffrent, one had shaggy brown hair, his eyes were quite dog like so they didn't look like normal eyes, they were a slit and he had strange markings on his face which looked like red triangles. Another one of his friends look like he was half asleep, he had a ponytail which looked like a pineapple on top of his head but other than that he looked normal. The last friend had long hair and this was tied near the bottom, he had hair that went over his sholder that was shorter than the rest of his hair, he had white eyes and wore very formal clothes for a student.

The two males walked straight passed them, well tried but the blonde back up, bumping into the smaller male. "Whoa, sorry dude, wasn't watching where I was going." The blonde said apologetically but he was shoved away by him back into his friends and then the smaller male scoffted and followed his brother. "What's his problem?" The blonde mumbled, but he couldn't seem to take his eyes off him and then he spotted the crest on the back of his jacket, confused about what it meant.

The older male walked the younger to the door. "You'll be alright won't you, little brother?" He asked. He was actually worried about his brother like every time he went to new school, he just didn't want their secret being found out and well it was harder for his little brother because he always wanted to wear the family's creast on his back.

The younger chuckled softly. "I'll be fine, Nii-San." He smiled softly, pulling off his sun glasses to show onyx coloured eyes and so the older was reassured about him going again. The older male turned on his heel, waving his hand as he walked away and the younger male knew that he was happy now.

The raven hair male then walked into the school doors, looking around. The school looked very modern and bright for a normal school but he was lucky enough that it was raining to day. He looked around at all the students, who walked around, lucky enough it was the first day of the school year and he had got an letter through explaining where he had to go to get his tutor for the rest of the year.

He walked up the stairs towards their support and guidance. Once he was there he knocked on the door but waited to be invited in. He was then told to come in and a women with short blonde hair looked at him. "What do you want?"

He blinked looking at the women, not liking the tone of her voice. "I was told that I could get my tutor from here, I'm Uchiha Sasuke." He grumbled and the lady sighed, typing his name into the computer.

"Your in room t12, your tutor is Mr. Hatake, now go away." The women sighed. Sasuke could feel that he was unwelcome here and left without a fuss, normally he would yell at her for being rude but he didn't want to be kicked out on the first day. He then turned on his heel, walking toward that classroom, he had to ask a few people where it was which he hated event though they were very kind to him and just told him which direction to go.

Just as the bell went Sasuke walked in, walking straight to the back, away from the window, he didn't care if anyone sat her normally, he wouldn't move for anyone, he preferred the back at every single school.

Suddenly all the students began to flood in, some sitting on seats but some sitting on the desks, talking and laughing to their friends. This annoyed Sasuke to no end, he wondered how petty humans could laugh all the time, he only laughed when he found something actually funny or his brother was worrying about him but he never laughed as much as everyone else. To most people Sasuke looked like a loner but that was because he was new and also because they didn't know about his dark past.

Then two girls came up to him. One of them, had pink hair and vivid green eyes, she was wearing a top that showed a bit too much and her skirt was way to short, while the other had blonde hair and pale blue eyes, she wore a purple belly top and of course a skirt which showed a bit to much.

The pinkett dicided to speak up. "So your the new kid, you better looking than I thought, so if you ever need anything and I mean anything you know where I am." She smiled sweetly, with a small blush on her face.

Sasuke just scoffted turning away. "Go away, the both of you." He grumbled and the pinkett pout but they both walked away arguing to each other. Sasuke then heard a familer voice next to him so he turned to see the blonde he had shoved this morning now, laughing and smiling with his friends. Of course he in my tutor, this is just great. He thought to himself, he was going to hate this new year.

The blonde glanced over to Sasuke giving him a smile but Sasuke just turned away. "Guys, is he the knew person, Kakashi-Sensie said about, because he's rude." He grumbled but the dog like one, shoved him playfully.

"Naruto, you like him don't you, you think he's good looking like every girl in this classroom." He grinned making the blonde one, called Naruto glare at him but he had a faint blush on his face of embarrassment. "And theirs our answer, why can't you just fall for someone like me?"

"Because you smell like dog, Kiba!" Naruto snapped before tuning away from him. "And you are being meant to me, so I rather not." The brunett pouted at the blondes response , hoping to get him to change his mind but he didn't.

About ten minutes into tutor time, a silver haired man dressed in a suit and wearing a mask walked in, reading a book. "Sorry I was late class, I was taking a lesson in the meaning of life." It was obvious this was their tutor and it was obvious that no one actually believe him when he said his excuse of why he was late.

"Kakashi-Sensei, how many times have you used that excuse." Naruto yelled out but he soon cowered down when he go a glare from the older male.

"Naruto, you do know you are meant to be on a seat not a desk?" Kakashi said, crossing his arms although his book was still open.

The blonde pouted. "But that stupid Teme is in my normal seat Kakashi-sansei." He exclaimed pointing over to Sasuke who jus scoffted in response. Kakashi then pointed to the floor, signalling him to sit on the floor. Naruto whined but did as he signalled and sat on the floor.

Kakashi then took the register to see if they were all in. "Oh and class, there is our new student, do you want to say anything to them at all." He asked, looking at Sasuke

Sasuke sighed, leaning back in his chair. "My name is Uchiha Sasuke, if you don't bother me, I won't kill you, that's all you need to know." Most of the girls squealed about him being cool and good looking while the boys and a few of the girls rolled their eyes at his speech, not liking the new guy.

"Right well nice to meet you Sasuke, now until the bell goes you can all do what the hell you wanted." Kakashi sighed, sitting in his chair and putting his legs up on the desk, reading his book.

Sasuke dicided it was more interesting to look at the wall then interact with anyone from this school, but when he heard the blondes bubbly voice he couldn't help but look over to him. Sasuke eyes then traveled down to the boys neck and he licked his lips, smiling ever so slightly so his fangs were on view but no one noticed, luckily enough