Let the healing begin
Summary: With her bending taken away Lin had finally lost everything she cared about and just when it seems there is no hope for a happy ending can an old friend help heal her heart? Linumi!
A/N: In this story after Amon was defeated they didn't go to the Southern Water Tribe. Instead Katara came to Republic City.
Chapter 1
As soon as Lin closed the door behind her she began walking as fast as she could. She had no idea where she was going exactly but she knew the Air Temple Island like the back of her hand and she figured her legs were carrying her to one of her two favorite places; either the barn where they kept Oogi's – previously Appa's- hay or a secluded spot on the beach which she and Tenzin once discovered.
Staying inside the house with all the others was not an option. She could not let anyone see her cry. Nobody could see the Great Lin Beifong cry and Lin felt this was exactly what she was going to do any moment. Amon took the most important thing for her, her bending. With Katara being the best healer in the world she still had a little bit of hope. But Katara had just confirmed that she could not restore Korra's bending. Korra was the Avatar. If there was no way to restore Korra's bending there was absolutely no chance to restore Lin's.
Lin neared the barn and since it was closer than the beach she went in and quickly ran up the stairs to the second floor, throwing herself in the hay. She didn't know why but this place has always been a source of peace for her. She had come here after every fight with Tenzin or her family.
Bumi's voice startled Lin. She hadn't known he was behind her. This only reminded her painfully that she no longer had her bending. Because if she did she would have known that he was standing behind her, she would have sensed him the second he even started to walk towards her.
Lin ignored him and closed her eyes, trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall. She felt like that was all she did since Amon took her bending. Maybe she had been doing that a lot longer than she herself realized.
"Are you alright?" asked Bumi, walking a little closer to her.
Lin opened her eyes but wouldn't look at him, "I'm fine."
"That was the worst lie ever and we both know it,"
Lin gritted her teeth and glared at him as she rose to her feet.
"What do you want, Bumi? I'm not in a mood, "she told him, folding her arms across her chest.
"I'm not going to pretend to know what you are going through right now because I don't. But I just wanted to let you know that I'm here for you."
Lin snorted, "Oh, really?! Since when?"
Bumi's voice was so soft that Lin almost didn't hear it. This behavior of his was so unlike the Bumi she knew that even though it was supposed to comfort her, it only made Lin angrier. At this moment all she wanted was to see his smug smile, to hear him make some inappropriate joke or for him to flirt with her like he had always done. All she wanted was the old Bumi back. She wanted everything back the way it was. Lin advanced threateningly towards him. He did not take a step back like anyone else would have in his place but straightened his posture.
"You haven't seen me in ten years, haven't answered any of my letters and haven't talked to me since Tenzin broke up with me. I feel like if you saw me on the street you would pretend like I don't even exist. Now, you are here in front of me after all this time telling me that I can rely on you?"
"You can,"
"Like hell!" yelled Lin, barely holding back her emotions.
"You can," insisted Bumi still keeping his voice soft and calm, which only irritated Lin even further.
Bumi stayed silent and turned away from her, trying to hide the truth that she could see if she looked into his blue eyes. But he was so tired of hiding it. He tried to hide it ever since he had returned from his first two-year trip with the United Nations, waiting for the right moment to tell her of his feelings. When he had returned he decided to wait a few days, then a few weeks. Then he had just gathered enough courage to finally ask Lin on a date when she and Tenzin announced to the family that they were seeing each other.
The others were so busy congratulating and being happy for the new couple that nobody noticed him walking out of the room; only Toph. He suspected that she had known long before that moment because of her ability to feel people's heartbeats and she had probably sensed his heart beating like crazy every time Lin was in the same room as him.
It was Toph that found him moments later in his room trying to hold back his tears; it was Toph that took him in her arms, rubbing a soothing hand on his back, not saying anything because she knew from her own experience with Sokka that in that moment nothing she said would have helped him with his pain. They never talked about it later but he was very grateful that she had not said anything to anyone about his feelings for Lin.
After that he decided to join the United Nations permanently. He knew his parents had always wondered what had changed his mind but he never told them.
It only took the pressure of her hand on his arm to get him out of his trance. It was now or never, Bumi thought to himself before turning around and placing his hands around her waist, yanking her up against his body. Lin's eyes widened more in confusion than surprise by the determined look on his face.
Lin put her hands on his chest trying to create some distance between them, "Bumi…"
She froze even more surprised by his next actions. One of Bumi's hands released her waist and reached up to grasp the back of her head, holding her close to him as he leaned forward and did the one thing he had dreamed of for years; he pressed his lips to hers.
At first Bumi thought that he had made the biggest mistake of his life but then he felt her hands push into his hair, pulling him closer and not giving him a chance to back off; like he even wanted to let her go. He started to walk forward and her legs hit the hay and she fell backwards on top of it not loosening her grip on Bumi. As he landed on top of her, his mouth south hers, eager to feel her lips on his again.
Having had a taste of what it was like to kiss Lin, he didn't think he could ever have the strength to pull away from her. His lips traveled to her neck and as Lin thought how she wanted to metalbend her uniform off so she could give him more access, she remembered that she couldn't. The second the thought entered her mind tears pooled in her eyes and she put her hands on Bumi's chest, pushing him away.
She rose to her feet and started moving as fast as she could down the stairs and towards the exit, whipping the tears from her eyes and ignoring Bumi as he called her name. She had just come out of the barn when she felt his hand closing around her arm and turning her to face him.
Tenzin knew Lin had lost her bending and that she had probably been aware that was going to happen and still protected his family. It meant a lot to him and he would forever be thankful but he hadn't said anything to her, knowing she wouldn't want him to. He was aware of how much earthbending meant to her. It was earthbending that connected her with her mother and after her death it was the only thing Lin had left of her. Tenzin thought that all Lin needed right now was to be left alone.
But now that Korra could restore her bending all he wanted to do was tell her and to watch as the hope return to her eyes. He felt excited just thinking of giving her a reason to smile again. Tenzin figured Lin had gone to the barn so he made his ways towards it. It was one of Lin's favorite places to go when she was upset about something.
Even though he was engrossed in the memories of the times they had spent there, Tenzin noticed Lin exiting the barn in a hurry. With a big smile forming on his face he was just about to call her name when he noticed Bumi running after her, taking hold of her arm and turning her to face him. They looked like they were arguing about something. The smile disappeared from his face immediately. Tenzin had warned his brother not to bother Lin at this moment but being as stubborn as he is his brother hadn't listened to him at all.
Quickening his step he got close enough to hear what they were saying.
"Lin, please…"
"Bumi, I don't want to talk about it right now,"
"I just need to know that I haven't ruined our friendship," he said, his eyes pleading with her.
"Is something wrong?" inquired Tenzin, reaching them.
They both answered in unison, "No."
Tenzin observed them suspiciously. They both avoided looking at each other. Lin was looking at the ground and Bumi pretended to be very interested in something in the sky. What surprised Tenzin was that Lin was blushing furiously but he decided to interrogate his brother about it later. He had good news to share now.
"Lin, you wouldn't believe what happened! Korra got her bending back!"
"What?" gasped Lin. "How?"
"To cut a long story short Dad restored her bending,"
"What do you mean Dad restored her bending?"
Tenzin sighed, "Korra connected to her spiritual self. She can speak to her past lives now and Dad told her that when someone hit their lowest point they are opened to the greatest change and restored her bending."
Bumi nodded, "Yes, sounds like Dad."
"Anyway," continued Tenzin, "Korra can restore your bending as well, Lin!"
Lin didn't dare to let herself hope, "Really? You're sure?"
"Positive," replied Tenzin, smiling.
Bumi's arms went around Lin's waist, embracing her and lifting her from the ground so that he can twirl her around in excitement.
"You will be able to earthbend again, Lin!" he laughed, putting her back down but keeping his hands around her.
"That's just awesome...-ly not good for me," said Bumi as he saw the uncomfortable look on Lin's face. He made a note to himself to stay out of her way for a few days once she got her bending back, afraid of becoming a target for her flying boulders and metal cables.
Tenzin watched them as they went back to looking everywhere else except at each other. He wondered what had happened between them.
"Lin, you should go find Korra," he said, breaking the uncomfortable silence that had settled between them.
Lin nodded. She glanced at Bumi, catching his gaze and looking away quickly, blushing. She walked away, leaving the two brothers to stare after her.
"What did you do?" asked Tenzin, after Lin was out of earshot.
"Nothing that concerns you," snapped Bumi, walking away.
Tenzin was taken aback by his brother's response but choose to ignore it for now and followed him back to the house.